Umbilical hernia patch for newborns: when can I use?

A fairly common problem in newborn babies is umbilical hernia. The disease is found in babies even in the first weeks of life. Moreover, not only doctors, but also newly-minted parents are able to independently distinguish an ailment by a noticeably protruded umbilical ring. At parent forums, it is often advised to use a patch for newborns from umbilical hernia. A logical question arises whether the product will harm, whether it is necessary to use it and which brand to choose when recommended by a specialist.

Umbilical hernia patch

The causes of the disease

Newborn moms sometimes buy a patch for newborns from umbilical hernia for a first-aid kit, regardless of the presence of the disease. Often it is used as a prophylaxis. However, before recommending a remedy, it is necessary to deal with the causes of a hernia and be sure to consult a specialist for advice. Any doctor will explain to parents that the disease occurs for several reasons:

  • heavy loads, due to constant crying, on the abdominal muscles:
  • hereditary or health related weakness of the umbilical muscle.

Immediately after the baby is born, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord and ties it up. The result is a so-called umbilical ring. The muscles inside it are not developed at all. Only by the age of three is there a strengthening and final formation of these muscles. As a result, sometimes a protrusion of a fragment occurs in the abdominal cavity or even part of the intestine due to:

  • frequent constipation;
  • constant angry crying;
  • bloating.
Umbilical hernia patch

Danger of illness

Many parents prefer to use a patch for the treatment of umbilical hernia in newborns, because they are aware of the danger of the disease. With the naked eye, anyone can see a protrusion of the hernia as soon as the baby strains the abdominal muscles. This occurs during crying, during a bowel movement, or simply in the presence of colic.

Doctors warn that it is not allowed to ignore such symptoms. If you do not turn to a specialist in time for appropriate treatment, then a hernia will not only cause pain and discomfort to the child, but will gradually become a threat to life.

The problem is that it is possible to pinch part of the intestine with the umbilical ring. In this case, the blood flow is disturbed, which ultimately leads to necrosis of the nearest tissues and organs.

Umbilical hernia

Doctor's recommendations

An umbilical hernia patch for newborns is forbidden to use without the advice of a doctor. It is known that the ailment is quite common, but ignoring the problem is not recommended. The baby should definitely be shown to the surgeon, who will assess the extent of the disease and give parents recommendations for its elimination.

Fortunately, the problem is often resolved on its own. By the age of two, the pathology ceases to bother the child. This often helps a patch for newborns from umbilical hernia, which is recommended by a doctor. However, it must be understood: if after two years the disease continues to bother the child, then, perhaps, surgical intervention is necessary, as a result of which the umbilical ring is tightened mechanically.

Ways to solve the problem

If the baby is diagnosed with umbilical hernia, the doctor offers parents simple, but effective measures to solve the problem. It is necessary to adhere to all the recommendations of a specialist in order to avoid pathology in the future.

A therapeutic massage, which is necessary to strengthen the abdominal muscles, can be prescribed. It should also be at home or with the help of a nurse in the clinic to conduct physical therapy. A patch for newborns from umbilical hernia is considered an effective tool that prevents the protrusion of tissues from the umbilical ring and is used in combination in the above measures.

Umbilical hernia: prevention

Varieties of adhesives

To eliminate the pathology of the umbilical ring in newborns, special plasters are used. They differ in special characteristics, have a specific shape. A pharmacy can offer the following options:

  • "Porofiks";
  • "Chico";
  • Nortmann.

Umbilical hernia patch "Porofiks" for newborns

The product is recognized by specialists and experienced mothers as the most effective and efficient. The patch has an unusual shape. It is made in the form of two fasteners. If they are fixed on the skin of the baby, then they form a small fold on the abdomen, thereby preventing further protrusion of the hernia.

Reviews of mothers show that during use, the pathology decreases, which undoubtedly pleases. Often the product is recommended to be used as a prophylaxis of a hernia, as well as for the formation of a neat navel in a baby.

However, it must be remembered that such a patch is forbidden to use in the first days after birth, when the umbilical wound has not yet healed. As a result of the formed folds on the skin, the navel does not dry out, which becomes the cause of the inflammatory process.

Porofiks umbilical hernia patch

Chicco patch

"Chico" is a patch for umbilical hernia for newborns, the reviews are quite positive. However, experts advise using the product only for prevention. Experienced parents also suggest that it helps to cope with colic and frequent constipation. The advantage of the patch is in a breathable material that does not irritate the skin. It is not forbidden to use the product with a navel that has not yet healed. For this, a special sterile pillow is provided.

Product from Nartmann

The patch is a hypoallergenic film of non-woven material. Reviews confirm that when used on delicate skin there is no irritation. The disadvantage is that the product is sold one at a time. But this is necessary to ensure the tightness of the package.

The product is fundamentally no different from a conventional adhesive plaster. Therefore, parents usually do not have questions about how to seal an umbilical hernia in newborns with a band-aid. It is necessary to peel off the protective tape and apply the treatment rectangle to the area of โ€‹โ€‹the hernia, forming a kind of fold. It is necessary to make sure that the pad made of soft tissue falls directly on the navel itself.


If the doctor has allowed the use of the patch with a small hernia, then the product must be changed daily. It is advisable that the doctor manipulate for the first time, showing the rules for fixing the folds on the abdomen with a patch.


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