Do I need to cut my baby a year? Why do children get their hair cut per year?

Everything related to the child, parents must decide for themselves. True, you can focus on various tips: the advice of the older generation, modern techniques and various ceremonies. In this article I want to talk about whether to cut a child a year. Indeed, many parents still care about this issue.

Do I need to cut a child a year

What will the grandmothers say?

When only people of the older age group know that the girl is pregnant, she will immediately begin to give various advice from the area will take. One of them is in no case to cut or dye your hair, because this can harm the baby. Similar can be heard about the child himself. Grandmothers will categorically negatively answer the question of whether to cut a child a year. And all because the baby, as the legend says, you can cut off the mind. Who will believe this? But then heavy artillery comes into play - stories about neighbors and acquaintances who made a huge mistake - sheared a child in her first year of life, and nothing good grew out of that child. Here, any mom has to think.

Old Slavic belief

Where did the grandmother get such information? The thing is that this knowledge is a tradition of centuries. Everything is very simply explained. Previously, the word “hair” did not exist, but what grows on a person’s head was called “cosmas” (only in the modern world this word has become a little abusive, so-called untidy hair). Here it is already possible even to independently trace the connection “cosmos - space”. The thing is that people always believed that the child is very strongly connected with various forces, which they called differently, including the cosmos. And all the positive information from above goes to the baby (however, like to any adult) through the hair. By circumcising them, one can deprive a child of much. That is why in our legends and traditions there are so many different moments associated with hair that give a person not only beauty, but also strength and intelligence.

You can cut the child up to a year

Another version

There is another version of why children are sheared annually. The thing is that in the days of Ancient Russia, mortality among infants up to a year was very high. If the baby was dying earlier than this, it was believed that he simply did not want to live in this family and his soul went away to look for another. If the child crossed such an invisible line, certain acceptance rites awaited him, among which there was a cutting of hair (rite of tonsure). This meant that the family takes under the protection of the new member and undertakes to protect and educate him.

why do children get their hair cut per year

The opinion of psychologists

A psychologist can also tell about whether to cut a child a year. Of course, no one will give a ban - at all the will of the parents, but these experts will definitely say that this is not worth it. The fact is that a small child perceives himself as a whole, he still cannot understand that his hair or nails, for example, can be cut off painlessly, but a severed arm will not grow back. That is why, if he understands at a certain level of consciousness that he must lose something, then he starts to get nervous, act up, do everything to avoid such torture. It is worth noting that some nationalities, for example, Jews, do not cut their children at all until the age of three.

What will pediatricians say?

There is an opinion on whether to cut a child a year, with pediatricians. Doctors, of course, do not see anything reprehensible or bad in the procedure itself, but there is a slightly different point. The thing is that such a small child is unlikely to be able to sit still quietly and not turn his head. And this is fraught with various injuries and injuries, after which the crumbs in general can develop various fears and concerns. If the child is kept in a chair by force, the baby may experience stress or become overwhelmed, which will also negatively affect the state of his nervous system. So, according to pediatricians, it is better to refuse such a procedure in the first year of life.

why do children get their hair cut per year

What do modern parents think

Modern parents have their own opinions about why children are sheared annually. Among them, there is still a myth that if you cut your hair to a one-year-old child, the next ones will grow stronger and stronger. And in general, after this, the child’s hair will be simply excellent. This, it is worth saying, is a dubious fact and does not go beyond speculation. As for the haircut per year, it can be more aesthetic in nature. Indeed, in some babies, in the first year of life, hair grows quite strongly and can simply begin to interfere. This is especially true for boys who have long hair completely unnecessary. Also, all parents want to keep such a gentle first hair of the child. For such reasons, a haircut can also be carried out: parents simply collect hairs and store them in a special small envelope as a kind of amulet.

cut hair per year to a child

About haircut

Knowing why children are sheared in a year, now I want to talk about how the process itself can take place. There are many options. First: do everything at home using a machine (they are now in almost every family). The advantages of this scenario: mom and dad always know how to distract a child so that he does not spin. In addition, the baby has a lot more trust in relatives than in other people. Cons: Mom and Dad are not hairdressers and can do something wrong, especially if the child is not shaved baldly, but simply sheared. As an alternative - a trip to the hairdresser. Here the professional will do everything beautifully and according to the rules. However, there may be problems with the fact that the child simply may not like the place or the master himself, and he simply refuses to sit. Also, the baby may just be interested in the new situation, and sitting around quietly without turning his head will make the tricky one very difficult. So, how to cut hair a year for a child is for parents to choose. However, it is better to take into account many nuances, including the character of the baby.

need to cut a child a year

About the rite

Another option is how to conduct the ceremony of tonsure, observing the old traditions. So, the first thing to say: all the manipulations should be carried out by a loved one: mother, father, grandmother or grandfather, can also be done by godparents. After all, it is believed that they will not cut off the share of the child, but on the contrary, will bring only a lot of the positive to the life of the baby. To carry out the ceremony of tonsure, the boy needs to be put on a casing or sheep's clothing, the girl on a pillow and the necessary actions should be carried out. Another variant of tonsure: the godfather conducts the manipulations first, then the godmother. They take turns cutting off four bunches of hair with a cross on their head and putting everything in a napkin. The process itself, for the interest of others and the child himself, can be accompanied by various sentences and jokes (about a braid - girlish beauty and boy's curly hair). After that, the baby is given a necessarily memorable gift. And only after such manipulations the baby can be shaved off completely already. That's right, according to ancient rites, you need to cut the child a year. By the way, such an action can also be turned into a small celebration. Why not?


So, some nuances are important. According to legend, the first time you need to cut the child only in good weather at noon, at 12 noon. You also need to think about what to do with cropped hair. Throwing them into the trash can is just reckless. There are several options for the development of events. So, they can be saved in the envelope for many years of life and for the excellent health of the baby. You can also burn, sentencing certain words that should protect the child. You can also bury and put into the water. All this is necessary so that bad people simply could not get to the hair of the child and do something bad on them.


You can cut the child up to a year, a year and after - it is up to the parents themselves. No one can give an exact answer - to do it or not. But it is important to say one thing: as Mom and Dad do - it will be so. After all, only they can know what is best for the child and how best to do with the baby.


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