Should I knit a vest with knitting needles?

It often happens that in a warm jacket it is hot, and without it it is cold. In this case, it is necessary to find an intermediate option that will allow you not to experience discomfort. Therefore, it is not surprising that many decide to knit a vest . This will be the very intermediate option. In this case, a unique thing will be created in the wardrobe. With its help, you can not only warm yourself in cool weather, but also make your image complete.

knit a vest

The simplest model is a straight vest, the description of which can be found in any book "How to knit for beginners?" Its creation does not require special skills. It is enough to connect elementary figures such as a rectangular back and the same gear. The formation of armholes in this case is not performed. The length can be very diverse. It is enough for a woman of average height to knit 70 cm to get a vest up to the middle of the thigh. Finished product that can be worn with pants or a dress.

When the needlewoman decides to knit a vest with a knitting needle, she is surely faced with the need to choose yarn. For the summer you can buy cotton threads, since today manufacturers offer the opportunity to choose threads of a wide variety of colors. Depending on your addictions, you can purchase threads of purple, red or, for example, black shades. For winter, wool is the best option. In this case, the product turns out to be very warm, even if it turns out to be thin.

how to knit for beginners

Then you need to choose a suitable pattern. If you decide to knit a vest with knitting needles from thick yarn, then various "braids" will look pretty pretty. They will allow to form a volumetric pattern. Models with a hood look especially beautiful. For their manufacture, it is better to purchase threads of medium thickness. The best option would be yarn, which has about 220 meters per 100 grams. If you select thinner threads, then the desired volume can not be achieved. When using thicker yarn, β€œbraids” may simply not look. In this case, it is worth giving preference to another pattern.

knitting for everyone

Special attention is monitored by the lower edge of the manufactured product. Often its design determines what a particular model will be worn with. Many tend to knit a vest with knitting needles with elastic at the bottom edge. Moreover, they can alternate both one and two front and back loops. You can also prefer a fantasy gum. However, in any case, you need to very carefully calculate the required number of loops when moving to the main pattern. In this case, the vest will turn out to be straight, and not pulled in the lower part.

It is worth noting that this product can be worn by people of any age and status. Knitting for everyone will allow you to choose the right model. No wonder the vest is relevant for both young children and the elderly. Many young girls who prefer to wear only jeans and T-shirts have several such items in their wardrobe. After all, the vest allows you to favorably emphasize your figure, provided that the style has been chosen correctly.


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