Basic rules for breastfeeding newborns

In this article, we wanted to place 10 rules for breastfeeding of newborns, but when we started working on the publication, we realized that there are much more principles and the more a young mother knows about feeding, expressing and applying to her breast, it will be easier for her and the baby . Breast milk is a real gift of nature, which helps the child grow up healthy and smart, strong. If there is a possibility of breastfeeding, then completely abandon the idea of ​​trying milk formulas. If you know the main rules and principles of breastfeeding newborns, there will be no problems with this, mother and baby will be happy!

Breastfeeding option


There is no reason why a healthy woman could not breastfeed her baby. Babies are fed with mixtures only if they are deprived of a biological mother, the woman has both breasts removed, the state of the mother’s own health or the baby does not allow the baby to feed the baby (there is incompatibility - Rh conflict). Under any other circumstances, a woman who has given birth to a child can feed not just one, but several children, without resorting to complementary foods for up to 5-6 months! The secret lies in the rules for breastfeeding newborns, which we will talk about later.

The lack of milk by women is often explained as follows: simply no, stress, domestic disorder, and so on. In fact, there are no such reasons, and there cannot be, so nature intended! If a woman does not want to breastfeed, she will lose milk. Milk can also disappear if the young mother incorrectly complies with the recommendations of doctors and does not follow the rules for breastfeeding a newborn.

For breastfeeding in a young mother to be successful, you need:

  • have a desire to breastfeed;
  • comply with the rules that doctors will tell you both before and after childbirth;
  • be guided by the advice of experienced women who have experience in breastfeeding up to 1 year;
  • in the period of problems with lactation, consult with specialists until the milk is completely gone;
  • learn the technique of feeding in the maternity ward, and it is better to attend special courses before that;
  • Mandatory support for a young mother by family, relatives.

If you follow all the rules of breastfeeding and applying, you will not have problems with milk. The baby will receive food according to his physiological needs, and will be healthier and stronger than fed with mixtures, because only in breast milk there are unique substances that contribute to the development of physical and mental, development of immunity. Let's talk about proper application.

The rules of breastfeeding and infants

how to feed the baby

For the first month of a child’s life, you need to learn how to properly apply it to the chest. The duration and quality of feeding depends on this. Mom, when properly applied, will always have milk, the likelihood of mastitis, cracks in the nipples, lactostasis and other troubles will be minimized.

The probability of improper capture of the chest or the adoption of an uncomfortable position by the child during breastfeeding is up to 8 months! If the baby is uncomfortable or incorrectly takes the nipple, the breast must be removed, and then give it correctly and in a comfortable position. Do not be afraid to take away the breast and give it again, the baby is just learning, your tips are important to him, because incorrect attachment makes him uncomfortable both during feeding and after.

How to apply correctly?

  1. Expand the baby tummy in your chest. The baby’s head and neck should be located on one straight line during the entire feeding process; tilting the head back is inconvenient for the baby, for its digestion, and for the mother.
  2. The chin of the baby should lie on his chest.
  3. Insert the nipple into the baby’s mouth so that the lower sponge is turned out, only the upper part of the areola of the nipple is outside, the lower one, like the nipple, is in the baby’s mouth.
  4. The cheeks of the baby, when properly applied, should not be retracted or sails.
  5. Mom does not feel pain.
  6. The baby sucks slowly, measuredly.

Proper application allows the child to suck back milk, it should not stagnate, otherwise mastitis may begin. If applied incorrectly, cracks form on the nipples of the mother, and further feeding is often simply unbearable, many refuse it.

Comfortable feeding position

Let's start with the rules for breastfeeding a newborn lying down:

When the baby was just born, do not try to feed him immediately while sitting, start learning from a prone position, you will already develop skills, and you will be able to feed even on the go! The rules for breastfeeding a newborn must be observed, because the quality of feeding depends on a comfortable posture (if the mother feels uncomfortable, the feeding process, which can last a long time, will become just torture).

  1. Lie on a comfortable side, lay the baby nearby. Putting his hand on him is not necessary, as he and you will be uncomfortable.
  2. Put a pillow under your back, rest on it, pull your arm out on the side on which you are lying, sideways, and hug the baby.
  3. Use your second hand to help your baby grab the nipple.
  4. You can’t hold your chest further, rest while the baby is quietly sucking milk.

Rules for breastfeeding a newborn sitting:

  1. Sit down so that it is most comfortable for you, put pillows under your back that will not allow you to overturn, which will lead to an incorrect posture (it will be uncomfortable for both you and the baby).
  2. Lay the child on your hand, the head should be at the elbow. Turn the tummy towards you, not throwing back the child’s head, help him take the nipple.

On-demand feeding

healthy child

Feeding a baby is a mutual process, so it is worth starting from not only the requirements of the child, but also from the requirements of the mother. Let's talk in detail about both sides of the process!

The rules for breastfeeding a newborn at the request of a child are simple to follow, since basically he dictates them! The first 2 months of life of feedings per day can be more than 20 (up to 4 times per hour), it all depends on his needs. Any whim, crying, reflex of the search for the breast (starts to snort, twirl his head, smack) is a requirement of food, you need to give the baby the chest as many times as he needs, and not take it away until it is pumped. You can’t be afraid that the child will overeat. There are norms for feeding, but the baby’s body itself knows its own. The digestive tract of infants is designed so that it can absorb breast milk almost without interruption! Milk itself contains enzymes that promote absorption.

From two months, it will be necessary to apply less often, approximately every 1.5-2 hours the child will wake up and demand food. By six months, the requirements will become even more rare, and you will breast-feed the baby no more than 12 times a day. Do not refuse the baby in the chest, if he requires, do not exchange for a dummy or mixture, even if you feel that there is no milk! Only frequent application at the request of the baby develops normal lactation, and milk "learns" to be produced when it is needed by the baby. Many mothers even know when the baby will wake up and require food, by the breast that has poured.

If the chest is full, but the baby is sleeping, nothing prevents you from giving it to the sleeping baby. Mother's requirement also needs to be considered! If you do not satisfy the need, then milk will be produced less than necessary, lactation will be violated.

Rules for breastfeeding and expressing

expressing milk

Pumping is not recommended by doctors, as it leads either to a decrease in the amount of milk, or to too much milk, which can result in mastitis and other problems. But you can’t leave the remaining milk, it leads to stagnation, obstruction of the ducts, and the end of lactation. Straining is necessary if:

  • the baby does not empty the chest steadily;
  • taking medications that are harmful to the baby (so you will not give the milk an abyss during treatment, and afterwards you can continue breastfeeding);
  • lack of milk - to increase lactation;
  • if it is not possible to feed the baby (forced separation from the baby, even for half a day when you went about your business).

The rules for expressing, breastfeeding newborns at the request of both parties are clear. Next, we propose to talk about the need to feed the baby from both breasts.

Feeding from both breasts

Up to 5 months of life, a child can empty only one breast at a time. Do not shift it to the second until the first is empty. The fact is that at first the child receives earlier milk, then later, which is rich in fats, and its shortage entails a digestion failure. Do not worry about the second full breast. In 1.5-2 hours, her turn will come.

From the fifth month of life, the baby will need to eat milk from both breasts at a time. First, let the first completely suck, then shift. If not all milk comes out from the second breast, then start the next feeding from it.

Feeding duration

rules for feeding children

Children suck longer for up to two months, as they not only eat, but also get psychological comfort from the process itself, tactile communication with mom. The first 3-7 minutes, the child only drinks, as previously milk is liquid. Then comes the turn of late milk, which is fat, this is food. During the absorption of fatty milk, the child begins to fall asleep, sucks more slowly, and many mothers think that he is full, they take their breasts. It is not right! The child himself will let go of his chest from his mouth when he is full.

Feeding time depends on the baby. Some cope in 20 minutes, others are not enough and an hour. But all this is temporary, from 2-3 months the baby will become more agile and stronger, and it will take less time for satiation.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, the rules for breastfeeding a newborn must be observed, and do not take away the breast until the baby releases it. Otherwise, he will only get drunk, and all the nutrients and fats will remain in the chest. The child will be hungry, moody, and mother will not understand this, because she will be sure that he just ate.

Night feeding

baby sleeps

The rules for breastfeeding a newborn should be observed at night. Between 3 a.m. and 8 a.m. at least 2 feedings should be made. It is at this time that lactation develops, and if you follow the rules, then milk will be constantly produced in the right amount.

Do not be afraid to put your baby to sleep next to you. So you will rest more (no need to get up and walk), and the child will be more comfortable.

Is it necessary to keep a column after feeding the baby?

If the baby has not fallen asleep under the breast, then after feeding, take it in the "column" position, tummy to you, this will help burp the air that has got into the stomach when sucking. which will reduce the likelihood of colic.

If the baby fell asleep, then do not wake him, put him to bed. When he wakes up, you will grab him by the handles, begin to move, and the air will depart.

Feeding and milking

mother with baby

The baby needs feeding only from 6 months, before that, refuse additional feeding with the mixture, juices and so on.

As for drinking, pediatricians previously recommended giving babies boiled water, considering milk only food. Today, all doctors claim that in milk up to 90% of water, and you can not be afraid of dehydration.

If you add or feed a baby, con will be less in need of milk, and lactation can stop by 3-6 months!

Bottles and soothers

Try not to use the bottle while breastfeeding, it can only be if you have gone away on business and expressed milk. Studies have shown that milk comes easier from a bottle, and even once having tried such feeding, the baby can refuse to breast!

As for the use of soothers, after them the baby incorrectly grabs the chest, which, when feeding both him and his mother, causes discomfort.


mother with baby

Another important rule for breastfeeding newborns is clean breasts, but you can not overdo it with soap. Soap removes natural lubricant from the nipples, and its frequent absence leads to the formation of cracks. Wash your breasts with soap once a day, and before each feeding, simply rinse it with clean water.

We reviewed the medical advice and rules for breastfeeding newborns. Guided by this publication, you can fully and without problems feed your baby!


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