Fallout 4: reviews, interesting quests, game secrets

Probably any gamer who is interested in the genre of action and especially in the post-apocalyptic story has heard of Fallout 4. Reviews about him are pretty controversial. Some believe that the game continued the already magnificent series. And others claim that they finally buried the universe, which the Fallout 3 game began to kill. Well, every opinion has a right to exist. But in any case, to learn more about this game, and if possible, to play it, will be interesting to many players.

A little bit about the plot

The game begins with a short video in which the main character talks about his grandfather. He was a military pilot - one of those who fought during World War II. The main events of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries are briefly mentioned - the development of nuclear weapons and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

Spectacular scenery

The plot of the game begins in 2077. The main character (or heroine - depending on the choice made by the gamer) wakes up in his house, where he lives with his wife (or husband) and child. Here are some management tips to help a beginner figure out how to play Fallout 4.

Suddenly, an employee of a large corporation Volt-Tech is knocking on the house. He argues that war may soon begin, so the hero and his family should go to "Vault 111", created specifically for such an occasion. Very reasonable precaution!

Soon on television, a video showing nuclear missiles crashed into Pennsylvania and New York is shown. The main character's family is immersed in a cryogenic sleep. After some time, the parents wake up and almost immediately attacked by unidentified people trying to take away Sean - their son. Unfortunately, the spouse (or spouse) dies, after which the hero again falls into a dream. The second time he woke up 60 years after the outbreak of a nuclear war that lasted a few minutes and destroyed almost the whole world.

Looking around, he is convinced that no one has survived in Vault 111 other than him. Rising to the surface, he finds himself in real hell. The vast territory around the underground shelter is controlled by the Commonwealth. Here he will have to fight for every day he has lived.

The game takes place in 2287. After the events of the third part, ten years have passed. And after Fallout: New Vegas and the related confrontation on Hoover Dam - six.

System requirements

Of course, many fans of the series are interested in whether Fallout 4 is suitable for weak PCs. Quite justifiable interest - not everyone can boast a powerful computer, and many gamers want to get acquainted with a chic action game. We study its system characteristics.

At a minimum, a computer should have 8 gigabytes of RAM and a quad-core processor at 2.8 gigahertz. The hard drive must have 30 gigabytes of free space. Supported only by 64-bit operating systems - starting with Windows 7 and above. And of course, you need a fairly powerful graphics card - NVIDIA GTX 550 Ti 2 GB or equivalent.

Therefore, it’s not a shame, but “Fallout-4” is not suitable for weak PCs. Have to buy a new computer or abandon the idea of ​​immersing yourself in the wonderful atmosphere of the game.

The most interesting quests

Still, mostly at Fallout 4, the reviews leave quite positive. And one of the main advantages is a huge freedom of action. Of course, here is the main storyline, consisting of several tasks of varying degrees of complexity and interest. But the player has the opportunity not only to focus on it, but also to temporarily neglect it in order to get acquainted with the surrounding world, open new locations, find and complete dozens of exciting additional quests.

In total, the game contains 72 quests. Of these, a dozen and a half make up the storyline. Another 14 are secondary - before you get them, you need to find the right location (and there are more than three hundred in the game!) And the character who issues it. The remaining quests are fractional. That is, in order to earn a reputation with a particular faction, it is necessary to fulfill the instructions of their leaders. A striking example of such is the “Fallout 4” Underground. This is a secret faction that has a certain line of tasks, for which even an experienced player will spend a lot of time and effort.

Gorgeous view

Do not forget that by completing some tasks, you can close your access to others issued by competing organizations. Therefore, you should not rush here.

Also in the game there are four recurring quests. That is, they can be performed several times - most often someone from the inhabitants of the radiation world asks to bring this or that item, each time paying with experience points or caps (an analogue of money).

Of course, telling about all the missions in Fallout 4 is simply impossible - I would have to devote an entire article to it, and it’s very lengthy. We will try to highlight some of the most interesting quests and briefly describe them. At the same time, we can do without spoilers so as not to spoil the pleasure of gamers who have not yet passed the game.

Perhaps one of the unexpected and interesting tasks is "Hole in the Wall." To get it, you need to find "Vault 81". Unlike the vast majority of shelters that died for one reason or another, it survived. People living here seem to be unaware of the hell that is happening on the surface. They have a measured life, a shop, a hospital, a school, and in general everything you can dream of. True, there is one small problem - recently one of the children fell ill. Local doctors, despite their professionalism, modern equipment and abundant drugs, are not able to heal him from an unknown disease. They ask the hero to help. If he agrees, he will soon be able to find out about the terrible and inhuman experiment that took place in Vault 81.

Also, telling about interesting quests at Fallout 4, it is worth mentioning the mission “The Last Flight of the Constitution”. It is largely devoted to the problem of robots. It would seem that they are creatures completely devoid of feelings and emotions. Despite the apocalypse unfolding around, destroying the familiar world, they calmly go about their business - for which they were created. However, robots from the Constitution ship behave very differently. Their main goal is to protect their own territory. And each of them is ready to die, just to not let the enemies capture her. Getting a quest is pretty easy - just go to a huge ship. Performing the task, you will have to plunge into a fascinating atmosphere and reveal many secrets.

Listing the best quests, one cannot but mention the "Silver Cloak". Already in Fallout 4 he received extremely positive reviews.

First of all, you need to listen to the radio, tune in to the frequency of the village of Good Neighborhood. Then you can listen to a series of old radio shows made in the noir style. It should be noted - very interesting. In all productions, the main character is the character Silver Cloak. Residents of Neighborhood seriously believe that it exists. Moreover, they sincerely hope that one day he will visit their village, making the life of local residents easier and safer. To complete the quest, you need to find the costume of the Silver Cloak and kill the gang of thugs, poisoning the lives of the villagers. The task is very unusual - there is both a deliberate absurdity and an interesting, completely unpredictable denouement. Therefore, you can’t miss it!

Develop as a person

As in the previous parts of the game, for completing various tasks, hacking computers, breaking locks and defeating enemies in Fallout 4, the level rises. However, unlike early games, there are no separate skills. They were included in the ability system. So the player himself decides how to distribute the received skill points, depending on his style of passing. And now it is not necessary to immediately distribute points - they can be saved and distributed at a more suitable moment.

Some ranks are not available at low levels. For example, the second rank of “Sniper” and “Armsman” can be obtained only after reaching level 13. But if you hold the glasses, then when you reach the appropriate level, the gamer has the opportunity to immediately pump the character well in the right direction.

With a faithful shotgun

In general, the skills in Fallout 4 are quite diverse. Therefore, twice creating the same character is almost impossible. Still, as many as 70 abilities are available, and the total number of ranks here reaches 229.

Special characteristics can be maximally pumped up to 10 - in the usual way. But if you first reach the standard maximum level, and then get the baby doll, then the constant indicator will be 11 - a very useful nuance that you should not forget about during the game.

We equip the house

To make the game as realistic as possible, the developers added an element of home improvement to it. If in previous games it was limited only to the installation of small dolls, then this time everything becomes much more interesting.

First you need to build the house itself. It is advisable to decide in advance in which particular settlement you will do this. The choice is quite large, and the closer to the end of the game, the more it is.

It is easiest to build a wooden house, but if you have the necessary resources, you can get more reliable. You also need to install a door in a suitable place - otherwise you will not be able to enter the building. Do not forget about the generator and the installation of bulbs. Without them, the new building will be very dark and will not work out.

Empty home is not worth it. Therefore, it makes sense to install everything you need for a comfortable life: beds, paintings, chairs and even a TV! This will positively affect the level of comfort.

The most dangerous mutant

However, if you do not want to spend extra time on construction, you can look into Diamond City. There, when meeting with the mayor’s secretary, there is an opportunity to purchase a finished house. It is cluttered with order, but all the trash can be removed and the new building well arranged. True, you have to lay out for this two thousand caps, but, perhaps, it's worth it. Especially at later levels, when there is already quite a lot of money, and I don’t really want to dig into the trash, collecting the necessary resources.

Of course, the presence of such an opportunity makes the game even deeper and more interesting.

Game secrets

Knowing certain secrets of the game “Fallout 4” greatly facilitate the passage, while not spoiling the pleasure of the gameplay. Therefore, talking about them will be very useful. Moreover, such knowledge is useful for both experienced players and beginners who are completely unfamiliar with the game universe.

Getting the first levels in the game, try to maximize intelligence - ideally up to 10, and with a baby doll, even up to 11. After all, each additional unit allows you to get more points for completing tasks. So, pumping other characteristics will become easier.

Unlike the previous parts of the series, there is no need to carry an extensive arsenal. It is much better to take one successful sample of a firearm and pump it to the maximum. Then freed up a lot of space in the arsenal for more useful things. Yes, and sprayed on pumping different types of weapons that can come in handy when passing, you will not have to. As practice shows, one pumped to the maximum pistol, combined with perfect possession of it, can do more things than an extensive arsenal of shotgun, rifle and water pipe.

Company of ghouls

However, to completely ignore edged weapons is also not worth it. Having found a successful sample, it is worth repairing and improving it to the maximum. Sometimes it is very useful. For example, in cramped rooms when meeting with ghouls. They like to pile on the crowd, rushing at the hero and inflicting maximum damage with his bare hands. Firearms are not very effective here, but with melee weapons you can quickly kill everyone.

A little about successful mods

It's nice that soon after the release of the original, a lot of global mods appeared on Fallout 4. The number of small ones that add one or another location or a new weapon is generally measured in hundreds.

But there are more serious ones that change the whole game.

One of these is the Association mod. He adds a new storyline, the passage of which the player will take more than one hour. In addition, there are several completely new sets of ammunition that can pleasantly surprise even the most picky gamer.

Also worth mentioning is Horizon. He practically did not affect the warhead, but he changed the construction and extraction of resources quite strongly. Because of this, the game has become significantly more difficult, but at the same time more interesting. Therefore, you will definitely not have to give up on passing.

Are there any cheats for the game?

Many players do not imagine the passage of such vast and complex games as studied without the use of various tricks and dodges. Of course, they are interested in what kind of cheats exist on Fallout 4. It turns out that there are quite a lot of them. Only a little change the gameplay or can help a little in the passage. And others completely change the whole game.

True baseball bat

Using cheats is very easy. It is enough during the game to press the ~ key, enter the appropriate command and press Enter. We list the most interesting cheats on Fallout 4.

  1. Tgm - includes complete immortality.
  2. Tcl - allows the hero to pass through any objects and walls.
  3. Killall - all targets nearby die.
  4. Ressurect - provides an opportunity to revive the goal, marked in advance with the mouse.
  5. Tmm 1 - opens all unknown places on the map.
  6. Setav aggression 0 - improves relations with the selected NPC.
  7. Tdetect - the hero becomes invisible to the NPC.

But still, many players will agree that using cheats makes passing less interesting. After all, the main thing here is to honestly cope with all the tasks that fell to the hero’s lot, and not to see the final credits.

Extensive crafting options

The crafting system is becoming more complex and interesting with every new game. So in “Fallout 4” objects you can create almost any. Some are made in any convenient place, while others are made only in specially designated places in cities where there are suitable conditions.

You can create from scratch food, drinks, medicines, explosive devices and various chemicals.

But in order to create a good weapon or armor, you need to have some specific basis. But you can modify them very seriously, turning an ordinary shotgun into one of the deadliest weapons in the game.

Also, almost all items can be disassembled, resulting in a variety of useful raw materials.

Colorful character

Such an ability as Drachun will prove to be very useful for a craft lover. Thanks to her, disassembling armor and weapons, you can get much more valuable and rather rare components.

Game feedback

But the reviews of “Fallout 4” are very mixed. Moreover, opinions differed both among ordinary gamers, and among representatives of a serious, respected press.

For example, the Igromania magazine gave the game 8 points out of 10 - a very good indicator. Certain flaws were noted, but also the depth and atmosphere of the game, fully compensating for them.

The editors of StopGame.ru rated the game "Amazing." They liked the depth of the game, the huge opportunities for customization. But at the same time, they did not forget to note that pumping became too primitive.

Experts of the IGN news site take a completely different position. They called the game a complete disappointment, saying that it turned out only a little better than Fallout 3, which turned out to be a complete failure.

On the Metacritic website, the game received very low ratings from ordinary players - only 5.4 on a 10-point scale.


On this our article comes to an end. Now you know how to get through Fallout 4. And at the same time, you learned about certain tricks that, for sure, will help to cope with the many challenges that gamers will face when traveling through the wasteland.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7338/

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