Economics as a field of knowledge directly studies ... Definition, features of a function

Why do we buy more when something goes on sale? At what point does a person stop consuming goods that he likes to consume? All this can be considered according to certain principles. Economics as a field of knowledge directly studies the analysis of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. In other words, what choices people make, how and why they shop.

economics as a field of knowledge directly studies

What is the economy?

The study of economics can be divided into two large sections:

  • Microeconomics is a study of the economy at the individual or business level, about how individuals or enterprises behave, given the lack or excessive government intervention. Microeconomics includes concepts such as supply and demand, price elasticity, the required quantity and quality of the materials supplied.
  • Macroeconomics is a study of the efficiency and structure of the entire economy, and not of individual markets. This area includes concepts such as inflation, international trade, unemployment, and national consumption and production.
economics as a field of knowledge

Deficit as the main principle of the economy

There are several basic principles of economics on which each theory and concept is based. Deficit is the main economic problem that exists because we, as people, have unlimited needs that cannot be met by the limited amount of resources our world has. Any product or service that has a non-zero price is considered insufficient. Without a deficit, there would be no reason to study economics. People will consume everything that they can consume, and they should not make a choice or compromise between goods and services.

economics as a field of knowledge directly explores ways

Incentives and markets

No wonder people respond to incentives. Incentives in an economy are usually always financial and can take several forms, such as prices, taxes, and fees. When you see that your favorite item goes on sale, you usually buy more. There was an incentive, such as a lower price, and you responded to it by consuming more of this product or service. Naturally, we respond to incentives, so incentives are created to influence consumer behavior for a particular product or service.

Markets are places where goods and services can be exchanged between buyers and sellers. In each market there is a supply and demand curve, the amount of the desired product and one that can be purchased or sold at different prices. The demand curve, usually downward, indicates that more good will be required as the price of this product decreases. The supply curve goes up. As prices rise, sellers are willing and able to sell more products. The intersection point of the two curves is called market equilibrium.

economics as a science and economy description

The frontier of production opportunities

Any point along this production curve represents the maximum use of resources. The state could not be better with limited resources. Any point inside the boundary of possibilities represents an underutilization of resources, and any point outside this curve represents the idea of ​​scarcity. When making decisions, we must choose something. The benefit or value of the next best alternative is called opportunity cost.

economics as a science

Economics as a science and economy: description

Economics is a social science that studies the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. The study and development of the economy plays a huge role. this area of ​​knowledge focuses on the behavior and interaction of economic agents. Microeconomics analyzes the main elements in the economy, including individual agents and markets, their interaction and the results of interaction. Individual agents may include, for example, households, firms, buyers and sellers.

The economy ranges from very small to very large. Macroeconomics analyzes the entire economy (which means aggregate production, consumption, savings and investments) and the problems affecting it, including unemployment and limited resources (labor, capital and land), inflation, economic growth and government policies that solve these problems (monetary, fiscal and other policies).

economics as a field of knowledge directly explores ways

Origin of discipline

This social discipline was renamed at the end of the 19th century by Alfred Marshall from “political economy” to “economy”. This became a shorter term for "economic science", which began to be regarded as a separate science outside of the political and other social sciences. The ultimate goal of the economy is to improve the living conditions of people in their daily lives.

Economic analysis can be applied across society, business, finance, healthcare and government. It sometimes also applies to such diverse topics as crime, education, family, law, politics, religion, social institutions, wars, science and the environment.

economics as a science and economy

Economic issues

  • Why are some countries rich and some poor?
  • Why do women earn less than men?
  • How does data help us understand the world?
  • Why do we ignore information that could help us make the right decisions?
  • What causes the recession?

Economics, as a field of knowledge, is directly studying ways to solve these problems and can help us answer these questions. This science can be defined in several ways. This is a study of scarcity, a study of how people use resources, respond to incentives, or study decision making. It often includes topics such as wealth and finance, but it is a broad discipline that also helps us understand historical trends, interpret today's headlines and make predictions in the coming years.

economics is studying

What do economists do?

Economists have all kinds of jobs, such as professors, government consultants, private sector workers. Using theoretical models or empirical data, they evaluate programs, study people's behavior, and explain social phenomena. Economics crosses many disciplines. Her applications include health, the environment, education, and immigration.

science economics

Why do we need an economy?

Economics, as a field of knowledge, is directly studying ways to improve human life. It affects the life of each of us. Studying economic concepts can help you understand the news, make financial decisions, shape government policies and see the world in a new way. Economists can study a variety of topics. Far more than finance, banking, business, and government, a degree in economics is useful to all people and can lead to many interesting career choices.

economics as a field of knowledge

Labor and Trade Economics

Economics, as a field of knowledge, directly studies such building blocks as labor and trade research. For example, this science demonstrates that it is more efficient for individuals or companies to specialize in specific types of labor and then trade in other needs, rather than try to produce everything in a row. It also demonstrates that trade is most effective when coordinated through exchange or money.

Incentives and subjective value

The economy, focusing on labor, refers to the actions of people. Most models are based on the assumption that people act with rational behavior, seeking to find the optimal level of benefit or utility. But of course, human behavior can be unpredictable or inconsistent and based on personal, subjective meanings. This means that some economic models may be unattainable or impossible or simply not work in real life.

science area economics

Economics, as a field of knowledge, is directly studying the ways and key ideas for understanding the behavior of financial markets, governments, human decisions behind these entities. Be that as it may, economic laws are usually very general and are formulated by studying human incentives: the economy can say that profits stimulate new competitors to enter the market or that taxes restrain costs.

Effective Forecasting

Although ancient etymology defines it as the “science of wealth”, its significance expands over time, and now it is a social science about the factors that influence “well-being”. Economics, as a field of knowledge, is directly studying the methods of effective forecasting.

The term has an ancient Greek origin and consists of two words: "oikos" - "house, household" and "nomos" - "law, rule". Therefore, in the literal sense, the economy as a field of knowledge directly studies the laws and rules of farming. There are two important attributes: an economy studies human activity and constructions, and it uses the scientific method and empirical data to build its knowledge base. This is a social science that studies how people satisfy unlimited needs with limited resources.


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