Concrete floor in the garage. Process description

When we plan to make the floor in the garage, we ask ourselves which of the many well-known options for their arrangement we choose. In order to determine the option, you have to weigh all the pros and cons in relation to each specific type of coverage. Often, many people opt for making concrete floors in the garage. More about this in this article.

In order to perform a concrete floor in a garage, you must first carefully prepare the foundation. This process needs special attention. There are two types of base - this is an old coating and soil. For each type indicated there is a peculiar approach.

  • To equip the concrete floor in the garage on the old floor, you need to thoroughly prepare it. Repair all cracks, if any, with a mixture of sand and cement. Sites that cannot be repaired must be completely dismantled and then refilled. Differences in height should be removed with the help of a special milling machine, and only then proceed with the filling of the floor.
  • When the base is run on the ground, before you start pouring, you need to very carefully compact the ground so that then there are not even the slightest subsidence. After that, you need to make a sand pillow and also tamp it well. The thickness of the pillow itself depends on many factors: the level of the water surface, the degree of freezing and what base.

Also, do not forget about protecting the concrete floor from moisture, for this you need to use all possible waterproofing materials on a bituminous basis, a polymer membrane or an ordinary plastic film.

When arranging concrete floors over a large area, formwork is used, it can also be used in the form of guides, but then it should coincide with the relief of all expansion joints.

Concrete floor

in the garage is not possible without laying fittings. For this, a special wire with a diameter of 5 mm is used, and the mesh size of the reinforcement is 150 * 150 mm. If the coating is subject to very high mechanical stress, then the thickness of the concrete floor in the garage should be greater. Then it is necessary to create a reinforcing cage from reinforcement with a wire diameter of 0.8–1.6 cm, or from a reinforcing mesh. This is an important point. The concrete floor in the garage begins to be poured only after all preparatory
works: soil compaction, waterproofing, formwork preparation and installation of reinforcing cage. Pouring can be done either manually or using a concrete mixer. If he can drive up to the place of filling, the concrete is unloaded directly from it to the already prepared foundation. If it is not possible to drive up, or pouring is carried out at a certain height, then in this case, it is necessary to use a concrete pump. After pouring, you need to process the concrete floor in the garage with a device such as a vibrorail. To do this, set the rails at zero and level the concrete mix along the rails.

After concreting, we wait for complete drying, and the floor is ready.


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