Types of tying shoelaces: an overview of options, features and recommendations

Today, the trend is to look stylish and original. There are many ways to tie shoelaces. Imagine how many times you can soriginalichat? We will look at the most popular and original ways of tying shoelaces. Some of them are surprisingly simple to master others - you have to try.

More recently, the question of how to tie the laces nicely on sneakers or any other shoes did not bother anyone. However, the situation has changed dramatically with the advent of bright shoelaces. Of course, due to the combination of different colors, the "portion" of attention from others only increases. Therefore, this topic is relevant as never before, especially with the arrival of the long-awaited spring.

Classics of the genre

shoelace classic

Almost every day we tie the shoelaces as adults taught us in childhood. Therefore, this method is rightly called classical. The lace is passed through the bottom holes of the shoe and brought out. After this, the ends need to be crossed, and pass from the inside out through the holes.

Cross stitch

In order to tie the laces with a cross, you must carefully calculate the number of holes for the laces. If the quantity is even, then it is necessary to lace up outside, and if it is odd, inside.

how to tie laces on sneakers beautifully

The lace must be tucked into the bottom row and at the same time distribute the length so that the ends are the same. If the ends of the lace at the stage of tying are outside, then they must be tucked into the hole in the same way. Thus, crosses will be formed alternately. If you use this method of tying, then the laces will last much longer. Tested in practice by many lovers in a different way to tie shoelaces.

The snake

Usually in the morning everyone is in a hurry to work or study. Therefore, everyone is used to economically approach the consumption of morning time. One of the fastest ways to tie shoelaces on boots is the “snake”. This type of lacing does not involve tying at the end with a familiar bow. It will take you no more than one minute to complete this lacing.

original ways to tie shoelaces

So, at one end of the lace you need to tie a tight knot, and its size should be slightly larger than the hole for the lace. Then it is necessary to pass it through the upper hole so that the knot is inside the boot. The other end of the lace must be threaded into the opposite upper hole inside the shoe, then lead it up through the second hole on the opposite side. Similarly, you need to thread both laces to the bottom. The result is two rows: the upper straight and the lower oblique. The free end must be threaded between the rows to the top, tightened and tucked into the boot. A little practice - and you will master this method of lacing perfectly in a short period of time.


If you are a supporter of the classics, then this is the most “neat” way of tying shoelaces for you. More this type of lacing is known as internal or hidden. Outside, you see perfect horizontal stripes, and all the weaving is hidden from the eyes inside.

ways to tie shoelaces

You need to stretch one end of the lace to the very top, and pass the other through all the holes of the shoe. This method is ideal only if your shoe has an even number of pairs of holes. It will not be easy to align the tails of the laces, however, if you try, the lacing will look neat and stylish.

Simple lacing

One of the most basic ways of tying shoelaces, also known as “hidden lacing”.

how to tie shoelaces

The lace must be tucked into the bottom row of holes, after which its ends will be inside the boot or sneaker. Bring one end up, and let the other snake down so that the horizontal lines are on top of the shoes, and the vertical ones are inside. This method can only be used if the boot has an even number of lace holes.


ways to tie shoelaces on sneakers

There are different ways of tying shoelaces. One of the most creative is a ladder. It looks neat and very original. All that is needed is to arm yourself with a long cord. First you need to tuck the lace into the lower holes so that both ends are outside. After that, distribute the length of the lace evenly. Then you need to fill each end into a nearby hole. Once the end of the lace is inside the shoe (sneaker), you must cross and insert the lace into the opposite hole (diagonally). The laces will come out through the same holes through which they were tucked in. Similarly, continue the lacing process. Lacing made in this form is one of the most durable, but tightly tightening it over the leg is quite difficult.


But lovers of tight tightening of the laces on shoes, this method must be remembered. Thanks to this lacing, the life of the laces is extended.

different ways of tying shoelaces

You need to start traditionally, but at the stage of crossing the laces you need to make some kind of imitation of the knot, as shown in the photo. Since the cord does not tighten tightly into the assembly, it must be tucked into the next hole. Thus, a nodule is formed.


There are many ways of tying shoelaces, but one cannot but mention another very original kind of lacing: the “spiral”.

methods of tying shoelaces on shoes

It is necessary to thread the lace through the lower holes, and bring the ends out and align them in length. Cross the equal ends and twist one around the other two times so that a spiral forms. Then pass in the same way through the other holes of the boot to the outside. Repeat the action until the lace occupies all the free holes of the boot. This kind of lacing made by white laces on black shoes looks quite original and catchy.


In order to perform the simplest original way of lacing, you need to choose two pairs of identical laces that differ in color. For example, you can take the laces in white and black, so that there is a contrast. First, take one white lace and one black. Sew them so that an excessively thick layer or knot does not form. For convenience, cut the caps from each lace, including so that in the future, when worn, they do not rub the leg. The resulting two-color shoelaces must be laced in any way you like so that the joint (seam) is not visible.

Chess player

tying shoelaces on sneakers in different ways

This method is relevant only if on sneakers or other shoes a wide field for lacing. You need to buy flat but tight laces.

We pass the first lace through the holes of the shoe in a simple direct way. Another must be done in a vertical way, while observing the order of colors. Of course, this type of lacing will cause a lot of trouble, it will take a lot of time to complete it. However, the result will only please you. At the same time, mentally prepare yourself for the fact that when you remove your shoes, the drawing will be deformed. Therefore, you will have to constantly monitor the "laying" of laces.

Ways to tie shoelaces on sneakers

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, sports are a must. Of course, during training, and especially when running, legs should be comfortable. Therefore, you need to choose the right special shoes. Few people know that for maximum comfort and convenience, athletes lace up shoes in special ways.


methods of tying shoelaces the most original

Tying shoelaces on sneakers in different ways is an opportunity to change something in appearance without additional costs and investments. "Changeling" is an original and simple way of lacing. As the famous proverb says, all ingenious is surprisingly simple. To lace up shoes or sneakers in this way, you need to buy two pairs of flat dense laces of different colors in advance. The “shifters” method is usually used by the European military.

Convenience is achieved due to the pressure from the tension of the laces, which takes on a dense fabric around the holes.

ways to tie laces on sneakers

You need to put one lace on top of another and lace up in a way known since childhood, just the opposite. When buying laces, pay attention to thin and flat products. Otherwise, thick laces only form a dense layer on which the pattern will be poorly visible. This type of lacing is suitable for sneakers in which you go for a run.

There are ways to tie laces on sneakers specifically for cycling. It is necessary to insert the laces in the bottom row of holes so that the ends are on the outside (outside). Then pass one end into the inner hole of the opposite side. Insert another lace into the hole, which is located above the first end of the lace inside the shoe. Then bring it out from the opposite side. Next, perform similar actions. Moreover, the principle of lacing is quite simple: pull the lace brought inside the shoe to the outside, and vice versa.

"Saw" for 5 holes

methods of tying shoelaces 5 holes

There are several ways to tie shoelaces in 5 holes on sneakers and sneakers. However, the “saw” is the easiest to perform and original in appearance. So, the lace must be passed through the lower holes and both ends should be taken into the shoe. Lift the right end upwards from the inside and extend it horizontally to the opposite side. And stretch the left lace obliquely in the inside and pass through one hole. Then horizontally lead into the hole on the opposite side. In the same way continue to lace up to the top. At the “finish” it is necessary to lift one end from its side into the inside of the sneaker (boot) and bring it out.

Methods for tying shoelaces

interesting ways to tie shoelaces

“Zipper” - this name is more common among fans of creative lacing. This method is considered one of the most beautiful and strong. Therefore, it is usually used by those for whom the feeling of a bird's eye view coupled with reliability is the highest pleasure: skaters and skaters.

In order to perform such a lacing, you will have to work a little. It is necessary to fill one string first in the lower holes, and then evenly distribute both ends. Then skip the laces from the bottom up under the formed “bridge” of the sneaker (boot). After that, it is necessary to cross the laces together and tuck them into the following holes from the inside to the outside. Pass the two ends under the lace of the hole from which they were released, cross again and tuck inward. Carry out further actions by analogy to the very top.

methods of tying shoelaces on skates

And this is not the whole list of ways of lacing shoes or sneakers. Try inventing your own ways of tying shoelaces. Do not be afraid to experiment and turn your shoes into something original and unique.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7173/

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