How to build a fence with your own hands from a mesh netting

For the construction of fences use a variety of materials. Solid fences made of brick, concrete or profiled sheet perfectly protect the site from prying eyes and wind. However, they have one drawback. Only shade-resistant plants can be planted next to such a fence.

how to build a fence with your own hands
Therefore, many homeowners prefer to arrange a fence made of fencing or mesh netting. Both types of fences are cheap and easy to install. The easiest way to use this is netting. Such a fence can be mounted in a couple of days. So, how to build a fence with your own hands from this material?

To date, a variety of types of such a grid are produced. For the fence, the most suitable material is a width of two meters and a wire thickness of 2.2 mm. It is best to take a chain link made of galvanized steel. She will serve much longer. Sometimes they use a painted mesh.

You can stretch it between wooden poles dug into the ground, or use metal for this purpose. The choice of material in this case depends, first of all, on how the fence will be used.

mesh fence
For a temporary construction, you can perfectly do the first option. For capital should use metal. How to build a fence with your own hands using wooden poles? With proper care, such supports can last up to 10 years. It will be best to take pillars from larch. Along the perimeter of the site dig holes with a depth of at least one third of the length of the support. The distance between them is usually left at 2.5–3 meters.

In order to build a fence from the mesh that can stand for a long time, the posts are first cleaned of bark and treated with antiseptic and fire fighting compounds. The part to be installed in the ground is coated with bitumen mastic. This will protect her from decay. You can take a regular beam and process it in the same way. Crushed stone is laid at the bottom of the pits and rammed. After that, a pole falls there and is filled with earth, which is also rammed.

mesh fence
The fence made of metal netting, of course, is more durable. Make it a little more difficult, but still easier than, say, a concrete or brick fence. For this purpose, metal pipes are most often used . They do not rot like a tree, but you can install them in the same simple way. The only thing is better not to fill them with soil, but to concrete.

So, we continue to consider the question of how to build a fence with your own hands. What are the ways to fix the netting to the supports? If wood was used for the pillars, ordinary nails can be used. However, this option is not very reliable. To make the fence more durable, it is worth using a fired wire. When using pipes, the grid on them is also attached in the same way.

There is also a more complex and expensive version of the mesh fence device. At the same time, it is fixed to the frame from a metal corner, and the corner itself is attached to concrete pillars. However, it is quite difficult to make such a fence on your own. More often, such structures are ordered from companies specializing in this.

Now you most likely understand how to build a fence with your own hands using a mesh netting. As you can see, this is not at all difficult to do. Such a fence perfectly protects the site from the penetration of animals and does not obscure the planted plants.


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