Payment for the third child: size, terms of execution, documents

To become a large cell of society is a difficult decision for most families in our country. The cause of internal fear was the echo of the crisis of the nineties, which to this day reminds of itself. The political and economic instability of those years makes us worry about the future of children, which is important for caring parents. However, the Russian government has introduced a number of bills that combat the current demographic situation. Already this year, the payment for a third child significantly supported many families with children.

A third child appeared in the family. What benefits can parents receive? Each year, the list of benefits is changed. Therefore, not all parents are aware of their rights, even if they have more than one child. First things first.

What is maternity capital?

The start of such a significant and significant program as maternity capital took place almost 10 years ago and became a huge help for families with children who want to raise the living comfort of their babies to a higher level. Some decided to purchase improved housing, others bought a vehicle for the whole family. In both cases, children's living conditions have changed significantly. Large families and guardians are provided with maternal capital, which is a significant support.

payment for a third child

Over the years of the bill, maternity capital has received millions of Russian families. The third child in the family is a definite joy. However, the decision to terminate the program at the end of this year upset many happy parents.

But what will happen next? More recently, the Russian government issued a statement and assured citizens of the continuation of the program until 2026. Moreover, according to experts and preliminary calculations, the amount of maternal capital over these years will increase to 1.5 million rubles.

What can I spend on?

Not every parent has information on what needs such state aid can legally be spent on. Directions should be as follows:

  • Teaching and educating children.
  • Acquisition or construction of housing, improvement of living conditions. Also, funds can go to pay a mortgage.
  • Buying a car of domestic brand.
  • Expensive treatment and recovery of a sick child.
  • Cumulative security of the mother.

Doubts that maternity capital is an incentive program disappear by themselves. With such a guarantee, the birth rate in the state increases markedly.

third child payout

Types and size of payments

Maternal capital is far from the only one payment to large families. What payments will the parents receive upon the birth of their third child? In the Russian Federation, large families are also entitled to other, no less substantial benefits, which can be obtained immediately after the delivery of a certain list of documentation:

  • Childcare allowance. Most often this is financial support for caring for a baby up to one and a half years. Based on legal grounds, its size should correspond to the average earnings of one of the parents making out the allowance. To put it differently, the payment for a third child up to one and a half years old is calculated based on the average wage of the mother for the last 24 months of work. Typically, a decision is made within 10 days. After that, the money is transferred to the mother’s place of work and is handed out before maternity leave. If the mother does not have a permanent job or graduate, payment for a third child will be minimal.
  • One-time allowance. The right to receive this payment is given to one of the parents only once. The amount of assistance is about 15 thousand rubles, the payment is made at the place of work of the recipient (parent).
  • Monthly payment for caring for a baby up to one and a half years. In this case, the calculation of benefits will be at least 40% of the average parent's salary for 24 months. The minimum state support that a parent can receive will be 5436 rubles. It is important to note that other relatives who, for various reasons, will take care of the baby for up to one and a half years, can apply for the benefit.
  • Monthly allowance up to 3 years. So, the third child appeared in the family. Payments in this case will depend on the wealth of the family and its place of residence. The monthly material allowance for large families is individual at the regional level. But the common basis for the formation of the amount will be the size of the living wage, separate for each region.

third child what payments

Documents for registration of benefits

The process of receiving cash benefits for a child should begin by submitting an application in person with an attached list of necessary documentation. State payments for the third child will be individual for each region of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the package of supporting securities may vary. To get a reliable list, you must contact the Office of Social Protection. Employees of the institution will consider the situation and give recommendations on the collection of documents and an approximate calculation of the stipulated benefits.

third child what are the payments

Regional payment for a third child

In order to increase the birth rate, in 2012 the President of the Russian Federation adopted a decree that provided for the introduction of advisory measures to improve the demographic situation in the country. As a result, it was proposed to provide large families with an additional allowance for caring for a baby up to 3 years old, which should be equal to the size of the living wage of the region.

The support allowance must be paid monthly until the child reaches 3 years of age. Most regions responded to the proposed innovation, and the relevant provisions were adopted by local authorities. Many families received substantial financial support. However, since the decree is advisory in nature, many regions have refrained from introducing such measures.

what are the payments at the birth of a third child

Benefits for large families

The unlimited happiness of parents is the third child. What are the payments to large families, it became clear. But the benefits from the state are of interest to each parent of such a cell of society. In addition to financial support in the form of benefits for families with a third child, the following benefits are provided:

  • Mortgage credit lending.
  • Free education for children or compensation for tuition.
  • Tax rebates.
  • Extraordinary admission of a child to a preschool institution.
  • Reducing the cost of housing and communal services.
  • The procedure for obtaining drugs.
  • Reduced fare in transport.

The priority problem of the Russian Federation is the birth rate, which the state is trying to solve by allocating impressive amounts. It should be noted that this help really gives families the opportunity to give birth to a third child.


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