Law "On winter tires" (2015): what is worth paying attention to?

Currently, many motorists are actively discussing the law "On winter tires" in 2015. In fact, it is very difficult to understand what this normative act is. Nevertheless, you need to understand the essence of the issue. In fact, this document has a completely different name: "Technical Regulation of the Customs Union" TR CU 018/2011 "On the safety of wheeled vehicles." Thus, the name itself indicates that the legislator has taken measures to enhance road safety. Nevertheless, the penalty for the fact that the driver has not changed tires from summer to winter and vice versa is still not accepted. More about all this will be discussed in this article.

the main thing

winter tires law 2015

The essence of the adopted law "On winter tires" in 2015 is that drivers must change tires on wheels, depending on the time of year. After all, this is the only way to improve road safety and reduce the number of accidents. Because such situations often occur that the car in winter drives away only from the fact that the driver did not even think about changing tires, and continues to ride in ice on summer tires. So, under the new law, a fine will be provided for this. Although at present it does not yet exist.

What is important

So, from the norms of the law "On winter tires" in 2015, it becomes clear that the legislation prohibits drivers from using winter tires in the summer and vice versa. Therefore, each motorist should make a few important notes:

- In all summer months the use of studded tires is prohibited; in other words, it is unacceptable to move on winter tires in July, June and August;

- in the cold season (in January, February and December) motorists must ride only on rubber with spikes (winter);

- The terms of use of rubber can be increased by local authorities.

What else is interesting

official winter tires law 2015

Some drivers prefer not to complicate their lives with such questions and use tires that do not need to be changed at certain times of the year. Such tires are called non-studded, they have a certain tread pattern. This rubber is also called all-weather.

Nevertheless, it is also necessary to indicate that such tires should have a special manufacturer's marking, which allows them to be used even in the winter season. Otherwise, the rubber will have to be replaced. After all, a road accident can occur.

It should also be pointed out that the law β€œOn winter tires” of 2015 does not prohibit the driver from riding on all-weather tires. The main thing is that their tread pattern matches the one specified in this normative act.


adopted winter tires law 2015

Many drivers are still wondering if there is a penalty for not changing summer tires to winter tires. To date, no amendments have been made to the Code of Administrative Offenses in connection with the adoption of the official winter tires law 2015. Nevertheless, a draft of such a fine exists. But it is still being considered at the legislative level.


It should also be noted that now in the Code of Administrative Offenses there is a fine for the driver using worn-out winter tires. Such sanctions can be applied to the motorist who operates a car with rubber, on which the tread depth is less than four millimeters. The traffic police inspector may issue a fine in the amount of five hundred rubles or make a warning. This is completely legal and justified.

It should also be noted that a fine can be issued to a motorist only if he moves on worn rubber on ice or on a snowy track.

Is it possible to avoid?

law on changing tires for winter 2015

As mentioned earlier, the adopted law "On winter tires" in 2015 was supposed to increase road safety. Because, according to this Technical Regulation, motorists are required to change tires depending on the time of year. Nevertheless, there are currently no penalties for such a violation of the regulatory act in the law. But there are others - for the use of worn winter tires. Can administrative punishment be avoided? Indeed, an inspector without a special device to the touch will not be able to determine the deterioration of winter tires. A car enthusiast can tell the traffic police that he has not traveled by car for a long time and is now heading to the service center, where specialists will replace the old rubber with a new one. But only if this is true. In general, do not neglect your safety, and it is better to change the tires before the onset of cold weather and ice.

Erroneous opinion

After the law on changing tires for the winter of 2015 was enacted in Russia, media reported that the fine for the motorist not changing tires would amount to 5,000 rubles. Currently, many drivers are interested in this issue. Is this true or not? Can a motorist pay such a large fine only for not timely replacing summer tires with winter tires?

As explained in the traffic police, the Technical Regulations really came into force, but nothing is written about the fine for the fact that the owner of the car did not replace the tires. This is the minus of the adopted normative act.


Not all people follow the changes that occur in the law. Drivers begin to talk about some amendments to the SDA only after the traffic police inspector writes a fine for not complying with the requirements for operating the vehicle. In addition, many citizens are still wondering if the 2015 Winter tires law has been passed. Yes, this regulatory act has been in force in Russia for two years now.

Special attention

So, it is also necessary to recall that after the motorist replaces summer tires with winter tires on his vehicle, he must affix the corresponding β€œspikes” sign to the rear window of the car. You can buy it in the store or do it yourself. The main thing is that its dimensions comply with the requirements of GOST.

What is this sign for? First of all, in order to inform other motorists that they keep a distance. After all, with a sharp braking of the car on winter tires, another, moving behind, can drive into it.

It is also worth noting that when changing tires to summer, the sign with the letter "W" is best removed. This is required in order not to mislead other drivers.

What to expect

winter tires traffic law 2015

The traffic police law 2015 on winter tires was supposed to make traffic on the roads in the cold season safer. Indeed, the lack of regulatory documentation allows drivers to neglect their duties and not even change tires on wheels. Most often this is what leads to an accident in the winter. After all, summer tires cannot provide full grip in the cold season. And this is absolutely true. In addition, experts are confident that driving in the wintertime on tires designed for summer is simply dangerous for all road users. After all, the driver in this case can easily lose control. In a similar situation, an accident will be inevitable.

In addition, due to road accidents, the number of traffic jams on the roads is constantly increasing. And this happens most often in the cold season. For this reason, the initiators of the law decided to create this normative act.

In Crimea

2015 winter tires law passed

The law "On winter tires" also entered into force. In Crimea, in 2015, until the beginning of December, all motorists were warned that they needed to change tires. Otherwise, motorists will be fined up to five hundred rubles. While for enterprises that launched buses on a flight with bald tires, the sanctions will be much higher.

It is also worth recalling that Crimea has been part of the Russian Federation since 2014. Therefore, all laws adopted in Russia are binding on the entire territory of the state.


2015 winter tires law

So, it means that the Technical Regulation "On Transport Safety", which has been enacted, has been adopted specifically to once again indicate to drivers that with the occurrence of ice on roads, it is imperative to change summer tires to winter ones. Thus, the number of accidents on roads in the cold will be significantly reduced.

Nevertheless, the issue of penalties for offenders who do not want to change tires with the onset of winter still remains open. After all, the driver who drives the car on bald tires not only risks his life, but can also significantly harm other traffic participants. This must be remembered.

Currently, the traffic police inspector can only be fined for the fact that the motorist drives on worn winter tires on ice. Nevertheless, this fact still needs to be proved.


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