State employment policy

The state employment policy is aimed at solving such an important task as the development and full realization of the labor potential of citizens. This can also include providing the population with decent earnings, stable career advancement.

An active employment policy is an action aimed at reducing unemployment. These include measures to prevent the dismissal of employees, as well as advanced training, training, assistance in finding jobs, retraining, the creation of new work metrics.

Passive government employment policies are measures that help reduce the negative effects of a phenomenon such as unemployment. This includes the payment of social benefits, the distribution of basic necessities to poor people, the organization of special canteens for the homeless, as well as other types of assistance.

State employment policy is divided into three categories.

- Economic measures. In particular, stimulating entrepreneurial activity through the provision of tax benefits, subsidies, and lending.

- Organizational measures. In particular, this is professional development, assistance in finding a job, training.

- Legal measures. These are legislative acts providing early retirement, reducing the retirement age, establishing the length of the working day, vacation. In addition, these are laws that provide for a minimum wage, provision of time off, double payment for entering the service on holidays, and safety conditions at hazardous facilities.

State employment policy is divided into three models, popular in developed countries. The American model implies the creation of a large number of jobs that do not require high productivity. At the same time, unemployment formally decreases, but the number of citizens with a minimum wage increases.

The Scandinavian state employment policy implies the creation of jobs in public areas. At the same time, citizens receive an average salary and stability. However, this system has its drawbacks. In particular, there is a risk of inflation and depletion of financial resources.

The European model implies revenue growth and productivity gains. Such a system requires large benefits for the unemployed.

There are different types of employment. Full-time employment implies activities throughout the day, in which the employee receives a salary in an amount adequate for the region.

Underemployment can be forced due to various economic reasons. It involves part-time activity, which implies reduced efficiency and low salaries.

Voluntary underemployment is most often associated with various social causes. For example, a person takes care of sick relatives or combines study with work.

To summarize. Public employment policies should be comprehensively implemented. It is necessary to provide assistance to people who cannot get a job for any reason. For example, it can be assistance in training and retraining. However, it is worth remembering that in any case, a certain percentage of unemployment will remain. Special measures will be needed here. In particular, these are various benefits and assistance to the poor. There are various mechanisms for reducing unemployment. Each of them has its pros and cons. In any case, it is necessary to stimulate people to work, because the well-being of the state depends on how many citizens are involved in the economy.


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