How to get citizenship of Ukraine?

At the moment, a large number of people come to Ukraine who in the future want to obtain citizenship. In the article, we will consider what problems may arise during the execution of documents, as well as how the procedure is completed. You need to pay attention: you have to pay a small amount.

how to obtain citizenship of Ukraine

Citizenship Benefits for Foreigners

Of all foreigners who want to obtain citizenship of Ukraine, a larger percentage is occupied by residents of the Russian Federation who have moved to a neighboring state. This increased interest on the part of Russians is explained either by business interest, or by the presence of relatives. It's no secret that it is more convenient to live in the territory of any state, having its citizenship. Among the advantages, the following should be emphasized:

  • the right to social assistance;
  • the right to move around the country;
  • the right to work in government bodies;
  • lack of barriers to employment;
  • the right to vote.

Grounds for obtaining citizenship

Obtaining citizenship of Ukraine is simply impossible, for this reason is needed. These may be the following reasons:

  • by pedigree;
  • restoration of status;
  • long stay in the country;
  • adoption;
  • guardianship.

These are the main reasons for obtaining citizenship. Let us consider in more detail other reasons that allow you to draw up documents.

renunciation of citizenship of Ukraine

Who can get native citizenship?

Citizenship is automatically opened for those children who were born in the family of citizens of Ukraine. In this case, it does not matter in which country the birth was taken. Children with only one parent are considered full citizens of Ukraine to apply for citizenship. Only a person who knows the memory and has submitted the correct package of documents will receive citizenship.

At the time of birth, those infants who acquire citizenship are:

  • are children of persons considered to be residents of Ukraine, while parents may not have citizenship, and birth occurred outside the state;
  • similarly to the item described above, only childbirth was accepted in Ukraine;
  • children of foreigners who were born in the country, and parents live in it legally;
  • children of refugees located in Ukraine.

In addition to the points described above, Ukrainian citizenship is automatically assigned to children if one of the parents is a foreigner and the second does not have any citizenship. In this case, the family must live in the country. In addition, they receive it found in Ukraine babies whose parents can not be found.

Citizenship by descent

Any person who can confirm the fact of birth or long-term residence in the territories that became part of Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union can obtain citizenship. Also, those who have close relatives (parents, children, grandfathers, grandmothers) on these lands for a long time can apply for it. To confirm, you must have documentary evidence of withdrawal from previous citizenship.

Experts say that the easiest way to obtain Ukrainian citizenship is not through marriage, as many believe. This can be done very quickly if you pay attention to article No. 8 of the Law of Ukraine on Citizenship. It says that almost half of the former Soviet Union can easily obtain state citizenship if they delve into their genealogy. In the biography of close relatives, you need to find documents confirming their residence in the territories that became part of Ukraine. If there is a basis, then get a residence permit or citizenship will be obtained within three months. The maximum allowable period specified in the law is one year, but in fact they fit several times faster.

citizenship to citizens of Ukraine

Resettlement Citizenship

Obtaining citizenship of Ukraine can be accelerated if the refugee demonstrates that he is ready to recognize and comply with the Constitution of the country and withdraw from previous citizenship.

If we are talking about political refugees or those people who need asylum on the same grounds, they must sign a special declaration. This will mean that a person renounces his citizenship. After that, he can become a full-fledged resident of Ukraine. For other migrants, another condition is set: they are granted citizenship, and they undertake to close the previous one within two years. The easiest way is for those representatives of countries for which the law implies automatic renunciation of citizenship upon receipt of another. It will be easiest for them to become citizens of Ukraine. Citizenship in this case can be obtained subject to certain rules.

At the same time, applicants must know the Ukrainian language at a level that will allow them to speak it fluently and understand others, live in the territory for more than 5 years (in the case of marriage - 2 years; for refugees and persons without any citizenship, this period is reduced to 3 years ), confirm that they immigrated legally and live in Ukraine legally (does not apply to refugees), indicate the source of income.

The last four requirements will not be taken into account if a person who wants to obtain citizenship is important for the state.

A refusal may follow upon the granting of Ukrainian citizenship. Why it happens? As a rule, those who have been convicted of a serious crime are denied, pose a potential threat to the country's security, have been accused of illegal acts against humanity or genocide.

obtaining citizenship of Ukraine

Return of citizenship

If a person was already a citizen of Ukraine, then he can restore it in time. However, you must follow a certain procedure. Many care about how to obtain citizenship of Ukraine in this case. You can resume it regardless of where the person lives, if he has not received any citizenship. If, nevertheless, a person has managed to become an official resident of another country, then he must confirm that he is ready to lose this status. Such confirmation is not necessary for those people who have received the citizenship of a country, according to the laws of which it is automatically closed when such status is acquired in another state. Therefore, if someone cares whether it is possible to return the status after renouncing citizenship of Ukraine, then definitely - yes.

Recovery is not possible for the person who was previously caught in fraud when applying for citizenship. The return process can be accelerated in one of the ways: either to find relatives who previously lived on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR, or at the expense of a child who has Ukrainian citizenship. If the baby has the status of an official resident of the country, then its parent receives a residence permit under article 4 of the immigration law (paragraph 1, part three). So you can get around the rule of observing a 5-year period of residence in the territory of the state. Therefore, wondering how to obtain citizenship of Ukraine, one must be well versed in the laws of the state.

Adoption and Guardianship

If the child is a minor, and one of his adoptive parents (guardians) has a passport of Ukraine, then the baby also has the right to obtain citizenship, regardless of where he lives. This rule does not apply to persons who are already over 18 years old. They can only be issued a passport when they live in the country.

simplified citizenship of Ukraine


A person has the right to apply for citizenship, either already in the country or through the consulate while in the territory of his state. The second option is considered less costly, but in time it is quite lengthy. Consideration may take more than a year. If the application is approved, a certificate will be issued that confirms the citizenship of Ukraine. It is valid for no more than 2 years. Obtaining a passport while in another state is excluded. This is due to the fact that you must visit the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the tax service at the place of registration (to obtain a TIN). Such documents are considered mandatory for citizens of Ukraine. Obtaining citizenship without them is impossible.

Obtaining a residence permit is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that there is a quota determined by the migration service. People who unconditionally receive permission include representatives of science and culture, who work for the benefit of Ukraine, representatives of strategically important professions for the economy, investors who are willing to invest more than 100 thousand US dollars in the economy, close relatives of residents of the country (brothers, sisters, grandchildren, children, parents, grandparents), former citizens, refugees.

The quota does not provide for the issuance of permits to people who have a Ukrainian pedigree, guardians of children of Ukraine, spouses of citizens of the country, candidates of interest to the state.

The decision that will be made by the commission under the president will be sent to the applicant after a year and a half. With an accelerated form of consideration, this period is reduced to 1 month.

will receive citizenship to a citizen of Ukraine

What documents are needed?

In order not to receive a refusal when applying for citizenship of Ukraine, you need to collect a package of documents. You need a statement, three photographs (3.5 x 4.5 cm), a documented intention to leave the citizenship of another state, confirmation that a person lives legally in the country, a certificate of successful passing the exam in the Ukrainian language. In addition, you must specify the source of income.

Many are interested in how to confirm the exit from another citizenship. There are three types of documents that can be provided. For persons who do not have citizenship, a certificate confirming this fact is suitable. For others - you can make a written promise, or a petition for a change in status. The latter is suitable for those people who have the citizenship of a country that provides for automatic closure.

All documents must be certified by a notary. If a person is from 14 to 18, then he must express in writing his desire to change citizenship.

obtaining citizenship for citizens of Ukraine

Simplified order of receipt

Simplified citizenship of Ukraine will cost a person 15 thousand hryvnias (36 thousand rubles). Registration term - no more than 1.5 months. The grounds for such a procedure are considered to be the residence of relatives in the territory of the Ukrainian SSR until the collapse of the Union. In this case, it will be necessary to provide three types of documents: the birth certificate of grandmother (grandfather), mother (father), the foreigner himself. If someone changed the surname, then it is necessary to attach those certificates that confirm its change.


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