When the ears of a Chihuahua arise: characteristics of the breed, features of development and content, photo

One of the characteristic features of the appearance of this breed of dogs is the ears. The hearing organs of the smallest pets have a certain standard. When the ears of a chihuahua stand, they become a beautiful V-shape that tapers from the base of the head to the sharp tip.

Breed history

There are several versions of the origin of the smallest dogs. According to the first option, Mexico is considered the birthplace of a chihuahua. Moreover, the name of the breed comes from the designation of the border Mexican state - Chihuahua. Archaeological excavations in South America indicate the emergence of babies in the 5th century AD. Small very dogs were valued by the nobility of the Toltec tribe. The ancestors of modern Chihuahuas were called techichi and were larger than their miniature descendants. Dogs did not know how to bark, but made very original sounds. But this did not stop them from being the favorites of their owners.

Short-haired chihuahua

The second version of the origin of the breed says that the direct African ancestor of the Chihuahua is the North African fennec fox. Big round eyes and huge ears testify to kinship.

The first Chihuahuas came to Europe thanks to the Spanish conquistadors who conquered Mexico. The intruders liked the dogs so much that they decided to take a few individuals with them. In America, Chihuahuas were due to the acquisition of the first pet by American dog handler James Watson. Unknown breed began to mate with toy terriers, papillons, Pomeranian. As a result, there are modern Chihuahas as we know them now.

Varieties of chihuahua

Back in 1888, thanks to the American dog handler James Watson, who dared to associate his chihuahua with an English toy terrier, a smooth-haired breed appeared. Dogs turned out to be an unusual reddish-brownish hue, which has survived to this day. Then it became clear when the ears of a Chihuahua get up.

Long-haired chihuahuas were born as a result of a union of little Mexicans and Spanish papillons. From the ancestors, the doggie got a beautiful slightly wavy fur, large eyes and magnificent ears, which enable its owners to hear any rustle.

Long haired chihuahua

It is noteworthy that until 1952, both varieties were considered one type of breed. But in the middle of the twentieth century, the leadership of the ACC identified two phenomenological species of Chihuahua. Currently, two varieties can be crossed among themselves. In such a union both long-haired and short-haired puppies are born.

Character Features of Chihuahua

The smallest dogs have a pretty strong character. The nature of the pet often depends on how many months the Chihuahua has ears. After all, this criterion is evidence of the correct development and excellent health of the kids. As you know, a sick dog is subject to frequent attacks of tantrums and moods.

The character of an absolutely healthy pet is distinguished by courage and dignity. Mini-dogs have not only a proud posture. They behave extremely majestically. The look of a chihuahua is the look of a master and a winner. Possessing small stature, dogs are not cowards at all. A brave heart beats in a tiny chest, and the pets themselves are ready to protect their owners to the last drop of blood.

Chihuahuas are patient with their children, but by no means allow themselves to be pushed around. They are not hysterical, but on occasion can show character. Especially if something is imposed on them against their will. And woe to the one who decides to pet the dog, especially when he is sitting in the arms of the owner. The daredevil simply risks being left without fingers.

Chihuahua character

Adoring her owners, a chihuahua is offended if he is not given proper attention. The pet is able to sulk until the offender doesn’t kill him with something tasty.

Well, of course, the Chuns are very curious. They are active helpers of their home in all their endeavors. Cleaning, shopping or going to a restaurant - dogs everywhere will be real companions. Moreover, they are a magnificent pocket guard. Taking a pet with him somewhere, the owner can be calm at his own expense: a small guard will not let a stranger close to his household things.

Pet Care Specifics

Chihuahuas, like any other dog breed, must be taken care of daily. If the pet has a long coat, it needs to be combed out at least two to three times a week. A smooth-haired dog is combed with a special massage brush made of natural bristles.

When the Chihuahua's ears are raised, they need to be checked from time to time for dirt and secretions. In a healthy dog, no fluid should leak from the ears. In case of contamination, the hearing organs must be cleaned with cotton swabs soaked in a special tool.

Chihuahua Care

Doggie claws need to be trimmed periodically.

The teeth of the animal also need care. To avoid yellow plaque, the dog’s fangs should be cleaned with a special tool and a brush. In addition, you can give your pet gnaw bones from bovine skin, dog biscuits or biscuits. In order for the Chihuahua's fur to shine and not to shag, it is necessary to bathe the baby at least once every three to four months. It is recommended to dry the dog with a hairdryer so that the baby does not catch a cold.

At what age do Chihuahuas get ears: opinion of dog handlers

Normally, the ears of the dogs should be huge, widely spaced and erect. This indicates the normal development of cartilage of the auditory organs. Semi-persistent or drooping ears are considered a vice. However, if they have fallen after they have already formed - do not immediately worry. This sometimes happens when a puppy's teeth change - usually at the age of three months. In just a few days, the hearing organs will return to normal if the pet is healthy.

What time do chihuahuas get up? In healthy, well-developed puppies, the ears take an upright position starting from a month old. Moreover, the smaller the dog - the earlier his hearing organs rise. It all depends on the speed of strengthening the ear cartilage. In newborn dogs, it is soft, as a result of which all pets are born with hanging burrows.

When a Chihuahua’s ears get up late: what to do in this situation

In what cases does this problem arise? There are several reasons:

  • Improper feeding of a pregnant and lactating female;
  • Heredity;
  • Thin ear cartilage.

It happens that ears that have risen suddenly drop. This can occur due to stress, insufficient calcium or phosphorus in the diet, large hearing organs, or routine vaccination.

Chihuahua puppies

In most cases, the problem goes away after the cause is resolved. But there are times when the ears need to be glued so that they form correctly. To do this, you need a medical plaster about 2.5 cm wide, scissors and a tire made of soft material at hand (you can use the ballpoint pen), which is slightly shorter than the ear itself. It is necessary to cut out an ear-sized petal from the adhesive plaster, attach a splint on the sticky side and stick the entire structure to the inside of the hearing organ. This procedure does not need to be done when the Chihuahua's ears should stand up. You need to glue the flaps from two to three months of age. In this case, the design is not removed until the change of all teeth from milk to permanent.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F718/

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