Mint: useful properties and care

This fragrant plant is probably known to many. Unpretentious in care and fast-growing mint has beautiful spreading branches with rich green foliage. For gardeners and summer residents, this plant is well known, and sometimes it creates problems for them, because it grows very quickly in the area.

But not everyone knows that this plant can be grown at home. Plectrantus (room mint) will become the hero of our article. Caring for it at home should be correct and timely. Only in this case, the plant will delight you with its beauty and aroma.


Mint: plant description

Plectranthus is a decorative foliage plant. Quite often it is grown in hanging flower pots. Thin shoots are densely covered with leaves. Plectranthus has many varieties, which in most cases are shrubs rather than ampelous plants. In height, they reach 40 centimeters. On their leaves various patterns and veins are clearly visible. Unlike beautiful leaves, mint flowers are rather inconspicuous.

mint indoor photo

Plectrantus species

In indoor floriculture, certain types of plectrantus are especially popular.


It differs in erect shoots, large leaves, reaching six centimeters in length. This species is named for its resemblance to the popular houseplant - coleus.

mint indoor properties


It differs from the previous species by the absence of spots on the leaves. It got its name due to its rather impressive size. If you don’t do timely pruning, the bush can grow up to 60 cm. In addition, this mint has a special property - when it touches the shoots, it releases essential oils.

Plectrantus Ertendahl

The upper part of the leaves of this mint is painted in a saturated green color, and their reverse side has a pinkish tint. The plant produces a faint aroma of camphor. Due to the beautiful shape of the leaves, this species is by far the most popular for indoor breeding. Ertendal indoor mint requires regular pinching of the shoots.

Felt Plectrantus

And this very small bush (no more than 30 cm) has thick and carved leaves. But this only happens in an apartment. In vivo, it is much larger.

Mint: useful properties

The main benefit of this plant is that it is a wonderful sedative. In a stressful situation, a cup of mint tea will help calm down. It’s easy to make: take your favorite tea (green or black). It is desirable that it be free of impurities and any flavoring. A sprig or mint leaves are added to it. Pour boiling water over them and let it brew for ten minutes.

mint useful properties

In ancient times, doctors noticed that peppermint and pomegranate juice, mixed in equal proportions, relieves nausea. Modern scientists have come to the conclusion that this is due to the large number of binders and tannins in the composition of mint. No less active mint was used by Japanese, Chinese and Arab healers. She was prescribed for gynecological diseases, for diseases of the liver and bronchi.

If your home is decorated with natural wool carpets, and natural fur coats are stored in the closet, then room mint, the photo of which you see in the article, will become your indispensable assistant in the fight against moths. In addition, the essential oils secreted by this plant purify the air and have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system.

Mint leaves will help relieve itching and irritation after mosquito bites. But before applying the leaf to an irritated place, it must be washed and knead a little.

mint room care

Room mint, the properties of which have already been well studied, must be in a house where there is a child suffering from wet diathesis. The condition of the baby will be facilitated by mint leaves. They must first be greased with sterilized vegetable oil.


Does mint have any features in comparison with a garden bush? Caring for this plant is simple, but certain maintenance rules must be followed.

As soon as you bring the plectrantus into the house, immediately transplant it into a larger pot. Most often, in this case, they use the transshipment method, trying not to damage the earthen lump. The plant is transplanted every year, in the spring. For plants older than five years, transplantation is allowed once every two years.

plectranthus mint

Soil selection

Mint is quite demanding on the composition of the soil. The following soil mixture is ideal for her:

  • sod - 2 parts;
  • humus - one part;
  • sheet land - 1 part;
  • peat - 1/2 part;
  • sand - 1/2 part.

It is advisable that the mixture you cooked be of medium density.


Top dressing

In summer and spring, during the period of active development, indoor mint needs top dressing. For her, fertilizers designed for indoor plants are suitable. They are alternated every month - organic and mineral.


In order for the plant to quickly grow a dense green mass, it needs abundant watering during the period of activity. Do not forget about periodic spraying. Mint easily tolerates short-term drying of the soil, but this does not mean that you can regularly bring the soil to this state.

From mid-autumn, watering is reduced to moderate, since at that time the plectrantus rests and is gaining strength: it does not require a large amount of moisture.


To ensure that mint does not lose its decorative effect, take care of good lighting. This plant needs bright but diffused light. Southwest windows are best. Protect peppermint from direct sunlight. Leaves may get burned.


In summer, the temperature from +20 to +22 Β° C is optimal for the cultivation of plectrantus; in winter it must be lowered to +15 Β° C. At lower rates, mint can discard foliage.


This procedure is necessary mint. It is held in the spring. Carefully inspect the shoots. Cut bare and weak branches in half. In addition, regular pinching of the branches is necessary, which will help to form a beautiful magnificent crown.

mint indoor properties


This work can be done even by a beginner in floriculture. Cut the stem cuttings and place them in a container of water, sand or moist soil. After two weeks, the roots will appear, and the seedlings can be transplanted into separate containers. Growers with experience recommend planting several cuttings in one pot. This will create a lush and beautiful bush.


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