Quests in Moscow. "Claustrophobia": the passage of quests

It is unlikely that today there is a man who has never heard of Escape quests, the essence of which is extremely simple. A group of people (the number may vary depending on the quest itself) is locked up in a room, equipped according to the chosen theme - it can be a pirate ship, a space shuttle, a house on the edge of the earth, and so on. The room is filled with various puzzles, the solution of which will allow you to find a way out of the room. However, in this case you need to hurry, because the quests are always limited in time, and if you do not meet the allotted gap, you will lose. What are the quests in Moscow? "Claustrophobia" is the largest project that can offer you a huge selection of interesting stories. You can always sign up for a game, come at a specified time and have incomparable pleasure. But what kind of quests can you find in Moscow? Claustrophobia offers dozens of different stories, the most interesting of which you can read now.

Polar station

quests in Moscow claustrophobia

If you are a beginner in this field, then you need to find the simplest quests in Moscow. Claustrophobia can offer you several options at once, but the Polar Station received the best reviews among all the others. This is a quest for two, the plot of which is extremely simple: you were members of an expedition to the South Pole, but a sudden blizzard destroyed all your equipment, and only two surviving members were locked up in an abandoned polar station. You have only an hour to solve all the mysteries hidden in the room in order to contact the rescuers - otherwise another severe hurricane will destroy your shelter, and you along with it. An outstanding feature of this quest is the fact that the room is constantly maintained at a low temperature - not higher than ten degrees Celsius. Naturally, before starting the passage you will be given warm sheepskin coats that will protect you from the cold, but will allow you to enjoy an unforgettable atmosphere. Of course, this is not the only option, and you can consider other quests in Moscow. "Claustrophobia" has so many that there is always a suitable one.

Turtles vs Shredder

In childhood, a lot of people watched an animated series about teenage mutant ninja turtles. In "Claustrophobia" they decided to evoke nostalgic memories for you by creating a thematic quest. The room is decorated in the same way as the shelter of turtles in classic cartoons, and the plot is that you need to save April and defeat Shredder, but to do this, you need to get out of the shelter, the villain has blocked the entrance to it. Accordingly, you need to solve a variety of puzzles in order to eventually be able to go to Manhattan and fight with Shredder. For greater immersion in the atmosphere you will be given masks of ninja turtles and their signature weapons of your choice. Moreover, you can catch an unprecedented action, during which another puzzle is added to the quest that does not affect its progress. But if you solve it, you will get a coupon for a free pizza - the favorite food of the notorious turtles. Thus, you will have even more motivation to solve the quest - the room will be left behind, and you can go to the pizzeria to regain strength.

Medieval castle

quest room

If you are looking for a quest to leave the room in which it will be rather difficult, then this option is ideal for you. At the moment, it is just starting to develop and is quite fresh, but all the people who have already tried it out, consider it one of the best among those available - it was rated at ten points on the site. So, you find yourself in a medieval castle full of various puzzles and secrets. It would seem that you can take the treasures and leave - but at the entrance there is a knight who will not answer any of your questions, nor will he let you through the only door. You will have an hour to get out of the castle, otherwise you will remain imprisoned in it forever. You should definitely try this quest. It will not be easy to leave the room in this case, therefore, the pleasure of success will be much greater.

Police station

quest to leave the room

This is a quest, reviews of which were almost always more than positive - all participants were delighted with how wonderful and meticulous the atmosphere of the mid-nineties was conveyed. Mayhem on the streets, gang warfare and much more - and you suddenly find yourself in the very center of it all. The room is a police station where your friend worked, who attacked the trail of dangerous criminals. However, he suddenly disappeared, and you have to deal with everything that he left behind to finish his work, find the bandits and, possibly, even save him. You will have to try hard, as the level of difficulty here is extremely high. A lot of participants could not finish this quest, reviews about it on the site confirm this fact. But if you need a serious test of your intellectual abilities, then this will be just the perfect option.

"Bunker number 1"

quest reviews

Another quest in reality, which won great fame due to the fact that this is not just a room decorated with some thematic attributes. The fact is that this quest takes place in a real bunker, which was built many years ago, and it was completely updated, the appropriate surroundings were added, and you act as survivors of the catastrophe that destroyed humanity. Perhaps you are the only survivors, maybe you will have to recreate the human population, but you can only do this if you get out of the bunker in which you are locked. You will be given one hour to complete the tasks, and all this time you will be able to use authentic devices, such as a gas mask, fake weapons, futuristic costumes and so on. Moreover, at some point you will even have to launch rockets, so you are guaranteed a lot of impressions. This quest is in reality one of the most popular Claustrophobia ever made, so you should definitely try it.

Travel agency "Albatross"

quest in reality

"Claustrophobia", of course, is not limited exclusively to Moscow. And in other cities of Russia you can find a similar quest, St. Petersburg in this matter is the second city where there is a wide variety of tasks and plots. But you can only perform this particular quest only in Moscow, and it is very different from all the previous ones. Those quests, which have already been discussed, always tell some fantastic story, they are often gloomy and oppressive, in them you need to fight for survival. In this quest, everything is much more fun - you are preparing for a happy vacation in a warm corner of the world, but suddenly find yourself locked in the office of a travel agency. You have an hour to get out before your plane flies without you, and here you will find many interesting and exciting puzzles that can be solved by the whole family. This quest is one of the few that have no age limit at all. Do not worry: you can not only go through a similar quest in the capital, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia will offer you their alternatives. Simply, “Albatross” is a real travel company based in Moscow, and this quest was developed in collaboration with her.

Mind games

quest spb

Another fairly bright quest, which, however, is not as positive as the previous one. In this case, you are transported ten years ahead - in an era when a brilliant scientist invented a way to penetrate the human consciousness. And you are his first volunteers who agreed to go to the mysterious world of the subconscious. This is a kind of quest labyrinth in which you have to wander along the intricate corridors of consciousness in order to find a way back to reality. After all, a brilliant scientist was also a villain, and his designs were far from humane. Thus, this quest maze, although decorated in bright colors, is also an "adult."

Artificial Intelligence

quest maze

Now you already have a pretty clear idea of ​​what Claustrophobia can offer you. The quests must always be completed in sixty minutes, and it is a solution to puzzles in order to leave the room. The same quest takes you even further into the future, in 2060, when the perfect artificial intelligence was created. However, naturally, a crash happened, and now this AI threatens all of humanity. You have to come to grips with him and show that the human mind is in any case stronger than the computer, albeit perfect. This quest is one of the brightest and richest in special effects - people with epilepsy are even forbidden to take part in it because of these effects. Periodically, the game "Claustrophobia" may have certain restrictions, both by age and by other conditions, but this is always agreed upon in advance.

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

For fans of the classic detective story, there is also a quest to their liking - Claustrophobia offers you to plunge into the Sherlock Holmes universe. You will find yourself in old London, where Holmes is fighting with Moriarty, who this time created an incredible device that can destroy an entire city. The brilliant detective managed to lure Moriarty out of his refuge, and now everything is in your hands - you need to have time to deactivate the deadly device in an hour to save London from a terrible fate.

Dungeon prisoners

This quest will put you in an extremely difficult situation. Everyone knows that in the Middle Ages no one really thought about an honest and fair trial, and if it was said to execute a person, they executed him. You were also locked up in a dungeon, and they are preparing to take you to the square and take your life in front of a crowd of onlookers. This will happen in an hour, and instead of regretting how much life you will lose, or thinking about what you are going to be executed for, you better get down to solving puzzles that can save your life.

Olympics 2030

It is also worth noting that quests do not stand still, just throwing new ideas - they are developing. That is why certain other forms appear that can attract new participants. For example, this quest is a confrontation, that is, you are not working in a team, but are divided into two groups and fight with each other. It is also worth noting that there are performances. These are quests in which you do not need to puzzle over puzzles - you just watch an interactive show that has been prepared for you. In general, this area is developing at a fast pace and is finding more and more fans in all age categories. And if you have not tried your hand, then you should definitely turn to Claustrophobia, because in return you will get simply unforgettable feelings and impressions. Completing quests in reality is an experience that cannot be compared with anything else.


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