How to wear a pocket watch - features and models

The white rabbit from Lewis Carroll's fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” endlessly pulled a watch on a chain from his jacket pocket and cried out: “I'm late!” By the way, he was a dandy and had a status, since the accessory in those days was worn by non-poor people. A pocket watch on a chain conveyed superiority and solidity to the world. In the article we will talk about the most outstanding instances. We will also discuss how to determine the value of accessories, and how to wear them today.

Pocket watch in the style of "Alice in Wonderland"

Pocket watch "Lightning"

During the Iron Curtain, the accessory was very popular among foreign tourists. Pocket watches from the USSR were made of high quality materials and were famous for their accuracy.

The accessory on the chain has been exported to more than 30 countries. A batch with a unique design was developed for each of them. Thematic series were issued for special events and dates. By the famous pocket watch you can read the annals of the USSR.

Brand Lightning

The factory, which produced world-famous accessories, still exists and is located in Chelyabinsk. Production has a difficult story. The most significant dates for watch production:

  • 1877 - the Duber Hampton watch manufactory appeared, from which the Lightning brand later grew.
  • 1929 - Stalin gives the order to buy it "turnkey". A watch factory is launched in the Urals. Later, during the Great Patriotic War, he will be transferred to Zlatoust.
  • 1947 - production moves to Chelyabinsk. The watch factory gets the name "Lightning".
Pocket watch "Lightning"

Brand Omega

The famous brand is over 150 years old. It all started with the 23-year-old guy Louis Brandton. In the cold season, the young watchmaker bought up spare parts and created quality products all winter. With the onset of heat, he went with them on a city tour. The watch was a success and provided the guy with a comfortable life.

Louis had sons who, after his death, inherited the workshop. The children of the watchmaker converted it into a small production - they themselves became manufacturers of spare parts. In 1884, the world saw the first omega watch caliber. The name is given in honor of the letter of the Greek alphabet and meant "completeness, perfection."

Famous Omega Pocket Watch

Achievements of the Omega company:

  • 1909 - timekeeper at international balloon races;
  • 1932 - the brand has the same honor at the Olympics.

Watch "Pavel Bure"

In the Russian Empire, watchmaker's products were in unprecedented demand. In 1865, he became a court master and moved to St. Petersburg. His son Paul continued the work of his father. Later, after the death of his father, he will transfer production to Switzerland. Unfortunately, he had no heirs, and his family business bequeathed to like-minded friends.

Collectors hunt for the following watches - 1910, 1912, 1917 of release.

Other famous models

  • The Lanco brand has released a watch with a gold-plated case in the form of a triangle.
  • In the world of collectors, copies of the brand of 1950 are quoted. The heart of the model is the mechanics of French-Swiss production. The product is clad in a case made of steel and chrome. On top is gilding.
  • For the Royal Navy, a batch of Pattern 300 military watches was released in 1940. This is indicated by the special markings on the product.
In a pocket watch repair shop

How to determine the price of a pocket watch

If it is an old copy, then it has historical and artistic value. Here, the expert evaluates everything: mechanism, case, hands, jewelry, dial. As a rule, the brand of the workshop is present on the watch mechanism or on the case. On it you can find out the name of the master and the place of manufacture. Of particular value are antique watches with gift engraving.

The master determines the material from which the watch is made. The price of the product will be higher if no impurities are found in it. The cost depends on the value of the alloy and inlay. More valuable are models that have features: repeater, moon phase indicator, crown, tourbillon, chronometer.

If the enamel dial of the accessory is broken, then, unfortunately, its price will be very low. If you are lucky and the master has a suitable part, then the defect can be fixed. Otherwise, it is necessary to carry out restoration, and this is a very complex and expensive procedure. The cost of restored hours will increase at times. This procedure is carried out only in very rare cases.

First of all, the cost of an accessory depends on its safety. A collector inspects the specimen for abrasion scratches. Watches that have retained their functionality and accuracy are valued more.

The cost of pocket watches of Soviet production ranges from 150 rubles. up to 20 000 rub.

Women's silver accessory can be purchased for at least 10,000-20,000 rubles. For a copy covered with artistic enamel, you will need to pay between 60,000 rubles. and more. The most expensive will be models of the Victorian era, dressed in a case of gold. You can buy them for 150,000-300,000 rubles. These amounts are not the limit, but remember that when buying such a watch, you do not spend money, but invest it in a work of art.

Pocket watch stylized as the USSR

Tips for Wearing a Pocket Watch

This accessory is far from a relic of the past. Many mods today consider them a unique highlight. Pocket watches can be combined with both a business suit and frivolous jeans. Girls wear them with trousers, dresses, shorts, hiding them in their pocket or, conversely, leaving them outside.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the chain that holds the accessory. It must be made of the same material as the watch itself. The tone of the metal from which the body and holder are made must be the same. If difficulties arise with this, it is better to replace the chain with a leather strap, which will look modern. The watch is always worn on the side opposite to the working hand.

Traditionally, a special pocket was made on their clothes. And today you can buy such a vest or jacket. The chain carabiner needs to be fastened on a loop just above the pocket, and the watch should be put into it. Thus, a beautiful bend of the chain will come out. The carabiner can also be fastened to a harness of jeans, and the accessory itself can be placed in a small pocket. Make no major mistake! Do not fasten the carabiner to the button. It should be fixed only on the loop.

If the accessory is equipped with a long chain, then you can fix it in an unusual way. The carabiner clings to the opposite pocket. In the middle of the chain is the button. The watch itself goes to the opposite pocket. This way of socks is worthy of a real smart!

Women's options

There are models of antique pocket accessories for ladies made of silver or gold, covered with colored enamels. A decent option would cost something like Apple's smartwatch. The last 5 years later will become irrelevant, and the antique thing will only grow in price over the years. This is a real investment, because the accessory can be inherited. It is not difficult to purchase it; there are many shops that deal with antiques. You can also participate in auctions.

Women's pocket watch with a stone

There is no need to hide watches in special pockets. Ladies can wear them as jewelry on their neck, as a pendant on a purse or on a dress. Such accessories are often a real masterpiece!

If you inherited an old pocket watch, then do not keep such wealth "locked up", but "walk" periodically. Retro style is in fashion today. Be unique!


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