Museum complex "Water Universe" in St. Petersburg: description, reviews

“Universe of Water” is a part of the center’s branch, whose work is focused on education and information in St. Petersburg. In order to get acquainted with the expositions, you can go to the Water Tower and the reservoir, which previously functioned as part of the Main Station.


The Universe of Water Museum in St. Petersburg is easy to spot. His address: st. Shpalernaya, 56. The landmark can be the Tauride Palace, located opposite. It’s hard not to see such a tall tower, even at a fairly large distance.

Three exhibitions are open. Having visited the exposition “World of Water” of St. Petersburg, you will get acquainted with the history of the industry in different countries, as well as in this city. Interesting exhibits are wood pipes and wells, copper washbasins, ceramic handles, photographs and old drawings.

The Underground World of Petersburg is a project within the framework of which a multimedia-type exposition operates. To take a look at this action, you need to head to the extension on the left. You will go underground, following the same paths that water flows.

water universe

This journey will begin with a water intake from pipes for apartments, and end with facilities for cleaning. An interesting exhibit is a large layout belonging to the city's historical center. “Universe of Water” is a project aimed at acquainting with a former reservoir of clean water underground. The exposition is also presented in a multimedia form.

Vodokanal of St. Petersburg is a place where you can learn a lot about one of the four amazing elements on which our world is based. Here its healing and destructive properties are revealed.

Exceptional Features

Interesting effects and modern technology make the story especially interesting. Curious to look at the exhibits. They ask only to refrain from touching. A good impact is the change of sounds, pictures and light. If you decide to visit the exposition of the museum "Water Universe", you will need to join one of the excursions.

vodokanal saint petersburg

On weekends, individual reviews are conducted. Professionals who thoroughly know their job work here. Interactive programs have been developed for you, in which children can take part, starting from kindergarten age. You can come with your family to a thematic program or a celebration of a certain event, which also do not bypass the attention. Great pleasure will bring the exhibition.

The Universe of Water complex (St. Petersburg) is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.


How did the idea of ​​creating such an interesting place come about? It opened in 2003 in honor of the anniversary of the city. Vodokanal of St. Petersburg gave citizens this generous gift. In it, the new merged with the old. There is both artistry and functionality.

People gain new historical knowledge against the backdrop of an industrial environment that also has a special aesthetics and culture. Everything here is saturated with old traditions of the style of this region. When the project of this place was still being developed, drawings found in the year 1929 were found in the tower of the water supply station. It was written on them that this is a plan for the premises of the former museum. So before the "Universe of Water" appeared here, a similar complex already existed at this place.

museum tour

Historians began to delve into the archives, which did not take very much time. It turns out that in 1900 the proposal to create expositions here was already considered at a meeting of the city's water supply management. The authorities wanted to create the basis for the development of new water arteries, to illustrate the history of the industry developed over centuries.

Collection of materials

It was planned to include various objects that were used during the construction and operation of the sewage system, as well as illustrations of what unusual damage was caused to these mechanisms. They wanted to show the means by which water is cleaned, models, interesting devices and drawings. In short, they sought to approach the issue in great detail and detail.

In 1901, they compiled a list of those manuals and samples that could organically complement the museum. All this was done in order to popularize the water supply industry, to train new specialists, as well as students of educational institutions who are in the walls of the main station.


The whole plan, which decades later embodied in the museum complex "Universe of Water", they wanted to place on the third floor of the tower, which in the last century was not used in the right way. In 1902, the chief mechanic had to completely prepare the room. Then there appeared 4 cabinets, 4 showcases, a writing table and another for drawings.

water universe saint petersburg

In the archive you can find information that confirms the constant increase in the number of exhibits. However, when the manager Genneken resigned in 1910, information about the work of the museum began to become less and less, and a year later they completely disappeared. In 1911, R. Khmelevsky, a site technician, became the head.


In the 20-30s of the last century, expositions devoted to housing were located in Anichkov Yard, where a separate corner was devoted to covering the history of the development of the sewer system and water supply. After that, the Palace of Pioneers appeared there. The mystery is where the elements of the expositions disappeared.

They were not found after checking the collections of museums in St. Petersburg. After a long break, the “Universe of Water”, known to us, began its work. In 2006, a forum was held among the expositions of Europe at the international level in Portugal. At this event, "World of Water" was noted for significant results in increasing the value of the museum's collection. It is this complex that represents Russia at the European Association. In 2008, the 150th anniversary of the water utility was celebrated, to which the opening of the "Universe of Water" located in the reservoir was timed.

Visitors reviews

A tour of the museum usually leaves people with positive memories. Especially interesting to them are multimedia innovations. Interactive expositions are an element of a purely 21st century that not everyone has yet to become familiar with. In Europe, this experience is more frequent. For Russia, this is a big rarity.

museum water universe in st petersburg

The guides offer the use of comfortable pillows, because you will sit, listening to the information, for an entire hour, which, however, will fly by very quickly. The excursion to the museum is characterized by visitors as extremely fascinating, because there is no fatigue from a series of facts, the imagination is constantly amazed by bright colors and works of art.

In total, the event is impressive to the core. Many people like sheets with dates that occurred during the city’s floods, made of glass. They show videos with interesting historical moments that are associated with the water element. Detailed maps are made very skillfully. It is allowed to touch them in order to disclose information about a particular fact. People are pleasantly pleased that they are not outside observers, but can participate in chemical and physical experiments, from which you can get undeniable pleasure.

Vivid impressions for everyone

Those who have already been here are advised to line up at the cash desk early, as there is a risk of being late due to crowds. Due to the fact that there are several excursions at once, a lot of time needs to be spent on agreeing exactly where the person goes. Therefore, it is better to make a reservation in advance, because it is possible that there will be no places in the program for which you are going. So extra prudence will not hurt.

museum complex water universe

Parents and their children are very pleased with the local programs, which last an average hour. Kids are given the opportunity to make artificial snow, ice, they are involved in conducting experiments, running, watching cartoons. Groups recruit about 20 people. This event will perfectly entertain your child. In this beautiful complex for everyone there is an interesting lesson and valuable information. Great impressions guaranteed!


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