Kindergartens of Petrozavodsk: information and reviews

Information portals on which the contact details of pre-school educational institutions of the city of Petrozavodsk are indicated, for the most part contain a minimum of dry information about the kindergarten itself. In the worst case, data and reviews are simply not available. But the kid will be in kindergarten most of his time, so the excitement of the parents is understandable.

Kindergartens in Petrozavodsk

Before deciding on the choice of a suitable kindergarten, parents need to study the Internet and their friends for feedback on their favorite institution. Of course, you should choose only the kindergarten in Petrozavodsk that has positive characteristics.

It is very important to learn more about the teaching staff. All educators who are in the service in a particular kindergarten must have a confirmed working experience. Since cases of incompetent behavior of educators are not uncommon in recent times, it is necessary to exclude such risks to a minimum.

Kindergarten "Owlet"

The next moment is to check the material base of the preschool organization. It is necessary to coordinate with the heads of those kindergartens in Petrozavodsk who underwent the initial examination their visit to the institutions in order to check the condition of the groups and other premises. Each room should be cozy and conducive to a positive mood. Drafts, dampness and cold are not allowed in groups. Excessive stuffiness is also dangerous for babies, as it provokes the development and exacerbation of colds.

After inspecting the interior, you can go to the site for a walk. Here you should pay attention to the safety of all game elements, as well as the degree of their influence on the development of the baby. It is good if the swings, slides and gazebos on the grounds are not only useful, but also interesting, to distract the child from sad thoughts in separation from mom and dad.

Kindergarten "Sun"

So, the following kindergartens of Petrozavodsk are most suitable for all of the listed criteria:

  • DS No. 24 "Yablonka" on Socialist Street;
  • DS No. 14 "Lesovichok" on the street of Sofia Kovalevskaya;
  • Private garden "Cubes" on the Boulevard of Internationalists;
  • DS No. 98 "Fairy Tale" on Trial Street;
  • DS "Sun" on Campus;
  • Kindergarten in the village of Sheltozerovo;
  • Development Center "Fidget" on Forest Street.

Private kindergartens

In the capital of Karelia, there are more than forty commercial kindergartens. This option for a child to stay in a preschool has a large number of advantages:

  • Firstly, parents can take their child to such development centers only when there is a need for it, and the rest of the time they devote all their attention to the baby at home or on the street.
  • Secondly, almost any private kindergarten in Petrozavodsk is equipped with toys, development kits and other important elements much better than a similar state kindergarten.

The greatest number of positive reviews is for the Kubiki private kindergarten, located at 5. Internationalist Boulevard, 5. Its doors are open for children and parents every weekday from 07:30 to 19:00. In "Cubes" kids can spend time with pleasure and benefit. There is a huge game room in which there are educational toys, a game house, a tunnel, designers and pyramids, as well as a slide and a dry pool with bright balls.

Private kindergarten "Cubes"

In addition to a day's stay, in this kindergarten, kids can visit the Kroha Center, where qualified teachers will conduct classes with them. Also, if necessary, parents can get advice from a professional speech therapist regarding the speech development of their child.

Are there any lines in Petrozavodsk gardens?

Recently, difficulties with entering many cities in preschool institutions have come to naught. Petrozavodsk in this regard is no exception, since most parents are registered electronically at the MFC immediately after the birth of the baby.

You can check the line to the kindergarten of Petrozavodsk through the public services portal or through the website of the corresponding preschool organization. Before checking, you should put in front of you a birth certificate of a child, a copy of the application (or his number) on placing on an electronic queue, since these data may be needed when requesting the system.

Reviews of parents about kindergartens

To choose a specific institution, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of other parents. Therefore, you need to carefully study the reviews about kindergartens in Petrozavodsk.

Center "Fidget"

This information, although it should not be decisive at the time of giving preference to a particular organization, will be extremely useful to mothers and fathers. This will help to find out how other parents relate to a particular kindergarten, what are the pitfalls and benefits there.


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