Primula Akaulis Mix: Care And Growing Conditions

Among potted plants, primrose akaulis mix is ​​one of the most common. There are many reasons for this, but the main one, apparently, is the magnificent appearance of the plant and at the same time a fairly simple care for it. The conditions for normal growth are quite simple: the temperature should be cool (for example, in winter it should not exceed twelve to fifteen degrees Celsius, and in summer - fifteen to eighteen). Bright lighting primrose akaulis is not suitable. For example, in the summer, during the hottest hours, it must be shaded. But in winter, the primrose akaulis mix, the care of which should be carried out year-round, perfectly withstands direct sunlight. At this time, such lighting is not harmful, and even vice versa - useful to the plant.

The birthplace of this plant is Asia, Europe and North America, and their temperate climatic zones. To date, about five hundred species of this primrose are known, among which there are both annual and perennial.

Primrose akaulis mix during flowering requires abundant watering, and its duration and intensity depend on this. But after the flowering is over, the primrose akaulis mix, the care of which should not stop, is watered much less often.

Externally, the primrose akaulis looks very beautiful. Huge, bright flowers, which have a colored center or a white border on the edges of the petals - all this makes the akaulis elegant and very attractive.

The primrose akaulis mix, the care of which is described in this article, is sold in almost any flower shop. In this case, you must know that these flowers are quite sensitive to excess salts. That is why fertilizers should be applied very carefully. As a rule, it is recommended to use a half dose of the one recommended by the manufacturer. Do not forget that the earth must periodically be loosened and weeded. You can transplant a plant only after it fades. Primrose akaulis propagates either by dividing the bush, or by seeds. In the event that reproduction is carried out using seeds, then they must be planted in June-July. Landing is done in small dishes, which are subsequently covered with glass and put in a shaded, cool place.

The primrose akaulis mix, the care of which does not require serious time expenses, is the talisman of such zodiac signs as Aries and Taurus.

As previously reported, quite a few different plants belong to the primrose family. Among them is the primrose obkonika, which is the best among the large-flowered plants of its family. It blooms throughout the winter, which brings diversity to the gloomy landscape. This flower smells great, which also distinguishes it from many other primroses. The leaves of the primrose obkoniki have a heart shape, and to the touch they are rough, rather dense. The color of the plants can be pale pink or red. Sometimes purple and lilac flowers are found. Here it is, primrose obkonika, care of which interests many flower lovers.

The size of the flowers is quite large, as a rule, it reaches four centimeters in diameter. But you must remember that while caring for these plants, you should not touch its leaves. In some people, this touch can cause itching and irritation. There are cases when even light touches led to quite serious inflammation of the skin. So the plant of primrose obkonik, the care of which seems at first glance very simple, has its secrets that every grower should know. In the same case, if contact with the leaves of primrose obkoniki could not be avoided, you must very thoroughly wash your hands with soap. And after that, again rejoice at the presence of this beauty in your house.


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