Quest for Antharas: walkthrough, nuances and tips

Antharas ... the next boss in the next game. So? In practice. Line 2 is not just a game, but a real epoch-making creation of the MMORPG industry. Each boss is not just a soulless bot, it is a detailed character with a story, character and, as a rule, a difficult fate. Moreover, just like that you can’t raid. The quest for Antharas is a prime example. Of course, you have to run. But what MMORPG without teleports, cities and motley NPS? In addition to the above "charms", this task will require the ability to patiently wait and clearly follow the instructions. The fact is that success depends on the order of destruction of mobs.

quest for antharas

Step one: Travel to Giran

First of all, we go to the city of Giran and are struggling to find the character Gabriel. She should give a list of monsters from which items are knocked out for the further passage of the quest. It is after this that the chain called "Quest for Antharas" begins. So let's get started.

Step two: start teleporting

First, Gabriel sends the player to the Hunters Village. This is the first of the quest locations. It is in this place that the active part of the quest begins. Teleport from there to Wonderland. What for? And then, to get the necessary artifact, namely - Totem of the Earth of Dragons. The easiest way to complete the task is for the entire clan. Soklaners can help with cover and try to make the area as safe as possible. It is competently occupied positions that will allow to successfully pass the first tests in the quest chain with success and minimal difficulties.

Stage Two: Aden and the Mobs

Further, we systematically plague the Harit Lizardman Matriarch bots standing in the location. The ultimate goal is to kill Lizard Shaman.

This is what makes the first totem in the backpack possible. After we teleport to Aden, and from there to the Forgotten Plains. The quest for Antharas ("Interlude") differs from similar tasks in other versions only in the location of mobs. So, in the Plains we destroy first dragons, and then gargoyles. As a result, you will have 2 more items. The final stage is getting the spider's paws and the bear's skin. In L2, the quest for Antharas, or rather, the stage described by us, takes only 20 minutes.

quest for antharas interlude

Queens and quest: what is the relationship between them?

After the skin and paw are found in the inventory, we go to FG and begin to destroy the Blood Queens. Sooner or later, Sacrifice of the Sacrificed will appear.

We remain in the location for as long as necessary to obtain the quest item (item). As a rule, it is enough to kill 2-3 queens before the appearance of the main mob. Keep in mind that the quest for Antharas (High Five-update) is slightly different in that the Blood Queens now live in the location of the Tomb of the Watcher. Then we teleport to the city and fly to the guild of warriors. There will be an NPC Kendra, who will give another key - the Mark of the beholder. There, in Aden, we find Orven. It is he who gives the second sign. In the already familiar Village of Hunters we find the next NPC Chakiris, who presents the third required item. Now we are on our way to the city of Oren, and from there we are already leaving for the Ivory Tower. Kaena gives us another artifact.

quest for passage to Antharas

And again, Gabrielle!

We return to the city and look for the NPC that gave the task at the very beginning. However, this is not the end of the wanderings. Gabrielle will give a new task, namely - to kill three Abyss Jewel. Mobs are in the vicinity of the city of Gludin, which means that the player must teleport there. The quest bots themselves lurk in the Winds Hills. In order not to fail the quest and stay alive, the statue itself is first neutralized. Only after she is defeated, you can proceed to the monsters. We collect all the loot (prey) from them. Happened? Perfectly! Now we go to the city to the NPC Moku. For joy, he gives out another quest sign.

Teleportation is a necessity, not a luxury

We get to the Sea of ​​Spores from the city of Orion. We destroy the second statue there. She will be standing near the teleport. This, of course, does not end the quest for Antharas. Destroying the statue is the key to the quest monster. It is from him that the desired item falls out. Now we return to Gabriel, and from there - to the Valley of the Dragons, after talking with the guard. We move towards the Den of Antharas and there we kill two more statues. When the third appears, we destroy it, getting the right item.

quest for Antharas high five

Last step

Just before the entrance to the Antharas lair, we are looking for the NPS Theodoric. He must give the Portal Stone. As the name implies, it will take you to the den. Of course, Antharas is one of the list of the most powerful and complex bosses. Therefore, well prepare and staff the raid with which you will go into battle. The success of the entire enterprise directly depends on this.

How to defeat Antharas in the raid?

Taking into account that this boss is one of the strongest, you need to consider a lot of points. And even this does not guarantee success. Let's consider in detail why. First, the dragon has an arsenal of powerful attacks. For example, fire attack or paralysis. Do not forget that Antharas is huge, and it does not cost him anything to just crush the annoying insect ... or even a few. Do you think that danger awaits only those who fight in close combat? No matter how! If you are a mage, take no chances and under no circumstances come closer than you need for a spell cast. The farther, the whole your skin. This is especially true for healers. Near the boss there should be tanks and protection. It is best to strain up and collect two parties - one with damageers (those who do the main damage) and tanks, and the second with magicians and support (buffers).

L2 quest for Antharas

Going to Antharas with a second profession is suicide of pure water. Therefore, it is better to pump and dress up, and then already try your hand. As for the composition of the party, in any case, there should be a Spectral Dancer, Sword Muse and Doomcryer. In other words, in addition to the damage group, you need to take care of the support. Only in this case, the quest for the passage to Antharas will be completed the first time.


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