Can jewelry be returned? In which case can I return the jewelry back to the store

Can jewelry be returned back to the store? This question is asked by many buyers after acquiring and trying on jewelry at home. But, unfortunately, it will not work to return high-quality jewelry to the store. Because it is forbidden by law. You will learn more about all this from this article.


the decoration turned out to be defective

Every consumer should know that returning high-quality jewelry to the store does not work back. Therefore, the choice of jewelry should be approached very seriously. Nevertheless, each rule has its own exceptions. Therefore, when answering the question of most buyers about whether it is possible to return the jewelry to the seller, you need to give a positive answer, but with a slight caveat. If the decoration was found to be defective, then by law the consumer has the right to take it back to the store and ask him to return his money. But there may be difficulties.

The thing is that entrepreneurs engaged in the sale of jewelry defend their position and do not want to recognize the fact that defective goods were sold in their store. Therefore, it is possible that there will need to be an independent examination.

Legal regulation of this issue

legal return

So, under the current Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", each buyer can return the purchased item back to the store, if it was not in operation, it has all the labels and factory seals. But this rule does not apply to jewelry. You need to know this.

Therefore, if a person asks whether it is possible to return jewelry of excellent quality back to the store due to the fact that it does not resemble other jewelry, then the answer in this case will be negative. This rule must be remembered.

Jewelry is included in the list of goods that cannot be returned back to the seller. But once again it is necessary to say that there are exceptions to each rule. Therefore, you can return the jewelry if certain factory defects are detected (for example, the lock on the bracelet or earrings does not work). It will be very difficult to do this, but itโ€™s still worth trying to assert your rights. Especially if the defective product was bought as a gift to a loved one, but it was not possible to hand it over.

Jewelry Returns

returning the product to the store

This issue needs to be dealt with in more detail. Moreover, jewelry of excellent quality cannot be exchanged or returned to the store. This has already been said earlier. However, you can still bring the jewelry back to the store. But in the case when the decoration does not meet the declared quality characteristics. For instance:

  • there is a complete or partial mismatch of the product with the characteristics indicated on the product tag (for example, during use it suddenly turned out that the purchased ring was not made of gold, but of a completely different metal, but had only gold plating);
  • the purchased jewelry began to gradually break down (a stone fell out of a bracelet or earrings, the chain links were disconnected, the lock stopped working);
  • precious watches have stopped running and are not even adjustable (this will be a factory defect, but only under the right conditions of use).

In such situations, sellers often take their goods back so as not to spoil their business reputation with other customers, and return the funds to the buyer. Or they offer an exchange of defective jewelry for another, of good quality. But sometimes it happens that the seller refuses to take back low-quality jewelry. In such a situation, an examination may be required.

What to do

defective product exchange

So, can jewelry be returned back to the store? Yes, if the jewelry turned out to be of poor quality. Otherwise, this will not work.

In order to return jewelry that has defects, it is necessary to contact the store where it was purchased. If the buyer was refused his request, then it will be necessary to contact the owner of the distribution network with a claim. This document must be made in duplicate.

If marriage is found

So, as already stated above, the buyer must make a claim in the name of the owner of the jewelry store and transfer one copy of this document to the seller for signature, and leave the second at home. This is necessary so that if a response is not received from the store owner, the buyer has the opportunity to file a lawsuit with the court.

So, is it possible to return the jewelry to the store? The answer in this case can be either positive or negative. Therefore, if the jewelry is of high quality, then it will not work either to exchange it or return it back to the seller. Because the law says that such products are included in the List of goods of good quality, not subject to return or exchange, approved by Government Decision No. 55 of 01/19/1998. These are the rules.

The situation is completely different when the jewelry turned out to be defective. The buyer initially might not even notice minor defects on the decoration, but in the process of short wear, the poor-quality product began to collapse. In this case, the consumer has the opportunity to bring the goods back and receive their money or exchange defective items for another product. This must be known to all customers.

How to file a claim

man writes a claim

So, is it possible to return the jewelry to the store if the seller does not accept it and refers to the rule of law? Yes, but only when defects were discovered on the jewelry. A sample claim is as follows.

Director of the store _______________ (name of organization)

Address ______________________ (fully indicated)

from a citizen _____________________ (data are indicated in full)

address and telephone number _____________________


to return (or exchange) defective goods

_____ (indicate the number) I purchased the jewelry ______ (indicate which one, of which metal and sample). This fact is confirmed by cash and sales receipts dated _______ (date).

The purchased jewelry turned out to be of poor quality, because it has factory defects (describe which ones) that I noticed only during the operation of the product.

On the basis of Article 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", I ask you to return money to me for the purchase of jewelry (indicate again which one) purchased in your store ______ (date of purchase).

If you do not receive a response on this claim within ten days, I have the right to apply to the court for the protection of my rights as a consumer.

Date _____________

Customer Signature _________________

Frequently Asked Questions

Many people face the problem of returning goods. Including substandard jewelry. But not everyone can defend their position in front of the seller and get back their money for defective jewelry. All this is due to the fact that the owners and sellers of jewelry stores use the legal illiteracy of ordinary citizens and do not accept jewelry from them, even if they show factory defects. This happens most often.

Nevertheless, many buyers still wonder if it is possible to bring the jewelry back to the jewelry store if it has certain defects. By law, this is possible. But you must save a receipt confirming the purchase of the product from this seller. Otherwise, you will have to prove the fact of acquiring jewelry in this store.

In which case can I return the jewelry back to the seller? When answering this question, it is necessary to say once again that the return of high-quality jewelry will not work. Jewelry can be returned only in the situation when it does not meet all the required characteristics or has a certain factory defect. This must be remembered.


Due to the fact that jewelry under the current legislation is not subject to return or exchange, in most cases, sellers, relying on this rule, do not want to accept even defective products from buyers. In this case, it is unlawful.

manufacturing defects

Nevertheless, if a similar situation occurs, the buyer should insist on an independent examination that will help determine the manufacturing defect in the jewelry or confirm the fact that the defect appeared during improper use of the product.

This study is carried out at the expense of the seller. If the examination finds that the marriage of the jewelry appeared during improper use of the jewelry, then the buyer will have to reimburse the cost of this study. All consumers need to know about this.

If the examination shows that the marriage was originally on the product (i.e., it is a factory defect), the seller will be obliged to return the money for the decoration to the buyer or to exchange low-quality jewelry for another product. This is the order.

Jewelry Warranty

As previously stated, purchased jewelry cannot be returned back to the store. But for every piece of jewelry there is a certain guarantee. Therefore, if during the operation of the jewelry a certain defect was discovered (for example, the lock on the bracelet or earrings is unfastened), the buyer has every right to demand the repair of this product or its replacement with another jewelry, as well as the return of his money. This is important to know.

product repair

Here it is necessary to say that the guarantee for jewelry is established by the manufacturer. If this was not done, then this period is at least two years from the date of purchase of the jewelry.

It must also be said that the buyer is not obliged to prove that the defect in the jewelry appeared not through his fault.

Sometimes it happens that the manufacturer does not indicate the warranty period on the jewelry tag, but the service life of this jewelry. It turns out that during this period the manufacturer is responsible for his product. You also need to know about this.


So, according to the law, the return of jewelry is allowed only if they discover factory defects. If the decoration turned out to be of high quality, then it will not work to exchange it or return it back. This is a very important rule.

Should jewelry be returned if loose gemstones start falling out of them? In this case, the answer will be yes. Moreover, if the buyer repaired the product at his own expense, the seller is obliged to refund the amount spent on repairing the decoration.

Of course, people who buy gold or silver jewelry in the store want them to please the eye. But this, unfortunately, does not always work out.

Moreover, for the exchange and return of jewelry, you need to contact the store where they were purchased. This issue needs to be resolved only in an official manner with the owner of the distribution network.


I would like to say again about the rules for returning jewelry to the store. In this case, buyers do not need to be afraid to assert their rights if the jewelry turned out to be defective. In order to return a product with a defect to the store, you must apply there with a check confirming the fact of purchase. Moreover, if the product is not accepted, then you need to write a claim in the name of the owner or director of the store. If you do not receive a response, contact the judicial authority.


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