Manual pipe bender - principle of operation and varieties

Manual pipe bender is a mechanism that performs the function of processing pipes and metal profiles. It is used most often in the construction industry when installing steel products. Unlike its industrial counterpart, a manual pipe bender is used for pipes, as a rule, of a smaller diameter or tools made of soft sorts of metal.

manual pipe bender


At the moment, there are several types of such devices. There are manual pipe benders with mechanical and hydraulic drives. In general, both options are great for households, and their cost is ten times less than industrial. At the same time, they are distinguished by a simple and reliable design, and this is a big plus in favor of such a product as a manual pipe bender.


In practice, it turns out that the manual tool for processing metal pipes is unpretentious in maintenance, and it is very easy to use. However, due to the fact that it does not have complex construction mechanisms, a mechanical pipe bender has to be driven by its own force to bend the material. Therefore, with large volumes of work (for example, in mass production), the operation of such a mechanism is simply impractical.

manual profile pipe bender

It is worth noting that the use of a hydraulic amplifier significantly reduces the effort required to process metal profiles and pipes. The design of this device is almost the same as the usual mechanical, with the exception of the hydraulic booster. Thanks to this design, it is possible to increase the efficiency of a pipe bender several times, while spending a minimum of effort on work. Due to this, these products can process products with a larger diameter and with thicker walls.

Work algorithm

The principle of operation of this mechanism can be divided into several stages. First, a template is mounted in a special holder, the dimensions of which will further be adjusted by the profile itself or a metal pipe. Then, a workpiece is installed in this device. It should be noted that if its diameter exceeds the permissible values, or it has too thick walls, it must be filled with sand. At the next stage, the workpiece is closed with a special plate, and with the help of the lever, the mechanism makes several clicks. After that, the workpiece is removed, and the pipe operation process is completed.

What can he handle?

As a rule, a manual pipe bender is intended for bending and forming copper products. However, as practice shows, in addition to them, the device can also effectively process aluminum and even steel tools. Of course, a manual roller bender can only work with small-diameter mechanisms. For wider products, electric drives should be used.

manual roller bender


Despite the fact that the manual profile bender has a very simple design, the presence of foreign objects (such as dust, dirt and sand) significantly aggravates its work. This is especially true for a power steering device, so periodically clean its surface from such β€œpests”.


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