Dog Names and Their Importance in Pet Life

Pets, especially dogs, bring happiness and positive emotions to people's lives. Psychologists have proven that a person who loves furry creatures is very kind in nature. But do we always think about how we call our favorites? In fact, the name of both man and animal is an important component of his character, and it plays a special role in the life of both. Knowing the dog’s nicknames and their meaning is very important if you have a little furry friend in your home. Consider the most popular of them and find out about their meaning.

Rules for choosing nicknames

Sometimes it is extremely difficult to find a name for your beloved furry friend. This is especially true when the dog has its pedigree. Indeed, the document must indicate the name assigned by the breeder when activating the litter. When buying a puppy, the nickname is already entered in his passport data. But have you ever heard that the owner called his pet as written in his documents? Of course not. These records are very long and include not only the name, but also the name of the nursery itself. For this reason, in any case, each dog has its own nickname, and it can be very different from that recorded in the dog’s passport.

German Shepherd

First of all, it should be noted that the nickname must be given to the pet as quickly as possible. Dog handlers will agree that the dog is smart and resourceful animals. The faster she understands what she is called, the faster she will get used to her nickname and begin to respond to it. Of course, renaming an animal in adulthood is more difficult, but possible. This will require a little more effort on the part of the owner.

The nicknames of dogs and their significance in a person’s life is determined primarily by the fact that he will have to repeat this name repeatedly. Before choosing, think carefully about whether you are ready to get used to a particular nickname. It should cause you only positive emotions, otherwise it may affect your relationship with the dog.

It should also be noted that the name of the pet will be reflected in its character. Think about how you would like to see this cute puppy. Suppose you call him Typhoon, but are you ready to clean up the house every day? You can call a pet, for example, Archie, but if a huge lazy shepherd grows out of a puppy? Will you be satisfied with this? The meaning of the name Archie for the dog: a quiet, calm and quite friendly dog. These pets can be great friends, but they probably won't protect you. This name is perfect for a dog husky breed. After all, they are the good and non-aggressive. Therefore, the dog’s nickname and its significance should suit the pet both in breed and in size and in character. This is the most important rule.

Errors in choosing a nickname

Quite often giving a pet a name, people make serious mistakes. For example, a proud and independent Rottweiler is given a funny and diminutive nickname (Funtik, Broom, Kissel and the like). Since the name also reflects part of the character, from a beautiful stately dog ​​a rottweiler can turn into a stupid dog. Do not underestimate the role of the nickname in the upbringing of the pet. A thoroughbred dog, which cats will laugh at, can easily turn into the most ordinary mongrel.

Funny puppy

It is also not recommended to give the nickname of previously deceased animals. The thing is that each dog is individual. Having given the same name to the new pet, you will expect from it that it will become similar to your past pet. And if you don’t? Then you will be very disappointed. Let the appearance of a new family friend bring only positive emotions to your home.

Mysticism in the name of the animal

People who are interested in astrology, numerology and mysticism know for sure that each word has its own specific vibrations. They, in turn, affect mental processes and, as a result, affect the character of a person or a pet. After all, each of us has repeatedly heard the phrase: "Tell a man twenty times that he is a pig, and at the twenty-first he grunts in response." No matter how funny it may seem, alas, it is true.

For pets, the same vibration effect applies. Each word addressed to him is charged with a certain energy. The more often he hears it, the more it will look like what they say about him. It turns out that the truth is much more interesting than many fictions. This is how pets understand their owners - at the level of feelings and vibrations. The nicknames of dogs and their significance in the following are very clearly expressed in their character. And this applies not only to dogs, but also to other animals. A vivid example of this can be a cat named Mir. Vladimir Putin presented it to the governor of the Japanese prefecture. But due to strict sanitary laws, the cat had to quarantine for six months. The pet's name speaks for itself. The animal passed the test, and its first steps in freedom were proud and decisive. And what else was to be expected from the World?

Nickname and character addiction

Indeed, the name of the pet largely reflects its behavior. The formation of the character of the dog is a long process, and a variety of factors influence it. The first and most important is the dog breed. Agree that each breed is unique in its own way. The German Shepherd is a strong guard dog. She learns to execute commands very quickly, but at the same time she should be rather strict and serious. With improper upbringing, such a dog can grow up simply uncontrollable. The value of the nickname in dogs of the German Shepherd must be known, then to properly educate the dog.

In history, a case was recorded when a man practically did not educate his Addie shepherd dog. He let her do literally everything she wanted. In the end, Addie took the owner's bed. She growled and bite when he tried to lie down to rest. Addie had to be put to sleep, as every day she became uncontrollable. She could guard the whole room from him all day or turn the house upside down. Raising an adult dog with a formed character is quite difficult.

Does the story seem like a fairy tale? But in this case, the behavior of the dog was affected not only by upbringing, but also by its nickname. A dog named Addie has a fairly strong character. She is masterful, vindictive and simply can not do without training. Nicknames of dogs with this value are not uncommon. So, very wayward: Aza, Barkhan, Zeus, Rich. If you decide to give your dog such a name, then know that you will have to make a lot of effort to train it.

Great Dane

Fashion trends

Recently it has become very fashionable to call dogs the most unusual nicknames. For the owner, this is another way to “be the coolest of all”, but for the dog it’s a real test. In pursuit of fashion, you should not forget about your four-legged friend. In addition, there is one unpleasant pattern: fashion tends to change very quickly, but renaming a dog every time is very illogical. For this reason, you should choose a nickname that you personally like, and not others. The name should be clear and short, then it will be convenient for you and the pet.

On the other hand, some nicknames never go out of style. You can choose an original and unusual name, and at the same time it will only emphasize the dignity of your pet. An excellent variant, for example, can be Japanese dog nicknames. Click values ​​are shown below:

  • Aiko. Literally means "beloved." It will be a great nickname for a kind and gentle dog of small stature.
  • Anto. The name translates as "safe island." It is also suitable for a small dog breed, which, despite its size, is always eager for battle.
  • Kibu is a fabulously gentle name. Suitable for smooth-haired pets. Despite the fact that the nickname translates as “tenderness”, it also personifies freedom and wayward character.
  • Chibi is a great nickname for a small and cute little dog. Such a name suggests an eccentric character and curiosity.
  • Mayiya is a wonderful female nickname for a beautiful and stately dog. In particular, this name is suitable for collie breeds and the Austrian Shepherd.
  • Sento is the nickname for a large and brave dog. Translated from Japanese, it means "warlike."

Rare names for dogs

Not everyone is chasing fashion, some, on the contrary, believe that the pet’s nickname should be rare and unusual. Well, such an opinion also has the right to life. In particular, very often such names are given to pets who attend various exhibitions and competitions. Consider the rarest nicknames for dog boys with the meaning:

  • Arti - meaning "meaningful." Such a dog will understand you perfectly. He will be faithful and faithful.
  • Bayou is fast. Dreaming of a super speed dog? Then you should give him this nickname. In any competition, he will be the first.
  • The Knight is the winner, the very first, the most important. A dog with that name always tries to stand out from the crowd. He is too independent and very characteristic.

Nicknames for dog girls should be selected even more carefully. They always want to be on top, and the name should emphasize their merits. For dog girls, nicknames with a value can be selected as follows:

  • Ica is the one and only. A slightly narcissistic, but very kind dog.
  • Rati is incredibly beautiful, well-groomed, a little mannered. Such a dog will not only be a friend, but also a decoration of any environment.
  • Kemala - means a magic stone. She is kind, affectionate and very smart.
Sports beagle

Names and breeds of dogs

Different names are suitable for different breeds of dogs. So, for a large and stately dog, the name Druzhok will not be very appropriate, but the Lord is very useful. For smaller breeds choose lighter and funny nicknames. As for the mongrels, then everything is quite simple with them. Most often they are called depending on their color and character. So, a black mongrel can get the nickname Chernysh, and a white - Snowball.

Some dogs shuffle strongly when running, and for this they get a funny nickname Chap. No exception among the mutts and Kuzya, Sharik. Nicknames for dogs-girls with a value are also chosen based on this theory: Squirrel, Jesya, Zhulya, Bug.

The same principle applies to purebred dogs. Here, the name should also be chosen depending on the nature of the pet and its appearance. Consider the most appropriate dog names with a value for each breed.

Smart "Germans"

German shepherds are one of the most popular in the world. Who does not know this big and stately dog? Greif is the first representative of this breed at an exhibition in Hanover. He laid the foundation for the pedigree book of German Shepherds. It's no secret that this breed is easy to learn, gets along well with children and is more often used in the service in the police, army, and also for border protection. Of course, such a smart and beautiful dog should have a corresponding nickname. Their significance for the dog (German Shepherd) we will consider:

  • Aza is a strong and vibrant name that will emphasize the individuality of the dog. But for such a pet, good upbringing and training will be important, otherwise it will grow out of control.
  • Bars is a proud and unusual name. It is directly related to cat predators - snow leopards (snow leopards). These are incredibly cunning and large mammals.
  • Daisy is graceful and peculiar. She will not eat from the wrong hands. She needs a lot of affection and care, but in return she will become an excellent defender and a true friend.

Funny york

Yorkshire Terrier is a cutie who will not leave anyone indifferent. He is an intelligent, independent and calm enough dog. This indoor decorative breed of dog is the most popular in Russia.

Cute york

Her story is not too long. York brought in the English county of Yorkshire. For this breed, the nicknames of the dogs with the meaning are presented below:

  • Eve is an exquisite and graceful name for a real lady. Such a dog will behave a bit narcissistic, but will not deprive you of affection.
  • Busya is cute and funny. She will be agile and very playful.
  • Jean is an independent and very serious dog.
  • Marco is a real gentleman. He is very kind and attached to his masters.
  • Yasya is a cute and unexpected dog. She likes to show her character, to be offended and to be stubborn.

Charming Husky

Who does not dream to get one of the most ancient breeds of dogs, which was previously used as traction force in snow or ice? Husky is incredibly beautiful, smart, friendly. One of the few breeds that is completely unsuitable for the role of guard and hunting. Huskies do not feel hostile feelings towards anyone, and when they try to strain this character trait, they become simply uncontrollable.

The value of the nickname in husky dogs should not be aggressive or threatening. This is completely contrary to the nature of this breed. Let it be an affectionate and gentle name that evokes a smile on your face and a feeling of comfort. After all, it is precisely this breed of dog that brings comfort to its owner’s house. Here are some nicknames for husky girl dogs with a meaning:

  • Taiga is a great winter name for a cute doggie. Such an animal will be very lively and interesting. Also similar nicknames: Baikal, Alaska, Siberia.
  • Bagheera is a beautiful and refined nickname for a cute husky. From such a dog, one should expect only grace and grace.
  • Olivia is friendly and inquisitive. She will be happy to learn new teams and play with your children.

Nicknames for gentlemen

We have already found out that the name of the pet will be closely related to its character. For dog-boys, it is very important that courage and courage be encrypted in it. Remember that our four-legged friends understand everything, and therefore now it is you who can influence his character traits.

Choosing a nickname, take a look, what character traits are already manifested in the dog? Maybe he is serious and brave? Or active and perky? To facilitate the selection, consider nicknames for dog boys and their meaning:

  • Hart is a strong name for a large and courageous dog. He will be a great defender and even a hunter.
  • Simon is a friendly and kind dog. He will be happy to play with the children, and to greet all guests with a "wide smile."
  • Rex - from the Latin language "king." The name is suitable for a large breed of dog.
  • Luke is a short and clear-cut nickname that is perfect for the balamut.
  • A cupcake is a nickname for a small and very nimble dog, maybe he will even love sweets.
  • Altai - naughty, funny, but quite demanding. He will wake you up in the morning and ask you to play with him.
  • Bucks - it is believed that such a nickname for a dog can bring financial prosperity to its owner. It is still very fashionable to call four-legged friends with such nicknames (Mani, Dollar, Pound). Or someone, for example, did not hear about a fairly popular dog named Euro? He conquered the entire Internet with his gorgeous smile.
Dog Euro

Names for the lady

Since the dog’s name will be with her all her life, the choice should be taken very seriously. Of course, I want to call the little cute puppy very affectionately. However, after 6-8 months, he will turn into a beautiful stately dog, and then the nickname may not suit her. Dog girls are even more difficult to call than boys, because on the one hand the nickname should not be too rude, and on the other it should reflect the character of the lady.

Husky dog

In addition, the name should depend on size and breed. Consider the value of nicknames for dogs (girls):

  • The moon is a beautiful nickname for a calm and stately dog. Very well, this name is suitable for hunting breeds of dogs.
  • Bonya is a nickname for a small and very voiced lady.
  • Rufa - means "dear" and is suitable for hounds, for example, beagle breed.
  • Kassandra is a great name for large and smart dogs of the Great Dane breed. The history of the name itself is rooted in ancient Greek mythology. Literally it is translated as "messenger".
  • Berta is a beautiful female name of German origin. The nickname is suitable for boxer dogs.

In this article, we learned nicknames with meaning for dogs (for husky and many other breeds).


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