Life in Miami: reviews of Russian emigrants, opportunities, pros and cons

The twenty-first century pushes the boundaries, and our compatriots for various reasons move to another continent. A lot of them chose life in Miami - the resort city of Florida. Some even consider it the most โ€œRussianโ€ city in America.

The reason for this is the great wave of emigration of the seventies, when the city grew rapidly and its infrastructure developed. Over time, friends and relatives joined the Russian families settled in the city, and the Russian part of the population increased.

At the turn of the millennium, the interest of successful compatriots increased in real estate in Miami. The romantic image of the place for the rich and famous, which was supported by American films, was confirmed by Russian stars.

Town in the USA

A place with two thousand inhabitants on the coast of the ocean was named Miami in the late nineteenth century. Residents of the northern regions of the country came here to rest, and by the middle of the twentieth century, it became one of the resort towns of Florida.

In 1959, a political upheaval in Cuba caused a flood of refugees, and now Cubans make up one third of the population of the city. The rapid development of Miami began. The influx of top-level specialists with finances ensured an unprecedented growth rate.

Studying in Miami

The seventies brought the first wave of Russian emigration, the nineties brought the second. Now about seven thousand Russians live in the city. Life in Miami, as, indeed, throughout the country, has its own characteristics, for Russians it is quite unusual. This is the lack of a button in the elevator with the number 13, and the custom of giving living people an even number of flowers in a bouquet. You have to translate everything into pounds, miles and get used to the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.

Due to its geographical location, darkness sets in at 20:00. And this is a real southern night - dark and warm. Unfortunately, most cafes no longer work at this time, and you canโ€™t sit with friends in a cozy atmosphere. Maybe because those who live here do not see the need for this. They like fast food here. By the way, McDonald's works around the clock.

The specifics of the resort town

All life in Miami is seasonally driven. The city is focused on visitors, so the season is considered the period from November to April. At this time, good weather is set, there is no heat, the rainy season has passed and no storms are expected. Some residents have a second apartment in New York or Chicago. During the cold weather in the northern states, you can come to warm yourself to the sea. Business is booming, the city is brimming with tourists.

Miami Beach

But by May, a great heat begins. The rainy season comes, hurricanes and tropical storms fly up. At such times, rainfall may not stop for up to three days. The wind is raging and, as it were, is sweeping away most of the inhabitants to more comfortable places where it is cooler. Airline and housing prices are falling, work is becoming scarce.


Life in Miami for Russians is in many ways connected with knowledge of the language. English is not very correct here, Spanish is considered second (70% of the inhabitants speak it), Russian and Hebrew are also common. You can always find a part-time job in cleaning and catering. If you are lucky enough to get into a Russian cafe, you can rarely use English. Without knowledge of the language, there are vacancies for moving and working as a trucker.

Waiter in a cafe

Work in the field of installation and connection of air conditioners, the Internet or cable television requires minimal communication skills in English. In this case, the training is provided by the employer. Such a specialist receives $ 1,500 weekly. We always need builders and workers of the "beautiful business" - hairdressers, manicurists, masseurs. But, compared with the northern regions of the country, there is less work and lower fees.

Oddly enough, working outdoors is not difficult. Compared to Orlando, the city of Florida 75 km from the ocean, heat is much easier to carry. Summer is rainy and there is no scorching heat.

Visa for relocation

The Russian will not need a Schengen visa. To enter the country you will need to apply for an American visa B1-B2. It is issued by the embassy in Moscow and can be used both for a tourist trip and for work.

The design is complex, but affordable for some categories of citizens. These are businessmen opening a subsidiary in Miami. If funds allow, you can also make a purchase of a business (the price of which starts at one hundred thousand dollars). Such an operation gives an L-1 work visa. Over time, it is changed to a green card.

Specialists from creative professions for living in Miami apply for an O-1 visa. They are considered extraordinary people and have special privileges.

Some take the opportunity to obtain political asylum. It is provided if there are sufficient grounds. For this, information is collected that can prove religious intolerance, gender-based oppression and other types of persecution. Others come to get an education.

Things to consider when moving

According to reviews, life in Miami for Russians is connected with the study of all possible requirements and the adoption of measures to obtain certificates. You will need documents, extracts, legal references and reviews of employers. To get a job, you should stock up with sufficient funds for the first time. This will support at first, until work is found.

Miami Newspaper

You will need knowledge of English and Spanish. Local newspapers publish job advertisements and accept resumes from applicants. Internet sites have become a good way to find work. In Miami, employers read such headings and may respond after the newspaper is published, so it is recommended that you keep your phone nearby and be in touch.

Still have to get acquainted with the local mentality. Russians are characterized by excessive openness in words and expression of feelings. This is not welcome in Miami.

The cost of travel

According to reviews, life in Miami includes the following minimum expenses:

  • Round-trip tickets (some visas require compliance with this condition) - $ 1,000, or 66,630 rubles (as of early October 2018).
  • Visa (on average) - $ 500, or 33,315 rubles.
  • Rental housing (on average per month) - $ 1,500, or 99,945 rubles.
  • The bus fare in the city for one trip is $ 2 (133 rubles).
  • A visit to a cafe without alcohol - $ 20, an alcoholic drink - $ 20 (1330 rubles).
Inexpensive housing

Many seek to find work with a "roof over their heads" - nannies, nurses, or gardeners. Those who work in cafes can save on food.


Living in Miami is not cheap. Compared to Russian cities - at the level of Moscow. Expensive real estate and medicine. Some areas have high crime rates. Upon moving to the city, adaptation to local laws and regulations will be required. Even migrants from the United States need time - most of Miami's population is Hispanic.

Hospitality in Miami is rather a phantom, it is not customary to arrange a feast here. And in the kitchen there are no dumplings, pilaf, and borscht familiar to Russian. Even chicken, as follows from the reviews, has no taste.

The atmosphere is filled with the desire to make many. It is difficult to buy a syringe, medicine for a cat, an antibiotic for yourself. Cesarean is often done in a maternity hospital (in 90% of cases), since it is a more qualified and highly paid operation than receiving a birth.

The sense of humor differs from the Russian one. Many working compatriots miss communicating with friends "just like that." This is not accepted here.

If you invite to your place, you need to be prepared for the fact that people can sit on the bed with their feet in street shoes. A remark cannot be made - this is an insult.


Life in Miami makes you forget about winter clothes. For Russians, this is unusual. The weather is always warm. Washing your hair before going out is a common thing. No complications in the form of meningitis are expected.

Art Deco Quarter

White sand beaches and the ability to swim all year round - this is not what Russia dreams of. The average annual temperature is 25 degrees Celsius.

There is no large industry, and the environment is good. The animal world of Miami is striking in its diversity: iguanas live in the city, sea cows can be found on the beach.

Wild animals in Miami

In the place of buildings, there used to be a swamp. Now organized a wildlife park, Florida Everglades, where you can see alligators, dolphins, panthers. Two zoos are waiting for visitors to the cubs and cubs to play with them.

Miami's wild life is sharks and jellyfish. Therefore, be careful to enter the water. It is better not to go beyond the famous beaches. In 2017, a man was attacked by a shark on Holover Beach. And in 2013, not far from the city, the alligator killed a girl who ran past the lake.

There is a reptile catcher profession. These people eliminate alligators from private estates, catching them from pools and garages. This is not the only guest from the wild. Coyotes, foxes, wolves, lynxes, cougars, raccoons and smaller iguanas and snakes wander into private homes.


There are cons and pros of living in Miami. Our compatriots, who work full time, note a lack of simplicity in communication. Misunderstandings lead to tension in relationships with colleagues. Many of their beloved friends and parents remained in Russia. The lifestyle is not designed for quiet gatherings in cafes, and too many aggressive people come to night clubs.

Two passports

However, Miami has become the choice for those who can live on dividends. Some rent real estate in Russia or work as freelancers, taking advantage of life in America. And at the same time among Russian-speaking people in the conditions of the subtropics. Of course, the move must be carefully planned and weighed every step. But this is not as impossible as it might seem. If you are thinking about living in Miami, go to your dream and do not change it. Then she will not change you.


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