Home-made gas stove from a gas cylinder: drawings

With the onset of cold weather, many garage owners are wondering about heating. This is especially true for those rooms in which people are from time to time. It is impractical to equip a stationary system in them, in some cases this approach is completely impossible to implement. However, you can’t do without heating. You can equip a system that runs on electricity or solid fuel. Among the second options, a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder can be distinguished. Even the master who does not have enough experience will be able to do such work.

Recommendations for work

gas cylinder potbelly stove

If you make a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder, it will become a practical solution for rooms that occasionally need heating. Such a furnace heats up quickly enough, while a comfortable temperature can be achieved in a short time. It is worth considering that the furnace cools down just as quickly, which is expressed by its main drawback. You can solve this problem by creating a brick shirt. However, the master should leave a small gap between the metal and the masonry. Only in this way will the equipment quickly warm up and cool further.

In the manufacture of the structure on the body, holes should be made in the amount of 2 pieces. Their shape should be rectangular. One is useful for loading fuel, while the second will act as a blower. The body acts as the main structural element, among other things, the system includes a chimney.

Quite often, in the manufacturing process, the blower is combined with the compartment where the ash is collected. It is recommended to equip here another door, which will make it easier to clean the structure. The principle of operation of the equipment is quite simple. Fuel should be placed in the furnace, during the combustion of which heat will be generated that heats the body metal. The latter, in turn, will give off heat to the air, quickly warming the room. When a potbelly stove is made from a gas cylinder, it is supplied with a chimney, which will remove combustion products harmful to health from the room.

The nuances of the work

gas cylinder gas stove drawings

The master must take into account that a chimney that has a short length will remove heat along with smoke to the outside. This approach cannot be called rational. That is why the pipe must have a broken shape. It will improve the efficiency of the furnace. Practically everything that can burn can be used as fuel for the system. This can be coal, firewood, old clothes, carpentry waste, household garbage and more. Another plus of the potbelly stove is that its design is universal and simple. Thus, the equipment can be used not only for heating, but also for cooking.

Technology of work

homemade gas stove

If you are to make a potbelly stove from a gas cylinder, then you need to start manipulating with the preparatory work. This procedure is mandatory, otherwise the gas that remains in the tank may cause an explosion after interacting with the spark that occurs during cutting. To begin with, unscrew the cylinder valve, allowing the gas to go out. At the next stage, the tank turns over, which helps get rid of condensate. It should be noted that it has an unpleasant odor. Therefore, it is recommended to collect it in a container. If drops fall on the floor or other surface, then weathering will occur for a long time.

A potbelly stove from a gas cylinder can be made only after careful preparation of the body. The container should be installed vertically, and after it is filled to the top with water. This will help the remaining gas that could remain inside to go outside. Then the container is turned on its side, and the water is drained. Now the cylinder can undergo further manipulations. After the preparation has been completed, the master must decide what type of oven will be. It can be vertical or horizontal.

Horizontal construction

gas cylinder stove

A gas pot made from a gas cylinder, the drawings of which are presented in the article, can be located horizontally in relation to the plane. To begin with, the upper part of the cylinder is cut off. Then, the grate should be installed inside the tank . It is most often formed from reinforcement. The bars should be carefully bent with a snake. Installation of grates is easy enough. They are mounted in a container and fixed using a welding machine.

Front Manipulation

gas cylinder stove

Now comes the turn of the front. To do this, take the steel sheet on which the outline of the circle is drawn. The diameter of the latter should be equal to the outer contour of the tank. Next, the master can proceed to cutting the part. Inside the circle, two rectangular holes should be marked. The first is necessary to supply fuel to the chamber, while the second is intended for blowing.


gas cylinder pyrolysis potbelly stove

When a potbelly stove is made from a gas cylinder, the drawings help to carry out the work without making mistakes. At the next stage, you can start cutting holes in the prepared circle in advance. To do this, use a grinder or chisel. To the finished cover you need to weld the curtains and fix the doors on them. The latter are glued around the contour with an asbestos cord. This design is attached to the container by welding. On this we can assume that the front of the furnace is ready.

Now you can proceed to the back. A chimney is arranged there. To do this, a hole is made, the diameter of which is equivalent to the diameter of the pipe used to remove smoke. A chimney of the necessary shape and dimensions is attached to it. A thick-walled pipe should be used for chimney flue. After that, the oven can be used, as it is completely ready for operation.

Vertical construction

A home-made gas stove from a gas cylinder can also be vertically oriented. In the manufacture of this design, the system can have two options. The first involves a larger number of manipulations that are associated with cutting. But during installation, you will face much less difficulties. When choosing this method with a grinder, you should get rid of the top of the tank. The second way will save time and energy. But it is considered extremely uncomfortable. When a pyrolysis potbelly stove is made from a gas cylinder according to the second method, the upper part remains in place. On the front, a large combustion hole should be cut. Below is a hole for blowing and ash cleaning.


You can place the holes arbitrarily. The main condition is that two rectangular holes are located in the lower part. Now the grate is prepared. They are welded between rectangular holes. When the stove-potbelly stove from a gas cylinder is performed according to the first method, it is quite simple to install the grate. Whereas in the second method, the grate should be installed through the upper hole.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7343/

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