DIY military costumes

Military suits of sailors, soldiers, pilots are necessary in the educational sphere. In kindergartens, schools spend fancy-dress holidays on February 23, May 9. And choreographic, theatrical circles, film studios simply can’t imagine their productions without this clothing, since the military uniform of different countries is very diverse, elegant, festive. For children's parties, you can sew or knit costumes without an exact copy of the original.

Military costumes for kindergartens

If children need a uniform for songs or skits, then you can sew a costume according to the original. But if preschoolers dance with lunges, dances and solo numbers, then it is better to make the costume look festive, but in a cut simple, comfortable, free. Since children 4-5 years old may become entangled in their clothes, stumble or catch on something.

The easiest way to make a soldier’s costume is to sew shorts, a T-shirt, and a forage cap from khaki fabric. Shorts are best done elongated, like sports pants. On a T-shirt you can glue a military-themed decal, on a cap - sew a star.

Find a t-shirt pattern, transfer to a fabric, sew the back with the front, sleeves. Grind the neck and sleeves. If you don’t know how to sew, then take a finished T-shirt that fits the child’s body. Transfer its size to the fabric, mark the armpits, the neck. Now remove the t-shirt, add 2-5 centimeters to the measurement on each side (depending on the fabric), cut it off. Fasten the parts. Also draw a sleeve on the T-shirt, and compare the exact size with the new pattern.

Military T-shirt and T-shirt

Needle off the shoulder and side sections. Bend, sew, if the fabric is loose and there is an overlock, sew in a zigzag. Next, fasten the sleeves with needles, also sew. Now cut a strip (width - 4-5 cm) for the neck.

It is better to choose a special fabric (riban) that stretches. Then you need to subtract a third from the size of the neck of the back and front, you will get the desired length of the rib (for example, the neck is 25 cm, then the rib is 17 cm). Sew the strip into a ringlet, fasten to the neck, sew on a typewriter.

military suits

If the military suit for the boy is presented with a T-shirt, shorts and a cap, then we decorate the shirt with a St. George ribbon, epaulets, badges or a special applique. Thermal applique is especially convenient (apply to clothes, cover with gauze, iron with a hot iron).

If there is a tunic on top, then you can sew a vest vest. It is suitable for a soldier, sailor, paratrooper. Also translate the pattern from the T-shirt, which has wide straps, to the striped fabric. Sew the shoulder and side sections, process the armpit, neck.

Shorts for a boy

For the middle group, boys can sew elongated shorts like sports pants. Measure your hips, product length, and fit. Find a pattern of shorts, put your measurements, transfer everything to the fabric. Sew each half to the line of the fly. Then you pin the resulting two parts with needles, sew on a typewriter. Sew on a belt or just tuck a fabric, drag a rubber band.

For children of the older, preparatory group, you can sew trousers. They can be spotty or green, like a war suit. It will be easier for novice seamstresses to sew elastic pants, professionals can recreate the original to the smallest detail.

In order not to make a mistake with the cut, you can rip old pants, transfer to the fabric, taking into account the new sizes, sweep, sew. Cut the back and front half of the trousers immediately on different sheets, since the second half is higher than the first, and if the product is on the belt, then you need to outline another undercut. If you are afraid to make a mistake, then amass a product, and then measure on the child.

Military hat: cap

Not a single military men's suit is complete without a cap, a cap, or a cap. You can get by with a purchased cap made of khaki fabric. Otherwise, pick up the fabric, find the patterns of the caps, start sewing. For one product, you will need three patterns: a large (2 pcs.), Medium (2 pcs.) Parts and a petal (1 pc.).

military suit for boy

Pin the patterns to the fabric, circle with an allowance for seams. Attach the large part with the petal with the convex side, sew them. Take the second pattern of a large part, sew with the other side of the petal. That is, the petal forms the top of the cap.

On the upper edge, sew on two sides the two middle parts. Next, take a cap with large parts and a petal, turn it on your face. You also twist the middle parts onto your face, insert them into the caps, that is, inside out, combining the side and bottom sections. You stab with needles, turn on the wrong side. The bottom needs to be charted. Now we are doing everything on a typewriter.

That is, first sew one side of the cap, then the other. Then also process the side slices. Please note that when stitching the sides, you need to use all the layers of the cap so that there are no holes or wrinkles. Turn the finished product onto your face, iron it with an iron.

Do-it-yourself soldiers costumes

Military pants and tunics will be needed for schoolchildren. Cut the gymnast like a regular shirt, only from “military” fabric (khaki, pale or dark green, marsh, light brown). Beginners can make shirt patterns on a long-sleeved T-shirt that sits freely on the child.

To do this, fold the fabric in half. From the inside, attach a vertically folded T-shirt. Circle the resulting measurement, lower the shoulder section down a little and extend it slightly. This will be the back of the shirt. Add a centimeter to the seams, extend the bottom and round off (you get an arc), cut out the measurement. Now you apply this measurement to the fabric, make the cut deeper (translate without allowances).

DIY costumes

Also circle the sleeves, adding the desired length. Cut cuffs, collar, pockets. On the pattern with a pencil, mark the location of all the small details, so you will see where to start sewing. Connect the front parts to the back. Then go back to the front shelves, process the button plackets. Sew on the collar, pockets. Next, go to the sleeves, sew the cuffs. Decorate the tunic with small details (badges, orders, shoulder straps with Velcro).

Whip suit

Some novice craftswomen do not adhere to standard sewing rules, but imitate military suits. The photo of the form helps to present an exemplary technique of cutting. For example, for military uniforms are breeches. Craftswomen shift the pattern of ordinary trousers to the fabric, and then “by eye” extend the measurement in the thigh area.

The belt is made on an elastic band. The tunic is “corrected” from an ordinary shirt by sewing shoulder straps, pockets, large metal buttons. For a tunic you buy a regular belt. In principle, such military suits look no worse than the uniform from professional seamstresses, but even a schoolgirl will master such a cut.

military suits photo

Another option is to link military attributes. Knitters imitate the headgear of tankers, pilots, paratroopers, sailors. Kids really like these costumes. Shorts and a T-shirt are knitted with the corresponding thread.

For girls, any costume consists of a skirt (half-sun, pencil or with masonry) and a T-shirt, tunic. The principle of cutting the top of the product is the same as described when sewing a costume for boys.

Sailor costume

The pattern of a sailor's military suit is represented by a cap, a collar, a white T-shirt and blue shorts for preschoolers. Blue pants, a shirt with a one-piece collar are suitable for students. The blue range can be replaced with black trousers, a vest or a white shirt with a one-piece collar and visor.

For a peakless peak, three details will be needed: a strip, a bottom, a tulle. Measure the circumference of the child’s head, cut a strip of 3-5 centimeters wide on cardboard. Glue the ends with tape to determine the size of the visor on the head. By default, the size will be a couple of centimeters less than the circumference of the head.

Next, the size of the tulle is calculated (its inner radius is equal to the length of the strip divided by 2), and the size of the bottom will be seven centimeters larger. That is, you can draw a large circle of the bottom of the peakless cap, and mark the internal radius on it.

If in doubt, make this model on paper, measure, and then transfer the measurements to the fabric. The fact is that with the wrong cut, the peakless cap can be large or, conversely, small; tulle can be free and folds.

Sailor's cap

Also use dublin to keep the band and tulle in shape. If there is no duplicate, then try to initially starch the material and sew the product from it. In this case, a master class on cutting a cap with the help of Dublin is considered.

uniform military suit

  • Cut out a strip on a dublin 6-10 centimeters wide, as it will bend in half.
  • Glue it with an iron on the fabric, taking into account the allowance.
  • Cut the resulting peg.
  • Fold it in half so that the dublin is inside, steam it with an iron.
  • Immediately cut and paste on the fabric the patterns of the top and bottom of the dublin taking into account the allowances.
  • Bait a strip along the entire length, tucking the sides of the fabric inward.
  • Attach the bottom and top to each other, sew.
  • So that the allowances on the outer circle do not clatter the cap, make notches (triangles).
  • Turn out, steam off the cap.
  • Notch the inner radius, with a washable marker, mark the line of connection with the circle.

Cap and sailor collar

We continue to sew a marine military suit for the boy, starting with a peak.

  • You make a stash with a hat by attaching two satin ribbons in advance.
  • Then prostrate on a typewriter.
  • Glue the anchor application on the front.

Another option for the construction of a sailor's headdress is cardboard and fabric. The stub consists of cardboard. The fabric is attached to it from the inside so that it covers its inner part and head. A strip of fabric is glued on the outside. The result was a peculiar cap of coca.

For a striped collar, measurements of the neck half-width, shoulder width and the length of the product itself are needed. On the pattern, mark the beginning of the horizontal measurement, consisting of the neck and shoulder. To do this, make two more calculations.

military costume pattern

  • Divide the half-circumference of the neck by 3, add 0.5 and divide everything by 3. This parameter will determine the height of the neck bend.
  • Divide the half-circumference of the neck by 3 and add 0.5. This parameter, along with the shoulder length, is marked on the pattern.

Sailor suit

Vertically mark the length of the collar, add a parameter for the height of the bend of the neck. It turned out to be a square. Now from the extreme point indicating the size of the shoulder, vertically determine the length of the straps (30 cm will be enough). At the base, determine their width. Now from the strap to the point indicating the length of the collar, draw an arc.

Transfer the resulting pattern to the folded fabric. Sew white stripes on the front side. Next, make the same detail so that the collar on both sides is beautiful. Sew both halves on the wrong side.

You can also sew a military suit for the girl. Only shorts should be replaced with a half-skirt. To do this, you need a measurement of the length of the product and the waist half-circumference. On the folded fabric from the upper corner, note the length of the waist semi-girth with an increase of 12 centimeters. That is, if the half-girth is 28 cm, then on the fabric mark 40 cm.

Draw an arc from this point. To keep the line straight, measure the set parameter from one side to the other with a centimeter from the corner of the fabric. If you did everything right, then the resulting arc will be a couple of centimeters more than the waist circumference.

Now note the length of the skirt from the arc, also draw a line. In this case, only one side seam is needed. Bend the belt, insert the elastic. On the bottom, stitch white ribbon strips (as on the collar).

women's military suit

How to make a costume for a girl

Military suits are loved not only by boys, but also by girls. You sew the pilot, tunic in the same type as for boys. And make the bottom of the suit a straight skirt or pleats. A straight fit is combined with a tunic, and a pleated skirt looks great with a t-shirt.

To cut a straight skirt, you will need measurements of the length of the product and the circumference of the waist. Calculate the width of the product. To do this, multiply the waist circumference by 1.33. For example, if the waist circumference is 53 cm, then after multiplication we get the value of 70.49. We round this number to the nearest whole, measure out on the fabric 71 centimeters.

Cut two rectangles on the fabric. The first corresponds to the length of the skirt and waist circumference (in our version 71 centimeters). The second rectangle goes on sewing the belt. To do this, measure the waist circumference along the length (in our case 53 centimeters), and 15 centimeters across the width.

Connect both rectangles into a circle separately. Fold the belt carefully in half so that the free ends are on top.

Straight skirt

A thick elastic band (1.5-2 cm wide) along the circumference of the waist also connect in a circle. Insert it into the belt, connect both ends of the fabric on a typewriter. Now measure 8 points on the belt and skirt with pins. To do this, fold the product in half four times in different directions, pinning the bend places on both sides with pins.

sew a military suit for a girl

Connect the belt with the skirt, begin to attach parts from one pin to another, pulling the belt to the mark on the skirt. Fold the bottom of the product, go through a zigzag stitch or a machine needle seam “double needle”.

If the fabric is expensive, then you can save. Buy a military t-shirt for your child (wholesalers cost from 70 rubles per set). Make a straight skirt out of it. To do this, pin the bottom of the T-shirt and armpit line with needles. Trim along it.

Fold the fabric, forming a belt, insert a wide elastic band. This model can be made from an adult shirt or t-shirt, cutting off excess fabric from the side. The skirt is ready, and with a tunic and a cap it turned out a real uniform (military). The suit can be made simpler from a T-shirt and pleated skirt.

Pleated skirt

Such a model is sewn as follows. Measure the length of the skirt on the cut taking into account allowances (about 3 centimeters). You calculate the width from the waist circumference and the size of the folds. If you bought the fabric in the store, then do the calculation based on its footage.

Folds can be the same or oncoming, stab with needles. See that the top matches the waist circumference with an increase of 2 centimeters. Stitch the skirt, steam off the folds, process the bottom of the product, sew the belt. It can be made with elastic or sew on a hidden zipper.

With a T-shirt and cap you will get a good dance military costume. The female version is faster to sew than the male one. If you don’t have experience in cutting, then try on your product “every minute” for a child to avoid mistakes. Remember: only with practice does experience come.


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