Museum of Tver Life - one of the most interesting historical expositions in Tver

Museum of Tver life is very popular with residents and guests of Tver. This is a unique exhibition located in an old architectural ensemble, telling about the life of various classes in the 18th-19th centuries. During the tour you can learn a lot about the history of the region, historical crafts and crafts. Visitors to the museum complex have a unique opportunity to visit a peasant's hut, a merchant's house, see a collection of historical documents and ancient samovars.

History of the Tver Life Museum

In the post-war years, cultural institutions were actively restored in Tver and the Tver region. As part of this program, in 1970 the Museum of Tver Life was created and solemnly opened. A unique architectural ensemble was chosen to host the exhibition. This is a house that belonged to the family of the merchant Arefiev, and a complex of buildings adjacent to it.

Museum of Tver Life

The main residential building was built in 1784 under the direction of the architect Stengel. Today it is the only city estate of the XVIII century, preserved in its entirety. The Tver Museum of Life occupies today the main residential building, outbuildings and the coach house. Arefiev Manor is made in the Baroque style, it is a recognized architectural monument and is protected by the state.

“Visiting the Merchant” and “Russian Tea Party”

In the main building of the museum (the former manor house of the estate), the historical internal layout is preserved almost unchanged. The interior decoration was partially preserved, but museum guests can see genuine pieces of furniture and household goods from the 18th-19th centuries. The main house has vaulted ceilings and massive walls, the most interesting interior decorations are stucco moldings and tiles on the walls.

Tver Museum of Life

The Museum of Tver Life introduces visitors to the furnishings of a merchant's house and the everyday life of its inhabitants. The exhibition includes real luxury goods and art, as well as valuable samples of dresses and jewelry, characteristic of a bygone era. The pride of the museum - the exposition "Russian Tea Party" is a constant exhibition of ancient samovars. An interactive tour is offered to visitors, during which you can not only see the collection, but also take part in a traditional Russian tea ceremony.

Peasant life

It will be especially interesting for residents of modern cities to visit the museum of Tver life. The exposition, introducing guests to the life of ordinary peasants, is a qualitative reconstruction of the peasant's hut. During the tour, tourists will see a real stove, a red corner, they will learn what a woman’s cut and a warm house are.

In the peasant's hut, one can fully appreciate the desire of ordinary people for beauty. All household items are handmade and feature rich decorative finishes. An abundance of homespun textile creates special comfort in the peasant's hut, many interior elements are additionally decorated with embroidery.

The exposition also presents tools: forks, sickles, rakes, devices for processing flax and horse harness.

Tver Museum of Tver Life

Peter the Great Hall and other interesting exhibitions

A separate exposition is dedicated to the era of the reign of Peter I. It is known for certain that the great sovereign really came to Tver and stayed in the house of the merchant Arefiev. However, Peter the Great found an old wooden mansion, on the site of which, after a fire, a stone house was built, which has survived to this day. The Petrovskaya exposition consists of documents, coins, weapons, medals and other items of the era of the reign of the emperor. In the museum you can see the decrees of Peter I, as well as a silver bucket. An interesting legend is associated with this exhibit: if you believe it, the sovereign once awarded the merchant Arefyev himself with a similar object.

The Tver Museum of Life also offers to see an extensive collection of products of folk arts and crafts. One of the traditional female types of needlework was weaving Kalyazin lace. Also in the museum you can see patterns of embroidery, weaving, traditional pottery.

Conducts a museum and temporary exhibitions, each of which is devoted to a separate, highly specialized topic.

Museum of Tver Life in Tver photo

Actual information for visitors

The Tver Museum of Life is open daily, except Mondays and Tuesdays, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Individual visitors can visit the exposition without an appointment. The exact address of the attraction: Tver city, Gorky street, 19/4. It will be easy to find the building you need, even if you first arrived in Tver. The Tver Life Museum is located in a complex of historical buildings, its main building is clearly visible from the street. The cost of visiting is 100-150 rubles. Tour services are available at an extra charge.

Museum of Tver life in Tver: photos and reviews of tourists

All tourists interested in the culture and history of our country will be interested in visiting this exposition. And let the Tver Museum of Life is not the largest in our country, but it is, according to visitors, very cozy, and its collections have truly unique exhibits. The museum makes a special impression on children who grew up in cities. During the tour, everyone can learn new amazing facts about the life of our ancestors.

Museum of Tver Life Reviews

The Museum of Tver Life has positive reviews due to the variety of expositions. Here, during a visit to one complex, you can visit the old peasant hut and the rich merchant house. By appointment, the museum conducts interesting interactive excursions and master classes.


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