Briefly about how to fill the foundation under the bath

A bathhouse in the suburbs is one of the most necessary outbuildings, which are often erected immediately after the construction of the house itself. Of course, compared with the living quarters themselves, the hassle with its construction is less, but it can’t do without them at all. For example, novice builders often have problems with how to fill the foundation under the bath.

how to fill the foundation under the bath
In ancient times, the question of erecting a separate base for a steam room was not puzzled: it was simply put on stacked stones, and the lower crowns were made of larch or oak. These types of wood are almost not rotten. These premises did not serve for decades, and therefore the question of their safety was not so relevant. Unfortunately, the cost of building materials leaves no choice, and therefore the question of how to fill the foundation under the bath is extremely relevant.

The foundation is the foundation of any building, since in many ways its functionality and durability depend on it. Before choosing its type, be sure to find out the soil characteristics on the site. If the bath is supposed to be built on sandstones, you can not do without a concrete pillow. However, one will have to think about it in the peat bog too. In a word, it’s just not possible to fill the foundation just like that.

Using Column Type

pour the foundation

This option is the simplest and least expensive. The distance between the columns of the foundation in this case is about a meter and a half. As you can understand, they should stand strictly upright. Please note that the depth of the columns should be at least 0.3 m greater than the depth of soil freezing in your area. After their installation, waterproofing is applied, and the first crowns are pointed at it. If you are thinking about how to fill the foundation under the bathhouse and not go broke at the same time, you should pay attention to the columnar variety.

Using tape type

This type of foundation is one of the most universal and highly reliable. Before you properly fill the foundation under the bath, determine its appearance. Under ordinary conditions, the tape type is poured in the form of a monolithic structure, but on particularly complex and unstable soils, composite varieties are used that more evenly distribute the load on the soil.

how to pour the foundation under the bath
In advance, a trench for digging is dug, covered with large river sand and slightly spilled with water. So strengthen the base and walls of the moat. After that, if necessary, fittings are laid, and then concrete mortar is poured . In the case of a small bathhouse and stable soils on pouring, you can save by alternating layers of sand and gravel mix and concrete. The strip foundation is poured to a depth of at least 75 cm.

Immediately solve the question of how high the formwork will come out of the ground. However, right in it you can put the first crowns, pouring them with concrete. Think not only about how to fill the foundation under the bath, but also about the upcoming blind area device, which will protect it from erosion. Given the nature of the structure, its installation is absolutely necessary, since otherwise you will not be able to soar in the bath for a long time. After all, it is rarely located near the house, which can protect it from rain, which means that the foundation will quickly wash out.


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