How to feed sphinx kittens, rules of care, care, advice of veterinarians

This article will be useful to those who decided to have a sphinx kitten. To care for this breed put forward special requirements. It is even important here how to properly feed the sphinx kitten. First things first.

Kitten Care Features

What should be done to make the kitten healthy? Let's look at the features of care:

  1. It is necessary to maintain room temperature not lower than 25 degrees. Otherwise, the baby will freeze and may become ill.
  2. Protect the kitten, and then the adult pet, from burns. Cats have no hair, and besides, their skin is very delicate. They love warm places. Therefore, it is important to monitor the temperature of the radiators. If the heater is heated to high temperatures, then the animal must be protected. For example, cover the radiator with a cloak if the fire safety conditions allow it.
  3. Avoid exposure to the kitten in direct sunlight. This is again due to very sensitive skin. A kitten can get a sunburn. No matter how amazing it sounds, but the skin of these cats under the influence of sunlight becomes tan.
  4. If the optimum temperature in the room is 25 degrees, and sometimes a little lower, then the pet can wear a special warm jumpsuit. Make sure that he does not hamper the movement, was comfortable.
how to feed a sphinx kitten in 1.5 months

Special skin care

Since sphinx kittens are hairless, the production of sebaceous glands accumulates on the skin, especially in folds. You must not forget to wipe the baby with a damp cloth. If mistakes were made, and a greasy crust formed, it will help to remove the usual baby cream. It is applied to the damaged area. And after a while it can be removed with the same cloth. Special oils or creams help restore kitten's flaky skin. Since often, due to the high temperature in the room, the skin can dry out and begin to peel off.

If the kitten has black dots on the skin, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a veterinarian. He will show how and how to deal with them.


Be sure to bathe the baby. You can up to four times a month. Sphinx kittens get dirty pretty quickly. Therefore, they should be bathed more often than ordinary cats. Basically, this breed reacts calmly to water procedures, they even like it. The temperature of the bathing water is the same as that for newborns. Special bathing equipment is needed. When taking water procedures, it is necessary to ensure that water does not enter the auricle. After bathing, the kitten is wiped with a towel (not hard).

Ear, Claw, and Eye Care

Special ear care is required. Sphinxes do not have hair here either, so they get dirty quickly. It is better to clean them with a napkin, as cotton buds can damage the skin.

Careful eye care is required. These kittens have no eyelashes. Therefore, they are absolutely defenseless. For a day they need to be wiped more than once. For each eye - a clean cloth soaked in a special solution, tea is allowed. A little discharge from the eyes is the norm. But if the discharge has increased, their color has changed, the smell has appeared, then you need to consult a veterinarian. Sphinx kittens must cut their claws. Otherwise, they will cling and interfere with the pet.


how to feed the don sphynx kitten

This cat breed is very active, playful. And if there is an opportunity not to specially play a dirty trick, then they will not miss it. Throw balls, pull handles and the like. It is advisable to allocate a kitten a special place for games. He will have to spend his energy in a day. Also, these cats love communication, hugs. The pet likes to be in the circle of people more.

Kitten in a new house. Features of nutrition in the early days

Particular attention is paid to the diet of the kitten. You need to know how many times to feed a sphinx kitten. Since this breed sometimes does not know the measure in food. There are no special food requirements. Kittens are omnivores, they have good digestion. They only eat much more often. Since a lot of energy goes to warming the body. How to feed sphinx kittens after being brought home? There is a slight requirement. In the early days, the kitten should be fed the same food that the breeder had. Since for a baby, a change of residence is stress. Therefore, its diet needs to be changed gradually. Need to give the kitten to adapt.

Sphinx kitten feeding

how to feed sphinx kittens

The nutrition of kittens depends on the age of the baby. For example, a breeder has no problems than feeding a sphinx kitten in 1.5 months. Since at that age, mother’s milk is enough for the baby. And after two months, complementary foods are introduced. You need to know how to feed sphinx kittens at this age. If the kitten is completely tiny, then you need a special one. Usually it is boiled beef, sometimes you can also give raw meat. The kitten will benefit from cottage cheese, boiled quail eggs. If you bought dry food for kittens (for example, Royal Canin), then it must first be soaked. How much to feed a sphinx kitten? Feed the kitten up to six times a day. It turns out that you have to get up at night to feed the pet. If the owner likes to sleep, then there is an option to put the kitten to sleep with him. But there is a high probability of injuring the baby in a dream. Yes, and then he will not be able to teach him to sleep separately anymore. And already closer to five months the kitten can be transferred to three meals a day. If the apartment is cool, then you can feed four times. We must not forget to leave the kitten clean drinking water.

Below we consider the features of care and feeding of the Canadian and Don sphynx kitten.

Canadian Sphinx

how much to feed a sphinx kitten

The breed Canadian Sphynx was obtained as a result of prolonged selection. Because these kittens are not famous for their health. They stand out with small ears and long paws. They have more skin problems. It is covered with a small fluff, and this creates problems for its cleaning. Although kittens have fewer folds where sebaceous secretions accumulate. This is their little plus sign. Teeth require special attention. They are quite weak, often caries. Therefore, you must regularly brush your teeth. Also, these babies need to be fed only with special food.

How to feed a Canadian sphynx kitten, it is better to check with the breeder. There is also a rule that you should not quickly transfer the baby to a new feed. After the kitten has been transferred to food, it should not be changed throughout life. Therefore, if the purchased food was selected for feeding, whether dry or liquid, it is better to take one brand. You need to choose depending on the age indicated on the package. The manufacturer must be checked. Not always expensive food will be of high quality. Before the final purchase, you need to fully familiarize yourself with the composition.

how to feed sphinx kittens

Natural nutrition for the sphinx

If the choice fell on food prepared independently, it is important to know how to feed the sphinx kittens. About it further. In the diet should be:

  • meat products (raw and boiled), they should be the majority;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk);
  • peeled sea fish;
  • boiled yolk;
  • cheese;
  • crackers (for brushing teeth).

Do not forget to eat, for example, porridge, add oil. This will improve the digestion of the kitten. The main thing is that the food is right. That is, the kitten grows, and it needs products for the growth of strong bones, the digestive system must develop correctly.

If it is not possible to cook a kitten every day, then you can prepare some food for the future. For example, boil more meat in advance. The main thing is that the baby should not be fed spoiled food. Unfinished foods are best removed immediately. This does not apply only to water and dry food.

Number of Bowls and Serving Size

What you need to know for those who are interested in what to feed the Canadian sphynx kitten and how to do it right? The kitten must have two or three bowls. One is water that changes every day. In the second bowl you will put food. If the feed is mixed, then a third bowl will be needed. It will contain natural food. Before each feeding, the dishes are washed well. It is desirable to feed by the hour. It will be convenient for both the kitten and the owner. At one meal, the kitten must replenish energy reserves. Food should not be much or little. It is not difficult to figure out how to feed a sphinx kitten, but many people confuse how much food should be in a single meal. On average, 5% of the total weight of the pet is taken. In addition to the main food, a special herb for cleaning the kitten’s stomach will not hurt. But indoor plants have to be hidden. Otherwise, the kitten may begin to nibble them. Some house plants are poisonous to kittens.

Forbidden food

Kittens are really omnivorous, and the question of how to feed sphinx kittens may seem easy for a beginner. But you also need to know the list of prohibited products for a sphinx kitten:

  • raw fish (river);
  • fish bones, chicken;
  • high fat meat;
  • dishes with spices;
  • food from the host table;
  • sweet and flour foods;
  • dog food (a kitten just can start eating dog food if there is a dog in the house).

Care must be taken not to have access to this food.

how to feed sphynx kittens

Don Sphinx. Care Features

This breed has a strong physique and good health. Don kitten is easier to care for. Although they are distinguished by the fact that the baby needs to immediately make it clear who is the boss in the house. Otherwise, it will be difficult to educate him. The kid is rich in folds since childhood. When bathing, it is necessary to rinse each. After taking a bath, the kitten needs to dry well. Additionally, it is wiped with a napkin. If necessary, you can use a baby cream. Ears require careful care. They are larger than Canadians, and completely hairless. Sulfur and dust accumulate very quickly in them.

It turns out that these kittens differ only in appearance and care features. There is no particular difference in nutrition. But since both of these breeds love to eat, you need to follow them. Such a pet cannot be fat, it must remain playful.

How to feed the Don Sphinx (kitten)? You can give him both "natural" and dry food. It is important that the diet is balanced. That is, there should be enough fat, protein, carbohydrates. These cats spend a lot of energy on warming.

Tips of veterinarians and owners of sphinxes

Those who plan to have a sphinx will find it useful to know the following:

  1. Before buying a kitten, you need to think several times whether it will be possible to cope with taking care of it. Since these hairless kittens require a lot of attention and peculiar care. They need to spend no less time than a child.
  2. To prepare everything at home for a new tenant: a place, dishes, a scratching post, a tray, special cosmetics for care and washing. Remove all dangerous objects and flowers from the access area.
  3. It is necessary to obtain the necessary information from the breeder about vaccinations, preferences of the kitten, what kind of food it was, whether there is an allergy.
  4. You need to properly compose a kitten's menu by age, taking into account the necessary vitamins, minerals and calories. It is necessary that the baby develops correctly. You need to know how to feed sphinx kittens.
  5. It is necessary to feed from one dish, in one place and at the same time. Do not give food from the table. This is harmful for the kitten, and so it will grow spoiled. Proper feeding will ensure the kitten has a long life.
  6. It is necessary to make sure that the kitten does not have spoiled food in the dishes. It’s necessary so that there is always clean drinking water in the bowl.
  7. If the food for the kitten is from the store, then it must meet all the requirements for content, calorie content and age. Be sure to look at the date of manufacture.
  8. You need to deal with a kitten, he must have time to spend all the energy in a day.
  9. Vaccination should be done on time, and in case of health problems, immediately contact a veterinary clinic, self-medication should not be allowed.
how many times to feed a sphinx kitten


Now you know how to feed a sphinx kitten 2 months old and older. We also examined the features of caring for representatives of this type of cat. Sphinxes are a rather interesting breed, although with its own characteristics in terms of maintenance and care. When the baby settles in the apartment, you will have to get used to the constantly high temperature. Kittens do not like drafts. You should get air fresheners in advance, and if necessary, heating devices, but taking into account that the kitten does not burn themselves. Be sure to monitor proper nutrition. It will come out much cheaper than treating a kitten due to a lack of the same vitamins or digestive system diseases. Well, you need to be prepared for the fact that these are playful animals. They like to play pranks at any age. But in return they are not greedy for love and affection.


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