Apple riddle - for children and their parents

Rosy, bulk, rejuvenating, golden, heavenly ... Everyone in the world knows what an apple is. This is a simple and at the same time quite complex, widely known, beloved and universally eaten fruit. We get to know him from early childhood. Due to the presence of unique beneficial properties, most modern mothers begin to lure with it. Getting acquainted with the characteristic properties of the fetus, the baby gets his first ideas about the world around him. This is probably why the riddle about the apple for children is one of the means of developing thinking and cognition of natural processes.

Oh, bullseye ...

For the smallest, the characteristic properties of the fruit can be conveyed through rhymed quatrains and poems. For instance:

  • apple riddle for children
    I'm on a tree in the garden
    Everything wrapped in foliage
    Through it, as if in a window,
    The sun is falling on me.
    Bathing in the warm rays
    I am filled with tasty.

  • Round and juicy
    On a tree grow.
    Red green
    Sun nurtured.
    Rip in the summer
    They are collected in the fall.

Children's puzzles about an apple can be such:

  • Round green hanging on the branches
    As everyone turns red, they will immediately be eaten.
    Very neatly collected in baskets
    Ripe and tasty, just like from the picture.
    Here is such a wonderful fruit!
    He gives us health!

Apple riddles

They can also be used in poetic form. However, to simplify the task, you can apply the method of selecting the rhyme of the keyword. For example:

  • And sour and sweet
    With smooth skin.
    Rosy, fragrant,
    With radiant flesh.
    riddles with answers about the apple

    It is useful to all people.
    Heals us from all diseases!
    Even bird finches
    Delicious. Well ... (Apple)

  • Redskins
    And they can be green!
    There are slightly sour ones
    But just not salty!
    Spells are juicy and tasty.
    With a twig break!
    Full of vitamins -
    With them, strength is added!
    Often, birds peck them -
    Sparrows and finches ...
    Guess who they are kids
    It ... . (Apples)

Do not forget about math

The apple riddle for children for more advanced age can be a mathematical puzzle, including in a rather comic form.

For example, you can find a funny poem about an aunt from Gomel, who sent a box of apples. Brothers and sisters began to count these apples and as a result they ate everything equally. In the condition it is known that counting was taken for eight orders. And there were a total of 50 without a dozen apples. Question: how many eaters of this delicacy were?

Also, more well-known mathematical problems from school with simple arithmetic operations will do.

children's puzzles about an apple

For the development of savvy

The apple riddle for children can to some extent contribute to the development of quick wit, if you ask non-standard questions as a task:

  • How to put a big apple in a glass bottle with a narrow neck?
  • Half an apple what is it like?

A bit of history

And, of course, even an adult will be interested to learn about what the fruit is famous for throughout the existence of mankind. The first association is the paradise apple of Adam and Eve, a description of which can be found in the oldest book of the Bible. It is associated with the image of the fall and carries a rather negative meaning.

Other historical facts will help correct the situation. It is known that this fruit took part in creating the physical law of Newton’s universal gravitation, falling on the scientist’s head when he thought about science while sitting under an apple tree.

A cross-section of the apple core is considered a symbol of knowledge in the scientific community.

Summing up, we can say that a simple acquaintance, including through such folk art as the apple riddle, opens up a lot of new and interesting things for children. From it you can learn not only the characteristic properties and ideas about form, color, taste. Significantly expanding the ideas of babies about changing seasons, processes of growth and maturation.

apple riddle for children

No wonder the apple is devoted to many holidays in every country in the world. For example, everyone knows Apple Spas. Not to mention the “Bullseye” dance, songs, tales and cartoons dedicated to this wonderful fruit.


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