How to make a paper bracelet: step-by-step instructions

Many people like to create jewelry with their own hands. The motives for this are different for everyone: someone wants to become the owner of an exclusive, someone just likes to create, while others are chasing changeable fashion trends. In this case, the most unusual materials are used. For example, this article will talk about how to make a bracelet out of paper.

The advantage of the material used

The fashion for paper jewelry came to us from the distant 60s, along with other trends that have returned from the past. This is an ideal material for creating something, because it keeps its shape perfectly and is very malleable, the main thing in working with it is patience and accuracy.

It would seem that paper is an extremely fragile base, but with additional fixation it can withstand small mechanical loads, it is enough to have glue or varnish on hand. Before you make a paper bracelet with your own hands, you will also need to choose one of the many manufacturing options and, of course, the material used. Indeed, today there are a huge number of types of paper, different in color, density and texture.

how to make a paper bracelet

What is required for work

To create a paper decoration you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • ruler;
  • A4 paper, preferably thick;
  • pencil for marking;
  • large beads;
  • thin transparent fishing line.

How to make a paper bracelet in stages

This method involves the creation of jewelry from paper beads, so it is quite painstaking and complex.

how to make a paper bracelet with your own hands

  1. First you need to correctly mark the sheet into triangles. To do this, measure 2 cm to the right of the lower edge and draw a line diagonally to the upper left corner. Then step back 3 cm from the new mark and connect it with a straight line with the old one so that a triangle appears. By the same principle, you need to draw the entire sheet.
  2. Cut the resulting shapes.
  3. Using a pencil, you need to twist the triangles into a roll, starting to wind strips on a wooden base from a wide edge. Since making a paper bracelet in this way is a little difficult for a beginner, it’s best to practice making it using unnecessary material, such as an old newspaper.
  4. Thin tip will need to be smeared with glue before wrapping it around the pencil.
  5. Having moved the bead to the very edge, it must be completely dipped in PVA and allowed to dry. If a bracelet requires many elements, it is better to change the bead on a toothpick so as not to peel the paper when trying to peel it off the pencil.
  6. When all the beads are ready, the question is how to make a paper bracelet with your own hands? will fall away by itself, because here you can give free rein to imagination.

Further, it all depends on how the creator himself wants to see the jewelry. For example, paper beads can be alternated with prepared ones in advance - then the bracelet will turn out to be thin, but long, or thick, if you use a slightly different technology:

  • The fishing line must be threaded into the bead at one end, the other should be skipped from the opposite side and pulled so that they tightly wrap around the paper element.
  • To put on bead from each edge.
  • With the next bead, it is required to do similar manipulations, passing a fishing line through it from two sides. In fact, the same technology is used in beadwork, so for those who are familiar with this type of needlework, there should be no problems. The ends of the fishing line are fixed with a simple knot when reaching the required length of the decoration.

Origami technique: how to make a paper bracelet

For beginners, this method is best suited. You only need paper and scissors. The sheet format is unimportant, the main thing is bright colors. Therefore, to create an ornament, it is better to take special paper for origami, as it can be very beautiful and pleasant to the touch. The only drawback of such a bracelet is its relative fragility.

how to make a paper bracelet for beginners

  1. The paper needs to be divided into strips across the width of the sheet, then cut them out. It is desirable that they were not very thin, otherwise in the future the elements will be difficult to add.
  2. Then, the cut strip should be folded 4 times along, bending the edges inside the workpiece, and then 3 times in half: in the middle and along the edges (the ends should be folded to the central fold so that two pockets are obtained).
  3. There are several such details to be made.
  4. The blanks should be connected in a zigzag fashion, putting one into the other (for this, "pockets" are needed).
  5. When the bracelet reaches the desired length, the ends simply connect to each other in the same way as the other elements.

how to make a paper bracelet in stages

Of course, there are many ways to make a bracelet out of paper, but the ones listed here are the most common. Master classes on the Web are dedicated to them, which will help to understand the tricks of creating jewelry.


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