Delicious grapes in Siberia: preparation for winter

At one time, two effective systems were developed for growing tasty berries in unfavorable northern conditions. These are the methods CER-1 and CER-2, allowing to obtain healthy grapes in Siberia. Preparing for winter is an important and indispensable point in both ways.

grapes in siberia winter preparation

Features of the SSV-1 technique

In the winter, planting material is stored in special, deep enough and not freezing containers at all. You can also use garden trenches that are dug to a depth of at least one meter. Such grooves should be able to well retain the maximum amount of snow on their roof. How to plant grapes in Siberia using this technology? Only the early varieties of European origin are selected, which should be grafted onto the best winter-hardy stocks of the Amur, in extreme cases, the American variety.

Seedlings are placed in deepened trenches or single pits, a thick layer of a mixture of manure, humus, peat is laid at the bottom. Attention: this method is not suitable for areas with a high groundwater location. The vines are formed according to the cardio-ray principle, fixing them on a special wire trellis. This method allows you to get a plentiful crop without using additional baits.

how to plant grapes in siberia

Only weeding remains mandatory, since there were no pests or diseases that could spoil the grapes in Siberia. Preparing for winter is the most important aspect of all work. In autumn, you need to trim the shoots and antennae, during which most of the eyes are removed. This is done to protect the entire vine during winter frosts. The first pruning is carried out in September, and the second immediately before the plant shelters in a trench. There is also an optional third removal of excess shoots, which occurs in June.

How to save grapes for the winter according to the CCB-2 technique

No vaccination is required for this method, each vine stalk is harvested in autumn in certain sizes. In the spring, it remains only to drop them off in special schools, without subjecting them to any additional treatments. To get grapes in Siberia, preparation for winter begins with digging up a suitable covering hole, where the vine and its cuttings will be stored until the new season. Some gardeners prefer to keep planting material in an ordinary cellar. By the way, this approach allows you to grow a healthy seedling in the period from March to mid-May.

how to save grapes for the winter

If the soil on the site is black soil, then a special landing pit does not need to be drawn up. But for poor clay and sandy lands, rather large holes are dug, where various top dressings of organic and mineral origin are brought. In order to get tasty and healthy grapes in Siberia on your table, preparation for winter should always be in the first place. Autumn pruning is carried out immediately in one step, in contrast to the previous method of cultivation - usually in the middle or end of October. And they keep the vine in shallow ditches (up to 50-60 cm), which are carefully covered with mulch, soil and spruce paws on top.


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