Foundations for pipe sheds

A barn is an indispensable and important attribute of a personal plot. Thanks to an extensive selection of materials and tools, it is possible to independently create a building without the help of specialists. And all work begins with the foundation.

foundations for sheds

What you need to pay attention to before starting construction

Foundations for sheds should be selected taking into account the properties and type of soil available. Thanks to a competent analysis of the soil, it is possible to select the best option for the foundation.

Types of soil:

  • sandy loam;
  • loam;
  • gravel
  • clayey;
  • rocky.

Despite the lightness and simplicity of construction, for its construction is considered the most suitable soil of rock type in the form of a dense array without voids and cracks. It is distinguished by the absence of quicksand, freezing in the cold season, subsidence, the ability to give the foundation and the entire structure sufficient stability.

foundations for pipe sheds

New technologies

Thanks to the development of the laying of such grounds, it becomes possible to carry out high-quality construction on gravel, clay soils, as well as on sandy loam and loam. Thus, subsidence of the soil, its substantial compression, as well as the presence of quicksand frosty heaving becomes less fundamental.

The swelling of the soil can occur both on the sides of the structure, and under it. Foundations for sheds can be protected from this in the following ways:

  • removal of heaving soil at the construction site and its replacement with crushed stone and coarse sand;
  • creation of a monolithic foundation;
  • waterproofing and base insulation from all sides;
  • foundation deepening below the freezing level.

column foundation for a barn


High-quality foundations for sheds provide the reliability and strength of buildings. Particular attention should be paid to the components of the solution. Standard Portland cement is distinguished by sufficient characteristics, but it must have a fresh production date. It is advisable to purchase crushed stone of a small fraction, due to this, the consumption of materials is reduced, the solution becomes denser when laying and more monolithic when solidifying. It is important that there are no impurities and debris in all components, including water. To obtain a solution, cement, crushed stone and sand are mixed in the prescribed ratio, then water is added portionwise to form a uniform, dense mass.

What to build a building on

The type of base is selected depending on financial capabilities, resistance to negative effects (freezing, groundwater) and available on the ground.

Strip foundations for sheds are more versatile and durable. Their construction begins by digging a trench. Before this, the site is marked, and around the perimeter of the future building, stakes are installed with twine stretched between them.

The base will gain additional strength and solidity if it is poured over one day and carefully tamped. It is worth remembering that it takes several days to set concrete, and during the heat, to periodically crack it, it is periodically doused with water.

foundation for a foam block shed

Column foundation under the barn

This is a more budgetary and easy version of the arrangement, for the implementation of which it will not require the involvement of special equipment and an appeal to specialists. Since the base rests on several pillars dug in the ground, you do not need to dig a full trench. Caution should be exercised when choosing this option for moving soil, but it is optimally suited for uneven areas.

Column foundation technology

Clayy soil is preferably sprinkled with gravel. The depth of digging in the pillars for the support is calculated taking into account the level of freezing, it is necessary to add another 15 cm to this value. Supports made of brick or concrete are installed at the joints of the walls and at the corners of the base. The bottom of each depression is covered with sand and gravel, followed by tamping. To increase the strength in the center is a steel rod.

To prevent subsidence of the structure, a reinforced concrete base is laid at the bottom. The laying of the pillars will take up the remaining space in the recesses. It is possible to use pipes filled with concrete, blocks, bricks. When using the latter, coating with a waterproofing compound is necessary. The column foundation for the barn requires protection against moisture also at the joints of the walls and the base, especially if it is planned to build from wood.

Support poles for light wooden buildings can be made of the same material. For waterproofing, impregnation with special mastics or firing is used. Due to this, the barn is environmentally friendly and budget.

columnar foundation under the barn

Foundation for a block shed

The foam block is a light and durable material with an acceptable cost. Installing it is easy enough even for those who have never done such work. They are used both for the base and for walls, allowing to reduce the total load on the soil. Construction begins by digging a trench or foundation pit if basement construction is required.

The depth calculation specified above is used, the width in this case is made up of the block thickness and an additional 20 cm. A pillow of sand and gravel is poured onto the bottom of the pit (trench), then a formwork with a reinforcing cage is installed. Concrete is poured from above, its layer should be about 20 cm. Installation of foam blocks is possible only after complete solidification.

The foundation for a foam shed is characterized by ease of installation, affordable cost, resistance to the influence of acidic soil and freezing, a long period of operation and low time costs for its arrangement.

The installation of foam blocks from corner points begins. External joints are filled with moisture protection agents. The base is wrapped on the outside with the selected waterproofing material, then the trench is buried.

foundation for a block shed

Asbestos pipes at the base of buildings

Foundations are formed for sheds from pipes of asbestos - cement type with their installation in drilled wells and pouring with a mixture of concrete. A reinforcing cage is used to increase reliability and strength. But, like any other design, it has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the fragility of use. It has a maximum operating period of about 70 years, given the fact that the reinforced concrete base can stand for several hundred years, the foundations of stone and brick also have a long service life.

The columnar construction of pipes cannot be used on soft soils, wetlands and in areas with large changes in relief.

Despite this, this type of foundation has many advantages:

  • It takes about a week to gain strength, after which you can begin further work.
  • There is no need to purchase lumber to create formwork.
  • Low cost. Asbestos-cement type pipes are much cheaper than concrete blocks or reinforced concrete piles.
  • There is no need to dig a trench, level the bottom and fill up the sand-gravel mixture, as some types of bases require.
  • Installation does not require lifting equipment and specialist assistance.


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