Cameras for fixing traffic violations: types and installation

The cameras for fixing traffic violations can be installed anywhere - on trees, under a bridge or in a tunnel. Their purpose is to fix violations in the photo or video format. This method was first used in Europe, and only recently it began to be practiced in our country.

What violations are recorded?

cameras for fixing traffic violations

There are a huge number of complexes that conduct photo and video recording of what is happening on the road, including traffic violations. In most cases, cameras for fixing traffic violations reveal the following types of violations:

  • Over speed. This parameter is the main one, for the sake of which these complexes were invented. With their help, the fight is carried out with the reckless people, which are always full on the road.
  • Departure for oncoming traffic: this is a gross violation of traffic rules, which can lead to a large fine or loss of rights.
  • Departure for dedicated lanes that are used only by public transport.
  • Unfastened seat belt: these cameras are widely used throughout the country. They take a photograph in which it is noticeable whether the driver was fastened with a seat belt.

In the near future, it is planned to install such types of traffic violations registration cameras that will control the intersection of stop lines at the prohibitory traffic light sign or provide the pedestrian with an advantage when he crosses the road at a pedestrian crossing.

Installation Features

Many drivers who spend a lot of time on the road know that there are cameras on the roads, “thanks to which” you can unexpectedly receive a receipt to pay a fine for various offenses on the road. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia establishes these complexes for the purpose of state control and supervision of compliance with the rules of the road by participants. Especially in hazardous areas. The installation of a camera for fixing traffic violations is performed in areas where visibility is limited, there are fractures in the terrain, sharp turns. Moreover, in order to establish such technical means, the administrative body must issue an appropriate permit. You can control traffic in various ways:

  • stationary means of automatic fixation, which are placed on special structures;
  • mobile means of auto-fixation, which are placed on those sections of roads that are patrolled by traffic police posts.

view photos from the traffic violation recording camera

Before installing a camera for recording violations of traffic rules, the head of the management body must issue a permit in which the installation site of the technical control equipment and the mode of their operation will be indicated. It is noteworthy that areas where there are traffic rules are not drawn up in any way by any road signs.

There is a large selection of cameras that are used in our country, and all of them have different functionality. If we talk about the fundamental differences between them, then cameras are radar, laser and video recording devices. Depending on the installation method, the complexes are stationary and mobile.

Radar systems

Radar cameras for recording traffic violations are easy to distinguish, as they have a radar sensor and a camera eye. Such technical means are able to measure speed and record violations. The principle of operation of such a camera is as follows:

  • The device examines the carriageway with a beam to measure speed at a distance of about 500-1000 m for cars that move in different directions. In this case, the coverage radius can cover as many as two strips in one and the other direction.
  • After measuring the speed, the camera starts working: it exposes the state registration plate of the car to photofixes and recognizes it with a special program. Such complexes are equipped with special infrared spotlights that illuminate rooms in poor visibility conditions at night.

Radar cameras for recording traffic violations are not too reliable, since about 32% of them give false readings. Moreover, this is due to weather and situational conditions. We offer an overview of popular radar cameras in Russia.


These radar cameras are the most common in Russia: only in Moscow there are about 700 of them. The complexes are a combination of two devices - the radar system itself and the wide-angle camera, which is responsible for visual contact. Thanks to her, you can see the photo from the camera recording traffic violations in high resolution.

cameras for automatic recording of traffic violations

The camera and radar in combination control up to 4 bands, and in any direction. In case of any violation, the complex itself automatically makes a decision. As soon as a car that exceeds the speed gets into the field of view of Strelka, its image is recorded on the equipment, information about the owner of the car is obtained from the traffic police database and a corresponding resolution on the offense is printed out together with a photo of the car, information about the violation and a completed payment form. Strelka is one of the most powerful radars in the country, as it is able to control all the way at once. The radar itself can operate at a distance of 350 m.


These cameras automatically detect traffic violations automatically detect and record in the video format any offenses in the traffic. Such a complex can simultaneously control various violations, and the universality of this technical means is expressed in the presence of additional functions. The complex is based on the latest generation “Radiation” photoradar, which meets all safety requirements and has good power. With its help, the traffic police timely reveals cases of speeding, travel on the oncoming lane and public transport lane. Additional features include:

  • broadcasting the overview video image of the control zone;
  • taking photographs and saving photographs of all cars that have recognized car registration marks.


to establish a camera for fixing traffic violations

You can also look at the photo from the camera for fixing traffic violations using a vehicle speed meter - a radar device with Binar video recording. This is a hand-held meter, which is equipped with two cameras that record the general and close-up traffic situation when there is a need to obtain information about the vehicle number. This device is capable of:

  • measure the speed and video of traffic violations;
  • simultaneously record the general and close-up;
  • select the fastest target and select targets in the direction of movement;
  • display images of the target, and the speed, date, time and information about the measurement modes will be recorded;
  • enlarge the frame while viewing and optimize the image of the license plate.


The Chris-P mobile photoradar radar is an operational-technical tool that is able to control high-speed mode, conduct photo and video recording of violations on the road. Using this camera for fixing traffic violations, the photo is of high quality due to high resolution. This device is capable of:

  • automatically take pictures of the vehicle in the control zone and enter into the frame indications of speed, date and time of violation;
  • conduct remote control and record stories about the road situation;
  • online transfer captured frames and information to a laptop mobile post;
  • work at night, even if there is no artificial lighting, due to the available infrared illumination;
  • create and store a database of all recorded violations, sort them and search for certain parameters.

This device can be additionally equipped with special tools that expand its functionality.


This, by and large, is a camera for private traders to record traffic violations. The traffic police quite often, by the way, uses the portable Arena complex. Its convenience is that the complex can be transported from one place to another by placing it in the trunk of a car. Preparation for operation of the device takes only 10-15 minutes.

types of cameras for fixing traffic violations

Installation of the Arena is carried out on a tripod at the side of the road, about 5 meters from the carriageway, which is under control. The complex is powered by a battery, which is located in a special box. All vehicles that exceed the speed threshold are automatically photographed. And the data is stored in the device’s memory, and then transmitted over the air to the DPS mobile post. The photographs clearly show the car, the date and time of the picture, the speed of movement.


The photo-radar complex measures the speed of vehicles and automatically detects violations that are transmitted through communication channels to the server of the data center. This radar can simultaneously monitor all targets in four lanes in both directions.

installation of a camera for fixing traffic violations

Such cameras are used to record traffic violations in Nizhny Novgorod and other large cities of Russia. The sensor automatically responds to speeding in the area that is under control, after which it creates two photos of each intruder: one with a general plan, and the second with a close-up with a visual emphasis on the license plate. The violation data also contains information about the recognized number, recorded vehicle speed, direction of movement, geographical coordinates.

What are the features?

The radar complex "Cordon" is one of the universal technical means, which:

  • allows you to automatically measure speeds and determine the position of all vehicles that are in the control zone;
  • automatically recognizes state registration marks;
  • controls all goals in both directions;
  • automatically saves all data on violations that have been recorded;
  • works even at night due to built-in infrared illumination;
  • determines the geographical coordinates of the place of violation due to the built-in navigation module GLONASS / GPS;
  • protects firmware and data from unauthorized access.

The complex is installed on the side of the roadway without the need to build special farms and overlap lanes.


cameras for fixing traffic violations in Nizhny Novgorod

The stationary complex of automatic video control "Avtouragan" fixes violations of traffic rules and can be used during search activities. Among the unique characteristics of this complex can be noted:

  • recognition of license plates in the daytime at almost a 100 percent level;
  • a high degree of recognition of numbers, even if they are very dirty or damaged;
  • constant monitoring of car traffic day and night, regardless of climatic conditions;
  • a working complex cannot be detected by radar detectors;
  • The radar records not only the exceeded speed limits, but also a number of other violations.

“Autouragan” is popular due to its high-quality and stable operation, the accuracy of measurements of the speed mode and unique recognition indicators.

Laser systems

cameras for fixing traffic violations in Moscow

Similar radar systems are rare in our country, but they are more accurate in measuring speed even at long range. Among the popular complexes can be noted Jenoptic Robot and Amata. Their feature is the ability to measure speed on the roadway as much as 6 lanes. Similar cameras for fixing traffic violations in Moscow and St. Petersburg were installed.


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