What and how to make an ax in Minecraft?

How to make an ax in Minecraft?

If you want to succeed in Minecraft, then you should think about finding out as many different ways as possible to create useful things. For upscale and incredibly useful items, there are very complicated recipes. Just because you can’t pick them up sometimes, you can spend a lot of time on this. So start simple. For example, every player in Minecraft will need an ax. This is a simple but very useful item that you will need at any stage of the process. Then you will learn how to make an ax in Minecraft, and why you need it.


Search for resources in this game is necessary constantly. Wherever you go and whatever your goal, always try to grab certain types of resources along the way . The most ordinary, but at the same time, one of the most important objects in the game is a tree. You can get it using any items, but speed and productivity will be depressing.

If you want to get a large amount of wood for short periods of time, which, of course, is very useful to you, it is recommended to assemble an ax. But how to make an ax in Minecraft? What is required for this? In fact, everything is much simpler than it might seem at first, since you will need the same resources.

how to get an ax in minecraft

What do you need?

The creation of any item in Minecraft begins with the selection of the necessary components. If you are doing such a simple thing as an ax, you can rest assured that you will need a maximum of two kinds of materials. In this case, these are iron ingots, as well as sticks. The latter, as you know, are made of wood, so the ax is very useful to you, because not only this thing is done with the help of sticks - picks, shovels, choppers and many other things require the presence of wood from which the handles will be created. Therefore, before you start crafting, make sure that you have three iron ingots and two sticks in stock - this is the amount of resources that you need to start crafting.

However, this does not provide an answer to the question of how to make an ax in Minecraft. This is a game in which you can’t just mix all the ingredients - you need to arrange them in the correct order to get a competent result. To learn the secret of how to make an ax in Minecraft, you are invited to try different ways to place components in the crafting field.

Minecraft: how to make an ax wooden?

The right recipe

If you do not want to experiment, then you can always use the tips of other players. Many people write about how to get an ax in Minecraft, but this information is not always reliable. To begin with, if you still want to leave an element of mystery and discoveries, you can use the hint that you need to arrange the components of the subject when crafting so that the result resembles what should happen. If this does not help you, you can simply place the ingredients in a specific order: place the iron bars on the upper left edge, that is, in the first and second upper and first middle slots. As for the sticks, they need to be placed in the central middle and central lower slots. It is this method that is correct for the manufacture of an ax.


Minecraft: wooden ax

However, not everyone wants to make an item that has an iron blade. After all, it’s so boring, and this is not real life, but Minecraft. How to make an ax wooden? This is a more interesting question. The answer is very simple - just replace three ingots of iron with three boards, and you get an ax with a wooden blade, no matter how strange it sounds. Moreover, you can use some other materials to change not only the color of the blade, but also its properties. In addition to a wooden and iron ax, you can make stone, gold or diamond. Naturally, in all three cases, you will need to replace iron bars with cobblestones, gold bars and diamonds, respectively. Of course, the material from which the ax is made affects its characteristics, but first of all it pleases your eye, and this is the most important thing.

What will it give you?

First of all, it is worth highlighting its main function, that is, the extraction of wood - one of the most important materials in Minecraft. Wooden ax (or from other materials) significantly increases the speed of extraction. If you want to get three to four times more tree, having spent half the time on it, then you should definitely get this useful product. Moreover, it can serve not only as a tool, but also as a weapon. Naturally, do not flatter yourself and think that in an ax you can combine both purposes - the damage that the enemy deals with this item is extremely low. But at the same time, fighting with him is better than with bare hands, so this thing can be a good means of self-defense in emergency situations.

Minecraft 1 5 2: how to make an ax?

Forget about using an ax as a full-fledged weapon - for this you can find or craft dozens of other specialized objects.

Which is better?

Even if you have to go somewhere without a weapon, you should always have an ax with you to stock up on a certain amount of wood (it is never superfluous), and also repel random attacks. And for this you can enchant him.

"Minecraft 1. 5. 2." - how to make an ax in this game? Often, this question fades into the background, as everyone already knows the recipe. Learning to enchant him is much more interesting. This is sharpness, heavenly punishment and the scourge of arthropods - all increase damage, but the last two are against specific classes of creatures.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7374/

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