"Renome" is a borrowed word. What does it mean?

One way to develop a language is to borrow. Foreign words sometimes adapt, acquiring a new form, more convenient for use, overgrown with endings and grammatical features of Russian speech. And some units of the language and “in a new place” remain unchanged, with the same emphasis, do not bow and do not change in numbers and genera. These include the "reputation". This word has taken root today and has become commonly used.

What does this word mean

reputation is

Most people will rightly claim that the "reputation" is a "native" from France. This is evidenced by the stress on the last syllable. And this is a hint for citizens who are not familiar with the French language. Connoisseurs, having made a translation, will say that the "reputation" is "glory." Not in the sense of world fame, worship is another glory!

The reputation is the opinion of others, the idea of ​​one person or group of people, an enterprise. Moreover, more often the "reputation" is a positive judgment . Example: “Mother sold her necklace, but she prepared the house for the holiday and called everyone she collected on her birthday annually. And, no matter how sorry she was for her jewelry, she was firmly convinced that the reputation established over the years needed to be maintained! No one should have guessed that the great count was impoverished and had long barely made ends meet ... "

Semantic differences between the word "reputation" and synonyms

All vocabulary is divided into groups depending on the scope of use. That is, words denoting the same phenomenon or the same subject can differ in the circle of persons who use them. For example, finding out the meaning of the word "reputation", you can make a list of synonyms for it. It will be: reputation, rumor, fame, judgment, opinion, performance.

meaning of the word renome

However, not all of these words fully correspond to the borrowed word "reputation". For example, “glory” and “rumor” are more suitable for colloquial expression. "Judgment", "opinion" and "representation" are common, but they seem to limit the circle of those who decide to enter into discussion of an individual or group of people. Closest in importance and sphere of use to the "reputation" will be "reputation" - both of these words refer to books, belong to the "high style" of explanation. But here there are differences.

The use of the words "reputation" and "reputation"

1. Scope of use

If in ordinary speech someone can say this phrase: “No, I’m not a foot in this club, you know, I still value my reputation!”, Then this expression using the word “reputation” will look ridiculous and comical. But in an official speech, replacement is possible. For example, in the sentence: “This company has an excellent reputation!” it can easily be substituted for the word “reputation” by its synonym “reputation”.

What is a reputation?

2. Limit on value

There is another difference in the use of these words. After all, a reputation can be bad, tarnished. And linguists, when asked what “reputation” is, answer that this is a favorable opinion that has been established over a fairly long period.

As an example, this sentence: “The Romanian prince Vlad Tepes (Dracula) retained a bad reputation as an evil, cruel person. He did not hesitate to dine among the bodies of defeated enemies, and, as ancient records indicate, he could dip bread in the blood of the dead, so that he could eat it later. ”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7228/

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