Biography of Lesia Ukrainka: photos and interesting facts

World literature is rich in the names of writers and poets, whose work has won millions of hearts. Among them is the name of the great Ukrainian poetess, known both at home and abroad. Many are familiar with her poetry. But not everyone knows how interesting and surprising the biography of Lesya Ukrainka is. What was her life like?

biography of Lesya Ukrainka in Ukrainian

The triumph of the human spirit

Biography of Lesia Ukrainka is filled with pain, love, suffering, a string of creative searches, which are reflected in her incredibly talented works. Has anyone really thought about the tragedy of her fate? The fact that almost her whole life passed with the awareness of the incurability of a disease that dominates a fragile organism?

The biography of Lesia Ukrainka is tragic and amazing. Due to bone tuberculosis, a woman was forced to limp all her life. The illness that caused her suffering untimely brought her lover to the grave. The native mother arbitrarily interfered in her work and personal life - she allowed herself to edit her texts and never approved of her chosen ones.

It is difficult to believe that a woman born of a fragile one is able to endure all these hardships and hardships that fell to her lot. And at the same time, not only to maintain an unbroken spirit, but also to draw strength and inspiration from somewhere to create beautiful works. Many of them, like the biography of Lesya Ukrainka herself, remain instructive today. They carry a huge charge of optimism and the invincibility of the spirit, teach good and truth.

Lesya Ukrainka: biography of a Ukrainian writer

Getting acquainted with the biography of Lesia Ukrainka, you understand that it was created for creativity. Her whole environment was made up of people unusually talented, educated, creative.

Her closest person - her mother - was a famous Ukrainian poet and translator who worked under the pseudonym Olena Pchilka. Her real name was Olga Kosach. The pseudonym was “presented” to her by another well-known Ukrainian writer, Panas Mirny, due to the fact that he was familiar with her extreme hard work and the fruitfulness of her work.

short biography of Lesya Ukrainka

The mother’s brother was a well-known historian and folklorist in Ukraine, an active public figure who stood at the origins of Ukrainian socialism. His name is Mikhail Petrovich Drahomanov.

Outstanding representatives of the Ukrainian intelligentsia often visited the house. Communication with cultural and highly educated people, of course, influenced the general development of the girl, the formation of her worldview, as well as her formation as a future poetess.

Where can I read about her life?

The talented and vivid biography of Lesia Ukrainka in the Ukrainian language is contained in school textbooks and is available for study by students of Ukrainian-language schools. The poetess firmly occupies a prominent place in a cohort of the best writers and poets of Ukraine, whose study of creativity is provided for by the school curriculum.

Students of Russian-language schools in Ukraine, along with Russian and international, also study Ukrainian literature. They are invited to familiarize themselves with the biography of Lesia Ukrainka in Ukrainian.

biography of Lesya Ukrainka in Ukrainian

At the service of all Russian-speaking residents of Ukraine, as well as other countries who want to learn about the life of the poetess, many manuals and monographs have been written in Russian, as well as publications in the media. In addition, a biography of Lesia Ukrainka in Russian (as well as in Ukrainian) is available on the Internet.

Her biography is worthy of the attention of many. Valuable is not only the poet's work, but also her unbending will, the desire to live and love.

Short biography of Lesia Ukrainka. Origin

Her real name is Larisa Petrovna Kosach. She was born on February 13 (in the new style of the 25th) in 1871 in the city of Novograd-Volynsky in a family of descendants of the Ukrainian noble foreman.

The parents of the future poetess - natives of left-bank Ukraine - settled in Volyn in the summer of 1868. From Kiev, the family moved here to a new place of service for the father.

The head of the family, Petr Antonovich Kosach, a lawyer, nobleman by training, was actively involved in social activities. He began his career with the rank of college secretary, for some time served as the leader of the nobility in Kovel County. Since 1901, he has been a State Councilor. He was carried away by literature and painting. Artists, musicians, writers regularly gathered in the house, and home concerts were held.

The mother of the poetess, Olga Petrovna Kosach (Dragomanova) hails from small local nobles, a Ukrainian writer, publicist, and ethnographer. As already mentioned, her nickname is Olena Pchilka. Active participant in the women's movement, publisher of the First Wreath almanac.

A brief biography of Lesia Ukrainka in Ukrainian is given in the article below (see the section "About her - in her native language").


Her mother’s brother (the writer’s uncle) was a well-known publicist, folklorist and literary critic, scientist and public figure Mikhail Petrovich Drahomanov. A hereditary nobleman, at one time he served as a privat-docent at Kiev University, and then professor at the university in Sofia (Bulgaria). Collaborated with Ivan Franko.

Uncle played a leading role in shaping the niece’s views: he passed on to her his socialist beliefs and ideals of service to his homeland. It was with his help that the future poetess thoroughly studied several foreign languages ​​and was able to get acquainted with samples of classical world literature.

Aunt Lesia (the so-called future poetess in the family), Elena Antonovna Kosach, was an active revolutionary. In March 1879, she was exiled to Siberia for 5 years for participating in the attempted assassination of one of the gendarmes. Lesya responded to this event with her first poem “Hope” (1880).

Early childhood

She was inseparable from her older brother Michael. Together they received home education, studying with private teachers.

biography of Lesya Ukrainka in Russian

Lesia learned to read at 4 years old. Thanks to her mother, she became interested in Ukrainian folklore early.

In 1878, her friendship began with her father’s sister - Aunt Elya, who left a noticeable mark in both the life and work of the poetess.

In the same year, the family moved to the village of Kolodyazhnoye (Volyn), where the father, who was transferred to work in Lutsk, acquires land.

The following year, an aunt, Elena Antonovna Kosach, is arrested and exiled to Siberia.

In 1880, the husband of another aunt, Alexandra Antonovna Kosach (Shimanovskaya), was arrested and exiled, who, together with her two sons, moved to live in her brother's family. Aunt Sasha became the first music teacher for Lesia.

auto biography of Lesya Ukrainka in Ukrainian

In the winter of 1881, the girl received a severe cold, as a result of which a serious illness developed that haunted her all her life. Unbearable pains in the leg began, then his hands began to hurt.

Doctors first diagnosed rheumatism. The symptoms of the disease were neutralized with the help of the medicines they prescribed. But only for a while.

An autobiography of Lesia Ukrainka in Ukrainian contains revelations about why she should have struggled with her pain and physical suffering throughout her life. The fragile girl possessed an indestructible character and tremendous fortitude. “Schob not to cry, I smiled,” she writes. In Russian, these words are translated as follows: "So as not to cry, I laughed."


The village of Kolodyazhnoye becomes the permanent residence of the family. Here younger brothers and sisters are born (in total six children were brought up in the family).

In 1883 (Lesya and her brother Michael lived and studied in Kiev at that time), she was diagnosed with bone tuberculosis, operated on her hand, as a result of which she had to forget forever about the career of the pianist she dreamed about.

He returns to Kolodyazhnoye, where he improves his health and continues his home education.


With the help of her mother, she studies European, including Slavic, languages. As well as Latin and ancient Greek. He is fond of painting.

The level of home education of Larisa Kosach is evidenced by the fact that at the age of 19 she, based on the works of famous scientists, compiled for her sisters an ancient history textbook in Ukrainian, which was published many years later (in 1918) in Yekaterinoslav.

She translates a lot into Ukrainian (works by G. Heine, A. Mitskevich, Homer, V. Hugo, N. Gogol, etc.). And this despite the fact that the disease constantly made itself felt. But his mother raised Lesya a strong man who does not have the right to succumb to weakness and over-express his feelings.

The beginning of creativity

And yet, the main thing is what is rich in the biography of Lesya Ukrainka - the works of the poetess.

In 1884, she begins to write actively (in Ukrainian). Her early poems - "Sappho", "Lily of the Valley", "Summer has come red", etc. - publishes the Lviv magazine "Dawn".

Short review of written works

Over time, she will become the author of works of the most diverse genres in journalism, poetry, prose, and drama. She will work a lot in the field of folklore - more than 200 folk melodies will be recorded from her voice. Will become an active participant in the national movement.

Lesya Ukrainka will receive her fame thanks to the creation of:

1) poetry collections:

  • 1893th: “On the wings of songs”;
  • 1899th: “Thoughts and Dreams”;
  • 1902nd: “Reviews”;

2) poems:

  • 1893th: “The Old Tale”;
  • 1903rd: “One word”;

3) dram:

  • 1913th: “Boyar”;
  • 1907th: “Kassandra”;
  • 1905th: “In the catacombs”;
  • 1911th: “Forest Song” and others.

But it will be later. In the meantime ...


Since 1891, she travels to Galicia, Bukovina, gets acquainted with many prominent figures of Western Ukrainian culture: V. Stefanik, I. Franko, A. Makovei, O. Kobylyanskaya, N. Kobrinskaya.

During the year (1894-1895) he lives with Uncle Mikhail Drahomanov in Sofia.

A serious illness forces her to be treated at resorts in Egypt, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary. Repeatedly, the poetess visited the Caucasus, Odessa, and Crimea. Travels enriched her impressions and broadened her horizons.

In the spring of 1907, she and her fiancé Climentius Kvitka visited Alupka, Yalta, Sevastopol.

In August of this year, they officially formalize the marriage. They live in Kiev for some time, then move to the Crimea, where Kvitka manages to get a position in court.

Last years

Her illness progressed inexorably. Bone tuberculosis worsened, an incurable kidney disease was added to it.

She found the strength for creativity, overcoming severe suffering and pain.

Together with her husband, she collected folklore, processed her own dramas. During treatment in the Caucasus, the drama extravaganza “Forest Song”, the dramatic poem “Orgy”, and the lyro-epic triptych dedicated to Ivan Franko were created.

Learning about the aggravated illness of her daughter, a mother arrives in Georgia, who writes under her dictation the last, remaining unfinished drama - “On the Shores of Alexandria”.

The great Ukrainian poetess died July 19 (August 1) 1913 in the Georgian city of Surami. She is 42 years old. She was buried in Kiev at the Baykovo cemetery.

About her - in her native language

The biography of Lesia Ukrainka in Ukrainian, which we cite in the article, briefly conveys the already stated information about her life. The native language of the poetess will allow you to imbue her spirit and better understand her inner world:

“Lesya Ukrainka is a pseudo-visible Ukrainian script, poetry, remix, cultural dyyacha. Help і' - Larisa Petrivna Kosach.

a brief biography of Lesya Ukrainka in Ukrainian

She was born 25 fierce 1871 at the city of Novograd-Volinsky at the noble homeland. Mati sang a bull in a scribble, who created pid pseudonym - Olena Pchilka. Old Man Buve a highly dedicated assistant. Uncle Lesі - vіdomiy vcheniy, іstorik Mikhaylo Drahomanov.

At the house Kosachiv there were several occasions, guests were welcomed, home concerts were held and holy, children became participants in these.

Lesya started off with private readers. At 6 rokіv vmіla vzhe good vishivati.

1881 gravely got sick on tuberculosis kistok.

Through the camp of health, Zmushena turned around from Kyiv, deceased at once from her brother from private readers, to Kolodyazhnoye (main street on Volinі). From ancillary mother vivcha inozemnі movi (french, nіmetsku and іnshі).

In 1884, there is an active activity of poetry. Lvivskie vidavnitsvo "Zorya" druku pershi virshі: "Convalia", Safo "that inshi.

1885 enter її Ukrainian Ukrainian relocation of works by Mikoli Gogol.

Nadal won wonders: Homer, Heine, Mickiewicz, Hugo.

At 19 rockies I opened a history for my sisters.

Since 1891, the Bagato Mandraє Galichina, the lands of Europe, the Republic of Georgia, Italy, Egypt. Get to know the vіdomіmi dіyachami svіtovo and Ukrainian culture. The current hour of living in Sofia is with my uncle.

Often the price is higher in the camp of healthy writing. All in all, it’s supernatural to expand your horizons and create creativity. ї poetry - charitable zbіrki virshіv: Vidguki Osnnya kazka ’, On the krilas pisen’, Written about the will ’, dramatic poem Kasandra’, the drama є Feast of love for you ’ that yogo istorії, by the response of vibration dampen the share.

At sickle, wrestle with Clement Kvitkoy, a kind of shiro kohav. Young people live in Krima. For the supervision of the unfortunate rik on the fact that the gendarmes are covering the apartments, books are being received.

Ostananny rock life Forest Ukraine pass at the roads and likuvannі. Vona vidvidu Yalta, Batumi, Tbilisi, Kiev, Odessa, Ukraine, go to consultations to Berlin, meet with Egypt.

The poet died on 19 Lipnaya 1913 Rock at the Vіtsі 42 Rocks at the Mіstі Suramі (Gruzіya). "

Her motto

The leitmotif of creativity and the motto of all life of Lesia Ukrainka can be considered her words:

"Nі, I want to cry in my heart,

The middling spiva pisni,

Come on without

I want to live! Get Dumi Sum! ”

Her biography is interesting and amazing.

Readers who are passionate about the work of a writer or poet, having familiarized themselves with the official biography, want to get to know him better, look for details in their biographies in which their idol would appear brighter, more multifaceted. Here are some interesting facts from the biography of Lesya Ukrainka.

According to experts on her life and work, the poetess was very fond of “cooking”. She cooked strawberry and cherry jam in the summer. And once she brought and planted two dogwood bushes. They still bear fruit. But jam from their berries is now cooked by museum staff in the village of Kolodyazhnoye.

According to the memoirs of loved ones, in the moments of enlightenment, when she let go of the disease, she baked wonderful lemon mazurkas.

There were painful protracted periods of several months, when Lesya could not even get out of bed due to her illness. But she did not lose heart, plunged into creativity, developed her talent.

Her relationship with men — vibrant, sincere, and surprisingly beautiful — deserves a separate book. Her first real love, which overtook Lesya at the age of 15, was Maxim Slavinsky (18 years old). This love was reflected in her work, but the relationship was not long.

A painful wound in her heart was left in 1897 by Nestor Gambarashvili, a young Georgian student who lodged at Kosachi. They taught each other languages: she spoke it to French, he spoke it to Georgian. When Nestor married another, Lesia's despair knew no bounds. After 45 years, the former lover mourned her love on her grave.

Sergey Merzhinsky is the man who left the deepest mark in her life. They met at the resort and quickly found a common language, despite the fact that Les then experienced such hellish pains that sometimes she was forced to fall on the bench and sit still for a long time.

interesting facts from the biography of Lesya Ukrainka

She could not answer him in return, since she sincerely believed that because of her illness she would be a burden to her beloved. He put up with the fact that she would remain only a friend.

But the disease struck Merzhinsky. Itself seriously ill, Lesia is looking for a means to cure a loved one, on duty at his bed day and night. But the severe form of tuberculosis is progressing, and Sergey is dying in her arms. Lesya will forever keep love for him. From now on, she wears only black clothes.

Six years later, at a literary readings, she meets Clement Kvitka, a famous musician and folklorist. Merzhinsky continued to live in her heart, but she accepts Kvitka's offer. Their marriage lasts six years and ends with the death of the poetess.

It is said that Clement loved Lesya so much that from time to time he sold property and belongings in order to provide her with the money she received. He could not forgive his wife's early departure. After her death, Kvitka lived another forty years, suffering and reproaching her for leaving him alone.

Lesya Ukrainka biography

Biography of Lesia Ukrainka (as well as her work) is bright, talented, unforgettable. A series of enthusiasm and suffering, poetic inspiration and the fight against the disease, creative achievements and spiritual disappointments, high spiritual achievements and love losses. One of the best poets and writers of Ukraine, she was remembered not only for her brilliant works, but also for her indestructible desire to truly live and love.


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