Zilya Alyautdinova: biography, creativity, books

The name of the imam of the Moscow mosque and theologian Shamil Alyautdinov is known to many. He reads Friday sermons, travels around the world with seminars, writes books on various topics: from theology to financial success. Together with him, his charming wife Zilya, a mother of five children, speaker and author of the book “Secrets of Family Happiness,” speaks to the audience.


Zilya Alyautdinova was born in 1978 in the city of Aznakaevo, Tatarstan. At 13, she entered the Lyceum in Izmir, Turkey. She graduated in 1996 and returned to her native country. She worked as a translator; in 1997 she entered the University of Friendship of Peoples, where she studied geology. At the same time, she studied at the DUM courses (spiritual management).

In the second year she married Shamil Alyautdinova. In 2002, the first-born appeared in the family. In the same year, Zilya received a diploma.

Over the years of family life, a woman has mastered two languages ​​- French and English. As a translator, she completed an internship at Moscow State University. In 2016, Zilya Alyautdinova became the mother of five children, whom she is raising without the help of a nanny. Zilya is engaged not only in their spiritual and intellectual development, but also in physical. Having extensive experience in raising children, she gives lectures and shares the secrets of building family relationships.

recipes for family happiness

Next to her husband

The husband of Zili Alyautdinova, Shamil, is a preacher of Islam; he can be called an innovator in theology. Shamil offers a completely new approach to religion and seeks to bring its canons closer to the present, to make Islam useful for self-realization and self-improvement. A versatile and extraordinary person, he leads seminars on various topics - from theology to the Trillionaire Internet project.

Shamil is a supporter of active enlightenment and has formed a special approach to the interpretation of the Qur'an and theological works. His theory combines quotes from the Quran and the latest achievements in the field of psychology, neurobiology and psychology. The main goal of his philosophical system is to make a person successful and happy, rich spiritually and materially. Shamil travels with seminars and lectures in many countries, his wife Zil helps him in his work.

The seminars of Shamil and Zili are successful, the halls where they conduct them are always filled to the limit. The main activity of a woman is to be a mother and support her husband in everything.

Zilya-khanum is a wonderful wife and copes well with the role of mother. All children of the Alyautdinovs are engaged in music and sports, attend madrassas. Their mother refused the services of a nanny. Zile is asked a lot of questions about the family, the role of spouses in it, about raising children. Therefore, the seminars that she conducts relate to these topics.

Zilya Alautdinova biography

The main areas of life

The advice that Zilya gives to her students is changing their lives for the better. She herself prepares for seminars, engages in social projects, writes books. Zilya Alyautdinova notes that it is very important to find the right proportions between family and social activity. You can not limit yourself only to a career or family. A versatile approach enriches, makes his life fulfilled.

A mother who is raising children feels more confident and comfortable if she has some kind of employment outside the home. A woman making a career but not becoming a good mom will not be happy. It is important to adhere to the golden mean. Of course, questions beg: the mother of five children, how does she manage to do everything, which helps her maintain her balance? Both at seminars and in her book “Secrets of Family Happiness,” Zilya Alyautdinova speaks of four important areas of life:

  1. Physical - this is the human body, which you need to care for, adhere to proper nutrition, exercise. Otherwise, the device created by the Almighty will work worse and worse over the years.
  2. Spiritual - all Muslims should have a love of scripture. A person who cannot read Arabic must learn. This is not difficult, especially now, when there are electronic versions of the Koran, voiced and with translation. Sermons also help maintain the spiritual side of life. Zilya herself tries to listen to her husband weekly. “When I pick up the Qur'an, it’s as if I’m meeting a close friend,” she says.
  3. Emotional - a Muslim woman who spends most of her time at home, needs to maintain an emotional balance in the midst of her daily routine: to visit and socialize. Be sure to be interested in the affairs and plans of the spouse. It doesn’t always work, but when the children sleep, you can find the time.
  4. Intellectual - every woman should read magazines and books. Catching up on household chores, you can listen to audio books.
Alautdinova recipes for family happiness

Family happiness

The basis of the lectures of Zilya Alyautdinova are religious moral standards, as if “lost” in the modern world. She not only wants to bring people closer to faith, to convey the words of the Holy Scriptures to them and inspire them to achieve for the good of society, but she also tells her listeners how to be a happy woman, find a life partner, which candidate to choose from her hand and heart, how become a caring mom.

In the debut book Secrets of Family Happiness, the author shares with readers recipes for family happiness. Zilya Alyautdinova writes about how to find harmony within herself, what is happiness, a pious spouse, how to add romance and color to family relationships. Tells about proper nutrition and gymnastics during pregnancy, how to recover quickly after childbirth, how to maintain femininity. Zilya pays much attention to the issues of upbringing and spiritual development of children.

secrets of family happiness

10 recipes for happiness

  • Serve your husband information in small parts. Women quickly switch from one thing to another. Men are arranged a little differently. Therefore, one should not "splash out" a lot of information on the husband, but give it in pieces. It is necessary, after returning from work, to give him a rest and enter the home atmosphere.
  • Critical periods in a child occur at the age of 3, 7, 9, 12 years. At 3 years old, the child learns independence, forgive him a lot, but at 7 they start to demand something from him. At 9 years old, he forms his own circle of friends, and at 12, the opinion of friends is sometimes more important than the opinion of parents. And it is very important at these stages to understand children and build trusting relationships with them.
  • How to instill in children a love of religion? In spiritual education one needs to be patient and attentive. Constantly remind you to perform the prayer, explain its value. Children should read the Qur'an and teach surahs, know the meaning of the basic Arabic words.
  • How to instill in your child a love of reading? Books should be visible in the house. "We have books in the living room, in the nursery, and even in the kitchen," says Zilya.
  • Do not succumb to emotions. The family has a place for everything: frustration, disagreement, and fatigue. At such moments, it is important not to go on about emotions. In moments of anger, you need to calm down, cool down and only then talk with your children or husband.
  • Do sport. There is no way to go to the gym - do breathing exercises and stretching, play with the children.
  • Respect your parents. Father and mother stand immediately after Allah and it is very important to treat them with respect, be interested in their affairs and health, daughter-in-law to show wisdom in relations with mother-in-law
  • To lay a solid foundation in children under 18 years of age. After the child steps into adulthood, he will less listen to your advice. Therefore, it is important to be in time - there is too little time when parents can invest in a child.
  • Do not be afraid to remind and repeat to the child. Just do it softly. For example, parents start brushing their teeth with a child at 2 years old, and for 12 years they need to be constantly reminded.
  • Meet the husband and children with a smile. This is the key to family happiness. Smile at them even when you don’t have the strength to do so.
Zilya Alautdinova recipes for family happiness


The author shares many years of experience in raising children. He writes about the responsibilities of the spouses, about how important it is to treat them consciously. How to maintain a family hearth so that it does not cool down. After reading the book of Zily Alyautdinova, readers note that you understand: raising children is a pleasure, it is important to approach this correctly. There are a lot of tips in the book about how, as always, to remain beautiful and interesting. What is very important is to do something outside the family, to benefit society.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7361/

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