Ecoarchitecture: description, features, interesting facts and reviews

Ecoarchitecture is a special architectural concept that takes into account, first of all, environmental factors when designing a human environment. The basic principles of this concept were developed by the Italian architect Paolo Soleri. Ecoarchitecture is also understood as the realization of the idea that due to well-planned hyperstructures that contain the population of a single city, it is possible to significantly reduce the negative impact of a person on the environment.

How did the idea of ​​ecoarchitecture come about?


Ecoarchitecture was born after it became clear that the urban settlements began to occupy an unjustifiably large territory. This situation began to take shape in many countries. The environmental damage caused by the city was enormous.

The main element of this architectural concept is to reduce the area occupied by urban residents by relocating them to a three-dimensional hyperstructure. At the same time, the author of the idea, Paolo Soleri, did not limit himself solely to environmental considerations. He began to develop his project in a social direction. According to his plan, the new hyperstructures were supposed to help more efficient planning, the greatest use of public transport. Ultimately, this would lead to an increase in population density. At the same time, it would help get rid of most of the problems inherent in megacities.

It is noteworthy that it was not Soleri who first came up with such an idea. Environmental architecture is first described, as often happens, in a work of art. The ideas that Soleri took as a basis were first outlined in Herbert Wells, the science fiction novel When the Sleeping One Wakes Up.

Fulfillment of an idea

eco style in architecture

Currently, the most popular project of this architectural concept is called Arcosanti. This is a city in the USA, designed by Soleri himself. Since 1970, its construction has been carried out by student enthusiasts. It fully meets such a concept as "ecoarchitecture".

However, it cannot be considered successful. While the settlement is designed for 3-5 thousand people, only about 100 volunteers live in it. At the same time, educational and tourist projects can be successfully implemented at this site. At the moment, about 5 thousand people visit Arkosanti annually.

What are companies doing under the name "Ecoarchitecture"

eco-architecture waste management

In Russia today it is impossible to meet such settlements, but many companies have opened, the work of which is to some extent connected with the environment. Many of them are called “Ecoarchitecture”.

Some of them, for example, are engaged in urgent wholesale purchase of food products. Moreover, products with an expiring or expired shelf life, problematic batches of food and other illiquid. Ecoarchitecture LLC (Moscow and Moscow Region) is engaged in this. Subsequently, food is recycled. This is of great help to the environment.

There is another company in Yekaterinburg called EcoArchitecture. Recycling is the main direction of its activities. Its specialists are ready to help get rid of waste of hazard classes IV. The company collects and sorts all types of waste, provides a full package of documents and environmental reporting.

Ecostyle in architecture

In modern design and architecture, eco-style is very common. This is a fashionable and relevant direction. A large number of studies, projects and monographs are dedicated to him. For example, this is an article by A. Krivitskaya and N. Krivoruchko, employees of the Kharkov National Academy of Municipal Economy, entitled “Ecoarchitecture as a conservation of natural framework”.

The work is devoted to two cities - Kharkov and Belgorod. They, according to scientists, may well become an example of a new type of agglomerations. Currently, industrial waste, air pollution, deterioration of sanitary and epidemiological conditions significantly worsen the living conditions of people in the city.

Therefore, only the design of new eco-structures in the conditions of preserving the natural framework of the regional system in large agglomerations can save the current environmental situation.

Ecoarchitecture Criteria

In order for eco-tech in architecture to meet modern ideas about this concept, it must meet certain criteria.

Firstly, it is energy saving. It is necessary to minimize the use of synthetic energy sources. Secondly, the use of building materials of exclusively natural origin, which are also capable of self-renewing. This, for example, wood. This approach will allow descendants not to need these materials.

Thirdly, the building must be treated as a living organism. Architecture should be seen as a living environment. It must be remembered that the house also “breathes”, “grows” over time, and then “withers”.

Fourth, in all areas of life, it is necessary to minimize the harmful effects on the environment. And, finally, the last - the use of objects close to natural. And clearly understanding why you need just such a form.

Modern eco-architectural projects

ecoarchitecture llc

The concept of eco-architecture, the projects of which are presented in this article, is developing around the world. A vivid example is the "House of Solitude" in Argentina, his project appeared in 1975.

The main ideological inspirer, architect Emilio Ambash, conceived this "black square" in architecture. According to his plan, he should, like the painting of Malevich, symbolize the end of art and provide an outlet to a new spiritualistic reality.

But when the house was finally built, in 2005, it became a symbol of the “natural” lifestyle, which is so popular today.

The living quarters of this “House of Solitude” are hidden inside the hill and serve as excellent areas for meditation. On the hill are two walls with stairs that intersect at an acute angle. It is assumed that a person who was able to achieve enlightenment rises over them over gray reality.

Another eco-architectural project is being implemented in the Japanese city of Fukuoka. This is one of the largest cities in this Asian country, which suffers from a catastrophic lack of free space.

The history of this project began in 1995, when it became necessary to build a cultural center. It turned out that the municipal authorities could offer the only place for such a building in a city square, the size of which does not exceed two city blocks.

In order not to cut down this square, it was decided to occupy a 15-story skyscraper under the cultural center, preserving the few green spaces in Japan. The skyscraper houses exhibition venues and conference rooms, museums and art venues.

At the same time, greenery from the preserved park rises along the southern facade of the building, making it look like one of the wonders of the world - the gardens of Babylon.

At the same time, evaluating such a concept as ecoarchitecture, one may encounter conflicting reviews. On the one hand, experts note positive aspects - after all, these projects help the environment and preserve the environment. On the other hand, many experts note that at the implementation stage many ideas turn out to be too costly, a lot of money is spent unreasonably on them.

Dithicon Village

eco tech in architecture

Another eco-architectural project that needs to be described is the village of Dietikon (Switzerland), created by Peter Fech.

She appeared in 1993 in the area of ​​the small town of Dietikon. A few years later, when the movie "The Lord of the Rings" was released, the locals called the village formed next to them the Swiss Middle Family.

Fech built the first underground house back in the 1970s. Since then, in the Dieticon, he managed to build nine underground structures of various sizes. From 60 to 250 square meters. They were very similar to the homes of the hobbits from Tolkien's tale.

They liked people. Roofing from soil and grass naturally protected homes from rain, winds and sudden changes in temperature. It also helps to spend a lot less energy than in an ordinary house. These buildings are absolutely environmentally friendly.

Vertical trusses

eco architecture projects

The vertical farm construction project originated at Columbia University in the United States. According to his scientists, by 2050, 80% of the world's inhabitants will move to cities. Moreover, the habit of eating environmentally friendly agricultural products is still preserved.

To solve this problem, Pierre Sartoux and Augustin Rosenstil proposed the design of vertical farms. These are skyscrapers filled with greenhouses and cattle pens. A large number of such structures in the future will allow to feed all ten billion residents who will populate the Earth by 2050.

Organic home

ecological architecture

Another project worth noting is the organic home of Gaetano Pesce. In early sketches, it resembled an oak tree, in which the roots served as the foundation, and the crown - the roof.

Ultimately, the house became a bamboo grove, tending only up. She appeared in the center of another Japanese city - Osaka. In 1993, this building simply exploded the uniform uniformity of the classic Asian business district. The scarlet facade of the organic house is decorated with flower pots. They grow almost all types of shrubs that can only be found in this climatic zone. This is a good example of the implementation of ecoarchitecture in life.


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