Do-it-yourself roof of the bathhouse: calculations, materials, step-by-step instructions

The roof acts as the final unit of construction, including baths. It performs the function of protecting the building from external factors, and also plays another important role - it makes the building aesthetically completed. If you do not want to create intricate forms of the roof, then you can make it just solid, observing the building rules and regulations. You can do the work yourself, especially since the technology is not difficult.

Selection of design features

DIY bath roof

If you plan to build a roof on the bathhouse with your own hands, it will be necessary to install a supporting rafter system and lay a crate with a layer of waterproofing. Structural elements also provide an attic floor. However, its presence is not a prerequisite, because flat roofs with a small angle of inclination are completely devoid of an attic.

Regardless of whether there will be an attic floor, one or two-pitch roofs should be erected over the bathhouse. Owners of suburban baths do not often make four-gable roofs and structures with multiple breaks. If you are also one of them, then you can choose a single or double roof.

In the first case, the bath can adjoin the house, which reduces the construction budget. The height of the roof is not regulated by the requirements. Typically, a single-pitched roof involves the construction of an almost flat roof, the advantage of which is the low cost of work and efficiency.

By erecting a roof on the bathhouse with your own hands, you can choose a design with two slopes. This type is most common for log buildings. If the slopes will be of sufficient height, and the structure will provide for ceiling overlap, then under the roof you can equip a residential or domestic premises.

Determination of the slope angle

bath 4 to 4

The angle can vary from 2.5 to 60 Β°. The higher this value, the better the rainfall will roll off the roof. However, the design should not be made too high, which is especially true for regions with gusty winds. If the bathhouse is built in a region with a small amount of winter rainfall, then it is better to make the roof flat. But the northern multi-snow areas usually involve the construction of a roof with a slope of 45 Β°. You can change this value in both directions.

Before you start installing the roof on the bath with your own hands, you should pay attention to one nuance. It lies in the fact that with a decrease in the steepness of the structure, material consumption will be reduced, cost and labor costs will decrease.

Material quantity calculation

sauna with a veranda under one roof

Each bath owner, before starting construction, wonders how much the work will cost. If we are talking about the roof, then with its simple design, the calculation is quite easy to carry out.

If the roof is gable, then first you need to determine its total area. You can consider an example with the following roof sizes: 5.8 x 2.81 m. Multiplying these values, you get 32.6 m 2 . A visor will be located above the entrance, its area should also be calculated. To do this, 1.7 should be multiplied by 0.9 and add the product of 1.7 and 0.4 m. As a result, you will be able to get 2.21 m 2 . Adding these values, you get the total roof area, which is 34.8 m 2 .

Before engaging in construction, it is necessary to determine the optimal dimensions of the future construction in order to get less waste when laying the material. This applies to the aforementioned widths and lengths. You can purchase profiled galvanized steel sheets in standard sizes that are 2 x 0.92 m.

In order to lay the material without waste, several sheets should be cut in half, while the total length of the roof covering will be 1 + 2 = 3 m. About 20 cm should be left on the overlap of the sheets. When using such canvases, overlap is selected in the amount of 10% of the total sheet area. If you add 10% to the roof area, this will allow you to get the calculated area for determining the cost of the roof: 34.8 + 3.5 = 38.3 m 2 .

Now you can begin to determine the volume of material for the design of the bath with a size of 4x5 m. The volume of the rafters will be equal to 0.34 m 3 . For the main roof, the dimensions of which are 140x40x2810 mm, you need 19 rafters, the volume of the board will be 0.3 m 3 . For a visor, the dimensions of which are 140x40x1700 mm, 4 rafters are needed, while the volume of the board will be 0.04 m 3 .

Before you do the arrangement of the roof in the bath with your own hands, you must make a calculation. Wind boards in this case will need 2. Their total volume will be 0.05 m 3 . The draft bar will have a volume of 0.15 m 3 . This is 75 linear meters. As for the waterproofing film, its area will be the same as the area of ​​the roof, but you should purchase material with some margin.

Ceiling device

building a bath from the foundation to the roof

The ceiling and the roof of the bath are some of the important nodes of the entire building. The first of these will act as a barrier to internal heat. Since air will accumulate from above, the presence of heat loss places is undesirable. This is especially important at elevated temperature conditions of the steam room.

The ceiling is installed at a height of 2.5 m. A draft ceiling should be located below. Mineral wool is usually used as insulation, this is also due to the fact that it has a small weight. For a draft ceiling in this case, it is better to use a board whose thickness reaches 30 mm. The best species of wood are pine and spruce.

In order to exclude the presence of through gaps during drying, a quarter is formed in the boards with the help of a special cutter, it should be installed on a circular saw. The roof of the frame bath in the next step involves nailing the edges of the ceiling and squeezing the extreme logs. Then two bars are installed, the cross section of each of which will be 70x50 mm. Their total width should be equal to the height of the matrices. The bottom of the first bar should be flush with the bottom of the matrices.

When installing the ceiling, it is necessary to tightly join the boards. In order that they do not change their linear dimensions, it is necessary to drive two nails into each board, the length of each of which reaches 90 mm. You can replace them with screws of about the same length. Their diameter should be 5 mm. To tightly attract the boards to the dies for the screws, 5 mm holes should be drilled. Plates are beaten on top of the ceiling under the matrices, the width and thickness of which are 10 cm and 20 mm. The finishing ceiling from the lining is laid on top .

Finishing boards should lie parallel to the rough. As a lining material, any species of coniferous wood can act. Some bath owners only lay the rough ceiling, while using 25-mm spruce boards. In the steam room, the ceiling is made according to the same principle, however, a rough coating can be made of thicker boards, the thickness of which reaches 60 mm. Particleboard, fiberboard or plywood should not be used for filing the ceiling, because these materials are made using adhesives based on phenol and formaldehyde, and they are toxic.


DIY roof construction

Insulation of the roof of the bath can be carried out using glass wool, basalt wool or Izover. Mineral wool is light in weight, it does not rot, is fireproof, does not become infected with fungus and does not grow moldy. Since the roof can have an attic type, it is allowed to use even crushed material that was in use.

Thermal insulation is located between the matrices, it should be a little tamped. If the insulation is represented by mats, then they should be staggered to exclude through slots. The roof of a bathhouse made of timber may suggest the presence of a heat-insulating layer, the thickness of which is equal to a limit of 16 to 18 cm.As an alternative solution to thermal insulation, you can use liquid clay, which is pre-mixed with sawdust in a ratio of 1 to 3.

Some bath owners use flax processing products, which act as an effective insulation. However, remember that they are flammable and flammable. In order to reduce the fire hazard of the material, it should be mixed with part of the soil and lay a 15 cm layer.

Roof for a bath with a veranda

ceiling and roof of the bath

If you will be building a bathhouse with a veranda under one roof, then after installing the rafters, you should sew a crate from the bottom. Rafters are arranged in increments ranging from 0.6 to 0.7 m. The lath can be formed from unedged boards. After you can start laying sheets of OSB.

The next step will be the installation of a layer of insulation, then there are sheets of plywood and a layer of roofing material. At the final stage, roofing material is laid, soft tile can act as it. However, you can purchase corrugated board, metal sheets or euro slate.

A bath with a veranda under one roof may include a gable roof structure. If the dimensions of the veranda will be 4x4.1 m, then the vertical supports should be made of square beam with a side of 150 mm. Under the vertical racks, columnar foundations are installed.

During the construction of the bath with a veranda under one roof, special attention should be paid to the quality of the foundations. If a tape reinforced base will be located under the bathhouse, and a columnar foundation under the veranda, then they should not be tied together. In this case, the grounds will work separately. The gable roof of the bath will be quite impressive in this case. The length of the roof over the veranda will be approximately 4 m. This extension will cause a horizontal change above the end of the veranda by 4 cm.

During the construction of foundations, maximum efforts must be made to eliminate seasonal fluctuations. The depth of the tape and columnar base is made below the level of soil freezing in the winter. As for the columnar base for the veranda, it is performed on bored piles.

Pipe passage through the ceiling and roof

gable roof sauna

In order to ensure the passage of the pipe through the wooden ceiling, you should use a ready-made ceiling-passage unit. It is selected taking into account the outer diameter of the pipe. Before assembly, this assembly is prepared; for this, surfaces in contact with wood paneling should be laid with thermal insulation. This also applies to the internal surfaces of the passage box.

Basalt wool is usually used as thermal insulation, but it must be special in order to withstand the effects of high temperatures. When purchasing material for holding a pipe in a bathhouse through the ceiling and roof, you should prefer thermal insulation that can withstand up to 1000 Β° C. These materials have a higher price, but are able to protect the structure.


After isolating the aisle assembly, prepare the installation site. On the ceiling for this is the space where the pipe will be located. The craftsman should outline the holes of a suitable size, which should be smaller than the dimensions of the front panel of the passage unit. This will strengthen it to the sheathing with screws.

After forming a hole, its edges should be laid with thermal insulation. To increase the level of fire safety, metal strips are strengthened on top of the insulation. A prepared assembly is inserted into the hole. It can be put on the pipe and installed with it. As soon as this design is in place, it is necessary to fix the panel of the passage unit with self-tapping screws. The holes for them are drilled separately.

Do-it-yourself construction of the roof of the bath requires the pipe to be passed through the roof. The passage assembly at this location may be soft or hard. In the latter case, metal is used, while in the former it is silicone or rubber. Metal penetrations are made of galvanized, sometimes they have a protective coating. Often, manufacturers of metal tiles offer penetrations. They are a sheet of roofing material to which an elastic rubber hood is attached. He acts as an additional insulator. For other covering materials, the penetration unit is flexible penetrations, of which there are a lot of on the market today.

Features of the construction of the bath

If you will be building a 4 by 4 m bath, then work on its construction should begin with the foundation. Soil is being prepared for it on the territory, from which the topsoil should be removed. The size of the future foundation should be the same as the parameters of the structure itself, however, indent on each side should be up to 20 cm.

As soon as the trench for the strip foundation is prepared, a pillow of sand and gravel is laid on its bottom, then the formwork is installed and reinforcement is laid. A 4 by 4 meter bath can be built from timber or SIP panels that are popular today. They are made at the factory, and assembled on site. You can do this on your own with such work. They are mounted on a waterproofing foundation tape, after which you can begin the arrangement of the roof, as discussed above. At the final stage, roofing material is laid.


Now you know by what technology the construction of the bath is carried out from the foundation to the roof. You can do such work yourself, reducing the cost of the future design.


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