How to choose vapor barrier material: expert advice and reviews. Vapor barrier materials for walls

Vapor barrier material is most often used in damp and warm rooms. This applies to heated cellars and baths.

Need to use

vapor barrier material

These materials are used in rooms that are located below ground level, as well as in those that are particularly prone to damp. Inside such rooms there is a plentiful formation of steam, which is warm air with particles of water. For such conditions, ways out of moisture from the room are necessary. These paths become the ceiling and walls. Vaporization is a process that is detrimental to building structures and materials. Its effect causes the destruction of the structure. In order to prevent such phenomena, a vapor barrier layer is implemented, in which all kinds of materials can be used.

Materials for vapor barrier

hydro vapor barrier materials

The vapor barrier material does not have to be completely vapor proof. Modern materials by type of membranes are able to ensure the passage of a certain amount of air flow. This ensures that there is no so-called greenhouse effect. Excess moisture is retained by this material, while the air released from it is no longer able to harm wall materials.

Varieties of vapor barrier materials and reviews about them

vapor barrier roofing materials

If you decide to choose a vapor barrier material, then you should take advantage of consumer reviews. Most often today they choose the traditional material for this, which is polyethylene. When installing it, care must be taken, since strong pulling can damage the film. When the film is tensioned, when temperature variations affect the material during the changing seasons, the risk of damage to it increases significantly. But this is not the only drawback of the material.

According to home craftsmen, if non-perforated polyethylene is used, then it will not let in steam or air. So, it will be impossible to create a comfortable microclimate using such material. That is why it is not used for vapor barrier. Some consumers, choosing a vapor barrier material, acquire a plastic film, which they then try to perforate on their own. They do this with a roller, in which nails or other sharp elements are pre-driven. Such a modernization of polyethylene will not be able to provide vapor barrier of the heat-insulating system and building structures. Membrane materials have a quality similar to a plastic film, however, they radically differ in a multilayer structure.


vapor barrier materials for walls

When choosing vapor barrier materials for walls, some home craftsmen acquire mastics specially designed for this. If you apply a similar mixture to the surface of the ceiling or wall, then it will let air through and retain moisture. Such mixtures are used in surface treatment until the installation or installation of the finishing decorative layer.

Membrane films and expert advice

vapor barrier materials for the ceiling

Steam insulation materials for roofing are on sale. Among them, membrane films can be distinguished. Such materials are used as vapor-permeable subroofing waterproofing. In addition to its main functions, according to experts, such a vapor barrier is able to insulate the room. It perfectly protects against snow, rain, dust and soot. Apply it if necessary to protect the structure from the effects of wind. Experts recommend it as a material characterized by excellent vapor permeability.

Membranes can be called universal materials, this indicates that they can be used with any insulation materials. Quite often, such hydro-, vapor barrier materials consist of three layers. Each of them provides durability, insulating qualities and protection against negative influences. It is possible to lay a layer of such a membrane, according to the advice of experienced builders, directly on thermal insulation or another base that covers the supporting structure of the roof. Such a membrane layer is versatile, since if necessary it can be used for external insulation of vertical walls of buildings for any purpose.

Varieties of rolled vapor barrier

vapor barrier materials Price

If you choose vapor barrier materials, their price should interest you. It will depend on the variety and manufacturer. If we talk about the glassine, which was previously used as a vapor barrier, then its price is 100 rubles per 1 roll. Currently, professional builders and private craftsmen use not only it, but also more modern materials. Among them, single-layer films can be distinguished, based on low-density polyethylene. This material has a rather loose structure and has defects.

Reinforced polyethylene films can also be distinguished, which are also delivered in rolls 50 microns thick. When installing a cold roof, bagged fabrics are used today, despite the fact that they do not have such impressive vapor barrier qualities.

Combined materials are also on sale, the vapor permeability of which can vary from 15 to 25 grams per square meter per day. Such material can be used exclusively for the installation of cold roofs, since it does not have the necessary vapor barrier qualities. If you are interested in vapor barrier materials for the ceiling of the bath, then you can choose aluminum or any other metal foil. The vapor permeability of this material is zero, which is why it is used when decorating steam rooms.


In construction stores today you can find vapor barrier materials in a large assortment, among them there are foil films that have a combined structure. According to builders, they should be used in rooms whose conditions are characterized by a high level of humidity and normal temperature conditions. This applies to pools, saunas and showers. Consumers respond positively to cardboard, which is laminated on one side with polyethylene. It is used for vapor barrier of rooms in which cyclic heating is connected. The vapor permeability index of such cardboard is equal to the limit of 3 to 5 grams per square meter per day.


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