Invectives are derogatory speeches addressed to a specific person

Invectives are, in modern terms, black PR. Both the term, which came from ancient times, and modern expression personify the action aimed at worsening the image of a certain object.


invectives are
The ancient Roman expression is invectiva oratio and is translated from Latin as "swearing." People denounced each other since the beginning of verbal communication. Therefore, the term has many synonyms. Invectives are pamphlet, libel, philippic, diatribe and menippus satire. These synonyms also came from ancient times when it was possible to break a person’s career, or even life, publicly calling him a bastard. Over the years, people who deserve angry speeches, as they say, the skin became thicker. To break through her, the words of the accusers became more picturesque and frank. And in our time, some argue that invectives are arena, obscene abuse or even swearing. In short, invective vocabulary, or accusations made publicly. What other words can be called this action? Lunge, attacks, and “assaults” will do. There is an exquisite name for arena warfare - verbal (verbal) attack. That is, there are plenty of homogeneous concepts.

The function is natural and necessary, like the language itself

Some articles indicate that the injective function of the language is natural, and that the person who owns the speech has the same right to it as to communication, to receive and transmit information. That is, a person mastered the ability to speak, communicate, learn and teach, and at the same time learned to praise and insult someone. But it should be noted that in the literary version it was originally implied that invectives were not a mockery, but a kind of pamphlet. They should be at least witty. Satire, causing laughter, is a terrible weapon, more effective than public insults. A pamphlet is a literary genre, and invective as its kind is also such. The difference between the two is that the fiction-journalistic work called a pamphlet is political in nature, since it is almost always directed against the system or some of its sides, and invective, as a rule, is a private phenomenon. What kind of genus does it belong to, and what other genres are there in literature?

what are the genres in literature

The same type of literature

From school textbooks it is known that there is a historically stable division of all types of literary works, and it is called genus. Three main kinds: epic, lyrics and drama - are divided into genres. There are also lyro-epic genres, such as, for example, a novel in poetry. Invective, like the epigram, refers to the lyrics. The ode and madrigal are reckoned to it. That is, praise and blasphemy, these different genres in terms of semantic orientation, belong to the same kind of literature. And, as noted above, the invectives in it are not alone. Skalds, for example, had blasphemous verses called nids. Philippe is also an angry accusatory speech, dubbed thanks to Demosthenes, who angrily stigmatized the Macedonian king Philip II. The name has become a household name. A diatribe is also an accusatory speech combining seriousness and ridicule. The Menippian satire, which is a kind of diatribe, is a kind of assorted one consisting of philosophical considerations and a parody. Pasquille (closest to black PR) is generally something obscene, not disdainful of caricatured distortions, distortions, slander and vicious attacks. These are the genres in literature other than invectives that are close in spirit and form to it. But these genres and their varieties are rooted in antiquity. Now, some absolutely true, but very expressive statements by V.V. Zhirinovsky are not called philippics and diatribes. These genres are somewhat forgotten, as well as invective, examples of which, however, can be easily cited.

Vivid examples

The most familiar invective to residents of the CIS countries is a poem by the genius M. Yu. Lermontov, "On the death of a poet." In it, Mikhail Yuryevich, referring to high society, where everyone knew each other and clearly understood who they were talking about, called the murderers of A. S. Pushkin mocking ignoramuses, confidants of debauchery, cowardly descendants of the “famous vileness of glorified fathers”.

invective examples
The ingenious work is replete with invectives. K. Simonov has an invective poem addressed to the wife of the deceased on the eve of the officer. It is full of just, deserved insults by this woman. The school hosted the poem "To a temporary worker" by K. F. Ryleyev, one of the five hanged Decembrists, addressed to the all-powerful at that moment Arakcheev. Literature knows a lot of sharp speeches against specific individuals.

Intriguing title

It can be added that the term denoting rudeness is very harmonious. Maybe that's why the Moscow music team called it that. Invective is a group formed in 2006.

invective group
The album "Zodiac" appeared in the public domain in 2008. Now they are leaders in the informal scene and are gaining popularity. The achievements include the soundtrack to the film "Nirvana", thanks to which Invektiva got to the Ramp festival in 2008. The group consists of 5 people. They themselves attribute their work to alternative rock, but they consider it stupid to drive themselves into style frames.


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