"Ruslan and Lyudmila": a summary. "Ruslan and Lyudmila" - a poem by A. S. Pushkin

Quickly familiarize yourself with the contents of any literary work helps the summary. "Ruslan and Lyudmila" - a poem by A.S. Pushkin. The retelling will help the reader understand the meaning of the work, introduce the plot, the main characters, and, perhaps, arouse interest in a detailed study of the original.

History of creation

They say that Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was thinking about writing such a work, while still studying at the Lyceum. But thoroughly, he began to work on it later - in 1818-1820. Pushkin wanted to create fabulous poetry in which there would be a "heroic spirit."

A poetic work was born simultaneously under the influence of Russian literary tales and creations of Voltaire, Ariosto. The names of some characters were assigned after the release of "History of the Russian State." It was there that Ratmir, Ragday, Farlaf were. With them you will soon be introduced to the summary.

“Ruslan and Lyudmila” also has elements of a parody, because Alexander Sergeyevich sometimes liked to shine with precise epigrams and include playful elements in his poetic creations. Critics have noticed that Pushkin kindly parodies some episodes of Zhukovsky’s ballad “The Twelve Sleeping Maidens”. But in the 30s, the poet even regretted that he did it for the sake of "mob", because he was well disposed to Zhukovsky, who presented him with his portrait after the release of the poem and wrote that this defeated teacher gives him to the winner-student.


The people love many tales of A.S. Pushkin, "Ruslan and Lyudmila" - is no exception. Not everyone knows that the poem begins with lines in which the author says that he devotes it to beautiful girls. Then there are lines known to many about the seashore, the green oak, the scientific cat, and the mermaid. After that, the work itself begins.

First song

The first chapter introduces the reader to a brief summary. Ruslan and Lyudmila loved each other. The girl was the daughter of Kiev Prince Vladimir. This is described first in the song, which is exactly what A.S. Pushkin called the 6 chapters. The latter, respectively, is called the "Song of the Sixth."

The author, using the beauty of the word, talks about a fun holiday on the occasion of the wedding of two people in love. Only three guests - Ratmir, Farlaf and Rogdai were not happy at this feast. They are rivals of Ruslan, as they were also in love with a beautiful girl.

And now the time has come for the newlyweds to remain alone. But suddenly a thunder was heard, the lamp went out, everything shook all around, and Lyudmila disappeared.

Ruslan is saddened. And Vladimir ordered to find a daughter and promised to give her as a wife to the one who will bring the girl. Of course, Ruslan’s three enemies could not miss such an opportunity and rushed in search, as did the newly-fledged groom.

Summary of Ruslan and Lyudmila

One day he meets an old man in a cave. He told him the story of his love, that in his youth he was ready to turn mountains for a certain Naina, but she rejected the young man all. Then he left and studied spells for 40 years, aimed at making the girl fall in love with him. When the old man returned, he saw, instead of the virgin, the disgusting old woman into whom Naina had turned over the years. And she finally kindled feelings for him. However, old Finn fled from her, and since then lives in solitude in a cave. He said that Lyudmila was kidnapped by the terrible wizard Black Sea.

Second song

The summary of Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” approached the second chapter. From it, the reader learns that Rogdai was belligerent, he jumped, sending curses to Ruslan. Suddenly, the man saw the rider and chased after him. He barely alive with fear tried to ride away, but his horse stumbled and the rider flew into the moat. Rogday saw that it was not Ruslan, but Farlaf, and rode off.

Summary of Pushkin's poem Ruslan and Lyudmila

An old woman came to Farlaf (it was Naina), brought a horse and advised him that he should return back and live in his estate near Kiev, because while Lyudmila is still difficult to find, and then she will not get anywhere from Naina and Farlaf. He listened to the old woman and galloped back.

Further, the summary of the book “Ruslan and Lyudmila” will tell the reader where the girl was languishing at that time. Her location was the palace of the villain Chernomor. She woke up on the bed. Silently, three girls-servants came, dressed, combed the beauty.

Lyudmila with longing went to the window, looked at the winter landscape, then left the palace and saw a magical garden, which was more beautiful than the "Gardens of Armida". There were picturesque arbors, waterfalls. After lunch in nature, the girl returned and saw how the servants came into the room and on the pillows carried the beard of Chernomor, he himself followed - the hunchback and the dwarf.

Ruslan and Lyudmila very brief

The girl was not taken aback, grabbed “Carla by the cap”, brought a fist over him, and then screeched so that everyone ran away in horror.

At this time, Ruslan fought with Rogda attacking him and defeated the bully, throwing him into the waves of the Dnieper. This continues the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila."

Chapter Summary - Song of the Third

To the retreating Black Sea, the servants combed their beard. Suddenly, a winged serpent flew out the window and turned into Naina. The old woman said that the sorcerer is in danger - the heroes are looking for Lyudmila. She spoke flatteringly about Black Sea and confirmed that she was completely on his side.

To celebrate, the evil wizard again entered the girl’s chambers, but did not see her there. The search for servants was also unsuccessful. It turns out that Lyudmila understood what properties a hat has. If you put it on backwards, the person will become invisible, which the beauty did. These are the magic accessories Pushkin used in his poem Ruslan and Lyudmila. A very brief summary quickly takes the reader to the next scene.

At this time, the young husband fell into the battlefield, saw many dead soldiers. He picked up a shield, helmet, horn, but could not find a good sword. Not far from the field he saw a large hill, it turned out to be a real head. She told the traveler that she was once on the shoulders of a hero - the brother of Chernomor. But the latter envied his tall and stately brother. Taking the opportunity, the dwarf chopped off his head and ordered his head to guard the sword, which, according to legend, could cut off the sorcerer’s magic beard.

Summary of the book Ruslan and Lyudmila

Canto Four

So quickly came to the fourth chapter a brief retelling of the content of "Ruslan and Lyudmila." Pushkin Alexander Sergeyevich at first reflects on how wonderful it is that in real life there are not so many wizards. He further says that Ratmir, in search of Lyudmila, came across a castle. There he was met by the charming women who fed the knight, surrounded by attention, tenderness, care, and the young hero abandoned his previous plans to find the daughter of Vladimir. On this, while the author leaves the happy young man and says that Ruslan alone continues his chosen path. On the way, he meets a giant, a hero, a witch, defeats them, does not go to the mermaids who attract a young man.

In the meantime, Lyudmila wanders in the invisible hat over the halls of the sorcerer, but he cannot find her. Then the villain applied a trick. He turned into a wounded Ruslan, the girl thought it was her lover, rushed to him, the hat fell. At that moment, nets were thrown over Lyudmila, and she fell asleep, unable to resist the witchcraft of Chernomor.

Ruslan and Lyudmila chapter summary

Canto Five

Soon Ruslan arrives at the villain's cloister. He blows a horn to challenge him to a duel. When the young man raised his head, he saw that the Black Sea was flying over him, holding a mace in his hand. When the sorcerer waved, Ruslan quickly recoiled, and the hunchback fell into the snow. The nimble young man immediately jumped to the offender and grabbed him tightly by the beard.

But Black Sea suddenly soared under the clouds. However, the young man did not let go of his beard, so he also ended up in the sky. So they flew for a long time - over fields, mountains, forests. The sorcerer asked to let him go, but Ruslan did not. On the third day, Black Sea humbled himself and carried the husband to his young wife. When they landed, the young man cut off the beard with a magic sword, tied it to his helmet, and put the dwarf in a bag and put it on the saddle.

a brief retelling of the contents of Ruslan and Lyudmila Pushkin Alexander

The hero went to look for his beloved, but could not find. Then he began to ruin everything in his path and accidentally took off his hat from the girl. This sorcerer specially put a hat on her so that the husband would not find his wife.

So finally Ruslan and Lyudmila met. The shortened poem is about to end soon. No matter how he tried, the narrowed could not awaken the girl from a magical dream. He put it on a horse and galloped home.

Then Ruslan meets the fisherman and recognizes in him Ratmir, who, of all the charming women, chose one, and now lives happily with her in a house on the river bank.

When Ruslan stopped for the night, he was seriously injured. Farlaf crept up to him, hit 3 times with a sword, took Lyudmila and was like that.

Sixth Canto

Farlaf brought Lyudmila to the palace and deceived Vladimir, saying that he had saved the girl. However, no one could wake her.

Old Finn sprinkled Ruslan with living water, he instantly recovered and hurried to Kiev, which was attacked by the Pechenegs. The hero fought bravely, so the enemy was defeated. After that, he touched Lyudmila's hands with the ring that Finn gave him, and the girl woke up.

The summary is coming to an end. Ruslan and Lyudmila are happy, everything ends with a feast, Chernomor was left in the palace, since he had forever lost his villainous power.

Tales and with Pushkin Ruslan and Lyudmila


The narrative ends with an epilogue in which the author says that in his work he praised the legends of ancient times. He shares his impressions of the Caucasus, describes the natural pictures of this side and is sad that it is far from the Neva.

The poet says that when he worked on the work, he forgot offenses and enemies. Friendship helped him in this, and, as you know, Pushkin was very dear to her.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7230/

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