Ampelic pelargonium: varieties, planting, care, reproduction

Ampelic pelargonium is an attractive plant that is in demand among flower growers. And this is not surprising, because the flower is characterized by rapid growth, a beautiful form of buds and a pleasant aroma. But the curly beauty is endowed with a capricious character, and in order to grow her at home, it will take a lot of effort.

Pelargonium loves lit places


Ampelic pelargonium or, as it is also called, condylar or thyroid, is a prominent representative of the Geraniev family. In the natural environment, this flower can be found in South Africa.

Many mistakenly call pelargonium geraniums. And although these cultures are similar and belong to the same family, still they are different flowers. After all, geranium is an upright plant up to half a meter high, and pelargonium is a creeping shrub whose shoots reach a meter in length.

Pelargonium has glossy leaves and large inflorescences. Buds are simple or terry. Petals are painted in white, pink, red and purple tones, but there are also two-tone varieties. The buds are collected in an umbrella up to 8 cm in diameter. Each of them can have up to 30 flowers.

Popular varieties

Breeders bred many varieties of this attractive plant. Such varieties of ampelic pelargonium are popular with flower growers:

  • Amethyst (Amethyst). This variety is ideal for growing on a balcony or loggia. After planting, the plant develops rapidly and creates a lush basket in a short time. The buds are large, terry, painted in raspberry, purple and dark pink shades.
  • Crocodile (Crocodile). A variety of pelargonium congenital, characterized by emerald leaves covered with golden patterns. The buds are semi-double, medium in size, painted in coral and pink.
  • Jacky Gauld A distinctive feature of the variety is large terry flowers resembling miniature roses. Petals are painted white, but in the sun they acquire a pink-purple hue.
  • Rhapsody. This variety is characterized by rapid growth, glossy foliage and large semi-double inflorescences of an unusual shape. Petals are painted in dark beetroot tones.
  • Rowletta The variety of pelargonium ivy is valued for the unusual color of the buds. The white petals of the culture have a bright raspberry fringing.

Each of these varieties will be an adornment of the flower grower's collection. But for this, it will be necessary to ensure the proper care of ampelic pelargonium. After all, this plant cannot be called unpretentious, and in order to achieve beautiful flowering, comfortable conditions should be created for the culture.

There are many varieties of pelargonium

Soil and pot

Pelargonium does not impose special requirements on the composition of the soil. The main thing is that the soil is fertile and breathable. A universal mixture for plants is suitable. But if you wish, you can make the basis for ampelic pelargonium yourself. To do this, mix in equal parts:

  • turf land;
  • sheet soil;
  • humus;
  • sand;
  • peat.

For a plant, you should not choose a large pot, because pelargonium loves relative crowding. When choosing a planter, pay attention to the roots of the flower. Between the processes and the walls of the pot should remain 2 cm, but no more. In such a capacity, the plant will bloom magnificently.


Ampelic pelargonium is a photophilous plant, and it is desirable to grow a flower in the south side of the room. As a last resort, place the flowerpots near the east or west window. But on the north side of the lack of sun, the flower will quickly wither away.

Ampelic Pelargonium


In the summer, ampelous pelargonium needs regular, but moderate watering. Keep in mind that the flower does not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the soil. Therefore, it is worth approaching the drainage very seriously. Watering the plant is recommended after the topsoil has dried.

In the autumn-winter period, hydration should be reduced. It is enough to water the pelargonium once every 14 days so that it feels comfortable.

It is recommended to moisten the flower with standing water at room temperature. During the procedure, try to ensure that moisture does not get on the leaves and buds of the plant. Otherwise, they will rot. For the same reason, do not spray the flower from the spray bottle.

Flower loves plentiful watering

Temperature mode

Ampelic pelargonium is thermophilic, and in summer the optimum temperature for it will be + 22 ... 25 ° C. The most difficult thing is to keep the flower in winter. Indeed, during this period it is recommended to keep it in a room with a temperature of +5 ... 12 ° C. At the same time, provide the plant with bright, but diffuse lighting.

Top dressing

After winter dormancy and pruning, be sure to fertilize the flower with nitrogen preparations. Then the plant will quickly restore the volume of the crown. In the spring-summer period, also apply potash and phosphorus fertilizers, which will ensure lush flowering.

From the beginning of autumn to the end of winter, pelargonium begins a period of rest. Do not feed the flower at this time.


This event is held every spring and autumn. Unlike bush varieties, in ampelic pelargonium, only dried and bare shoots are cut. And the remaining branches are gently nipped.

Thanks to this approach, "sleeping" buds awaken, and the plant begins to branch out densely. In addition, more inflorescences appear on new stems. As a result, the plant takes the form of a ball.


Spend a similar event every two years in the spring. Moreover, if the flower is still not crowded in the old pot, then it is not necessary to transplant it. It is enough to remove the topsoil and replace it with new fertile soil.

If the roots have grown and it is crowded, then transplant ampel pelargonium. Plant a flower in a new pot in this way:

  1. Turn the container over and carefully remove the flower.
  2. Carefully remove the old soil and trim the roots that have grown into the drainage.
  3. Put a layer of perlite or expanded clay in the pot. Cover the drainage with a centimeter layer of soil.
  4. Set the flower in a container and cover it with new soil. Tap lightly on the walls of the pot to compact the soil and fill the voids.
  5. Water the flower and put it in its usual place.

The first time after transplantation, provide the plant with gentle care. Keep in mind that dwarf varieties of pelargonium are recommended to hold this event every year.

Ampelic pelargonium seeds

Growing ampelic pelargonium from seeds

This method of reproduction is quite troublesome and time-consuming. And only experienced flower growers can grow a culture in this way. The fact is that the seeds of ampelic pelargonium have a solid shell. And before boarding, they need to be scarified. But at the same time, it is advisable not to damage the inner seed.

For planting seeds, use store soil or mix in equal parts:

  • turf land;
  • peat;
  • sand.

Be sure to sanitize the soil before planting. In addition, it is recommended to hold flower seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate.

How to land:

  1. Moisturize the soil with a spray bottle.
  2. Dig the seeds to a depth of 0.5–1 cm.
  3. Cover the landing with foil or glass and place in a bright room with a temperature of +22 ... 25 ° C.
  4. Spray the soil from the spray gun every 5–6 days. And do not forget to periodically ventilate the greenhouse.

Three weeks after planting, dive seedlings. This procedure will accelerate the growth of seedlings. Also feed the sprouts a complex fertilizer for ornamental plants. When 5-6 leaves appear on the seedlings, transplant the flowers in separate containers.

Propagation of pelargonium by cuttings

Propagation of ampelic pelargonium by cuttings

This method of growing is quite simple, and even a beginner grower will cope with it. It is recommended to start the event in early spring or autumn after pruning.

For cuttings, choose strong processes 10–12 cm long. Cut the branches with sharp scissors and do not forget to treat the cut sites with crushed charcoal. Before rooting the cuttings, dry them for 24 hours in a breathable place.

As for the soil, a mixture of peat, sheet soil and sand mixed in equal proportions is suitable for planting shoots. But before work, be sure to sanitize the soil. To do this, bake it in the oven or pour boiling water over it.

How to root cuttings:

  1. Treat the cut sites of the shoots with Kornevin or another growth stimulator.
  2. Pour the soil mixture into the container, moisten well and make indentations in the soil with a pencil.
  3. Insert the cuttings into the holes and compact the soil with your fingers. Keep a distance of 2 cm between each shoot.
  4. Place the containers in a bright place. Periodically spray the soil near the seedlings from the spray gun.

Rooting occurs within a month. And for the shoots you do not need to arrange greenhouse conditions. After this period, dive seedlings and transplant the plants into separate pots.

Pelargonium diseases


Unfortunately, ampelous pelargonium does not have strong immunity, and the flower is susceptible to disease. Most often, flower growers are faced with such diseases:

  • Gray rot. The first symptom is the appearance of brown spots on the leaves, which grow rapidly. Over time, the affected areas become grayed out. If you run the problem, the plant will die. For treatment, reduce watering, remove damaged areas and treat the plant with fungicide.
  • Alternariosis. When infected, brown spots with a pale core appear on the leaves and petioles. These lesions have a velvety coating. In most cases, the disease affects pelargonium in the early fall. Due to the disease, the plant stops blooming. His leaves turn yellow and fall. For treatment, the preparations “Skor” and “Radomil Gold” are used. Moreover, they should be treated with a flower and soil.
  • Rhizoctonia rot. This disease can be recognized by the dark spots that form on the stems. As the disease develops, pelargonium ceases to bloom. Her leaves turn yellow and fall. At the first sign, stop watering and treat the plant with Fundazole or Vitarosom.
  • Rust. On the upper part of the foliage, yellow, clearly defined spots form. Brown pustules appear on the lower part under the lesions. At the first sign of illness, reduce air humidity and cut out damaged areas. In addition, treat the flower with a complex fungicide, for example, “Topaz”.

Preventing illness is much easier than curing it. Therefore, for prevention, provide the culture with proper care. This will raise the immunity of pelargonium, and it will be immune to pathogens.

Attractive pelargonium will decorate the apartment or balcony. But in order for the southern beauty to please her with her look and aroma, arrange her comfortable conditions. This is not difficult to do if you follow the advice given in the material.


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