Sudeikina roof: design, calculation, installation, photo

The famous construction of the roof of Sudeikin today has become a real architectural rarity, however, to this day you can find whole villages in Russia, where most of the buildings have the roof of this particular effective and original construction.

For reference

sudeikin roof

The construction technology of Sudeikin's roof was developed about 100 years ago. Today, interest in it is gradually reviving, since the benefits have not lost their relevance. But owners of private houses rarely resort to such a construction technology, since it is quite problematic to erect a structure of this form without professional help. And sometimes, I don’t feel like splurging.


roofs of houses photo

The Sudeikin roof is a structure that has four gentle waves, and four triangular slopes adjoin their base, they are located with their tops down. Between the slopes, 4 pediments are formed. As a feature of this design is the absence of rafters in their usual sense. The functions of this system are performed by bars that are interconnected, an octagonal dome is formed from them, which serves as the basis for the roof.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that Sudeikin’s classic design provides for the presence of a support pillar in the central part. However, practical implementation and calculations showed that such a roof can be built without a central support, for this it is necessary to make the dome slope sharp, increasing the bearing capacity of the structures.

The Sudeikin roof looks very impressive and stylish, however, it is built only for those tasks that have the shape of a square. For a house with a rectangular perimeter of the walls, you can make such a roof by combining two or more basic structures. But at the same time you have to make endov, which the main project is deprived of. Among other things, it is necessary to correctly calculate such a roof, only in this way it will be possible to observe proportions, eliminating the likelihood that the appearance of the structure will be damaged.

Why you should choose a roof Sudeikin

octagonal dome

Sudeikin's roof is chosen for several reasons, among them we can single out the possibility of using a large attic space, which is used during the operation of the building as a living room. The attic turns out to be well-lit, which is provided by four windows located in the gables.

The thermal insulation of the home is increased due to the presence of a small attic above the attic. There are no grooves and valleys, otherwise they become pockets that trap moisture and snow. Sudeikina roof has a large slope, which guarantees the immediate removal of rainfall from the surface in a natural way. There is no need for drainage gutters, but in the classical roof they are located along the perimeter of the roof. Roofing material is consumed in a smaller amount than when building a gable roof of a house, similar in area.

The choice of material for the roof of Sudeikin before construction

sudeikin roof for a rectangular house

A huge variety of materials did not touch the roof of Sudeikin. The most suitable option is quick-cutting materials such as flexible tiles or decking, as well as wood. You can also prefer a fine-meshed surface. However, the classic design is designed for iron coating.

Looking at the roofs of houses, photos of which are presented in the article, you can notice that modern and inexpensive, as well as such very attractive material as tiles, is not used for the roof of Sudeikin because you will encounter a large amount of waste in the process. It is formed due to the need to construct elements of a triangular shape.

Mounting Features

Sudeikin roof projects

Laying of roofing and insulation materials is almost no different from the technique of work on a conventional single-pitched or double-pitched roof. During construction, the triangular shapes of the roof components must be taken into account. At the first stage, 4 racks are installed at the corners of the building, each of them should have the same length. On the upper studs of the racks, it is necessary to tie with the help of bars that will form a square.

The central part of each wall must be defined, after which 4 vertically oriented racks are installed in the center of each wall. The next step will be to fix the inclined bars, which form the strapping of the pediments of the building. Why they are strengthened to the top of the central racks and to the corners of the harness, which rises on the racks. The central pillar should be fixed, and its length should be greater than the height of the gables, everything will depend on the planned slope angle and the dimensions of the building.

Recommendations for work

calculation of the roof of Sudeikin 8x8 m

If you will equip the octagonal dome of the roof of Sudeikin, then at the next stage you need to fix the bars that connect the rack in the center and those that are fixed in the central part of the wall of the house. These beams extend beyond the building to the width of the eaves.

The racks, which will be located in the central part of the wall, and the inclined bars of the gables must be connected by four horizontal bars, which form a square and strengthen the structure.


Calculation of the roof of Sudeikin 8x8 m can be carried out by you on your own by the example of the fact that for a roof whose dimensions are 7x7 arshins, 18.5 square fathoms of iron will be required. It is these calculations that are given in the old edition of the book. Arshin is 0.7 m, while one square fathom is equivalent to 4.5 m 2 . For example, you can pay attention to the fact that for a gable roof of the same area you need 21.3 square fathoms of iron.

As for the usable area of ​​the attic space, at the roof of Sudeikin this parameter will be 9.8 square fathoms, while at the gable roof the attic space will be limited to 4.07 square fathoms. Looking through the roofs of houses, photos of which are presented in the article, you can make a choice in the direction of a particular design. But in favor of the Sudeikin system, it can be noted that the remaining roofs will have a lesser usable space under the roof space.

Possible problems during construction

How the roof of Sudeikin can be arranged for a rectangular house was mentioned above. However, if you decide to do the construction yourself, you should remember that you may encounter some problems. They are expressed in the fact that most of the structural parts are not manufactured in series, for this reason you have to reckon with the large amount of work that you will have to perform manually.

Among other things, all the supporting elements of the system require professional calculations and design; this can not always be done by an ordinary home master. Considering the roof projects of Sudeikin, you may also encounter such complexity as a very limited choice of covering materials. A similar design is still unclaimed today because they simply forgot about it. Today, lovers and craftsmen of original solutions revive interest in this beautiful non-standard roof, but it can be difficult to find specialists for construction.


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