League of Legends, Shyvana: Guide. Sivana: description of abilities, game tactics

The article will focus on the champion named Sivan. Why is it unique? What sets her apart from other Champions League of Legends champions?

LOL: Sivana (guide)

Half-breed, which was born from an unusual union of two different species - people and dragons, Sivana spent a long time in search of her belonging.

After all, the appearance of a person is subject to her, as well as the appearance of a dragon. Wandering around the world made her a first-class warrior, and anyone who dares to block her path will meet face to face with a beast born in flame, hiding inside.

lol sivan guide

What is the origin of Sivana?

The character’s introductory story says that Sivana spent her youth chasing Drake, who was indirectly guilty of her father’s death. Burned by hatred, the half-blood dragon went north, where the killer fled. There she meets the pursuers.

Despite the fact that the men looked at her apprehensively, the leader of the trackers approached Sivan with peaceful intentions.

Introducing himself as Prince of Demasia Yarvan, he offered Sivana help so that she could take revenge. By combining their forces, they fought the mighty dragon, who was involved in the death of her father.

Sivana did not expect her partners to survive the collision of fire (dragon flame) and steel (swords). She could not believe in the human power possessed by the people of Jarvan.

Armored warriors exhausted the enemy, and Sivana dealt a mortal blow, tearing her heart out of the dragon's chest.

Inspired by the fury of the half-blood, Jarvan invited the girl to take a place in the ranks of his elite guard. Sivana accepted his offer and is now a Dematsian warrior.

Born half human, half dragon, she continued to frighten people with her power, but the desire to find her place in the world did not disappear. Sivana wants to repay the prince for kindness, remaining with him the embodiment of dragon power, but she is not able to help people defeat superstitious fear. I wonder if people are afraid of her?

So this guide, Sivana, will begin. The attitude to the champion and his description from the point of view of the game is a special case of the League of Legends, so you should not take it as an undeniable truth.

guide Sivan

Sivana as a forest champion

The element in which the champion of Sivan lives is a forest. An undeservedly forgotten forester and topper, she is able to single-handedly pull out the game. Thanks to his abilities, Sivana is a very mobile champion, one could call her an ultrafast character of the whole game. Clearing the forest with its help is a pleasure.

The secret to good Sivana is farming. Moreover, she should do this faster and better than her teammates, and thanks to the great damage, she will "dominate" not bad.

A similar state is achieved by pharmacy. So do not hesitate to clear your forest land, and then move on to strangers.

As for the runes, here Sivana is universal. You can use runes for attack speed, since the base of this character is built on the number of auto attacks.

Sivana Forest

It is auto-attacks that enhance and alter the abilities of a given champion.

Runic speed increase allows you to fully reveal the potential of the so-called "esh". The more damage, the faster the rage will accumulate, which allows you to accumulate the same resource for the appearance of the dragon. Accordingly, there will be more time for applying the "ult." You can "disperse" the duration of the "ult" to one and a half minutes.

Keep in mind the type of attack, and with the help of runes you can combine both physical and magical damage.

You also need to keep in mind the runes for additional damage, which will make Sivana a unique fighter in terms of "damage."

Sivana Skins

We continue the guide "Sivan". You can change the appearance of a champion: not only from a person to a dragon, but also replace the standard outfit

Well, here are a few models - these are Sivana-skins.

Sivana skins

All-metal dragon

For 750 RP you can get a unique outfit. The model is called the "iron dragon of Sivan" and does not have animated and sound effects.

Sivana appears in a curious and interesting armor: it seems that he is freshly performing a protective function, although he looks lightly enough that does not constrain movement. The quality factor of armor is achieved by perfectly fitted iron scales.

Separately, I want to note an attractive hairstyle and makeup. True, some helmet could complement the image of the iron dragon, given that Sivana is dressed in metal armor, mittens in the form of a dragon's mouth, which wonderfully complement the awesome design of the dragon.

In general, the Dragon of Sivan is more like a dog than a fire-breathing reptile. Nevertheless, the concepts of both themes successfully coexist, forming hybrid structures in the manner of a bat.

If you liked everything, the guide "Sivan" is over. And if not, here is another model.

Ice sorceress

It will not be Sivan's Bone Dragon , but the icy appearance of the champion, which looks simply magnificent. The transformation takes place to the sound of ice with the corresponding animation effects, such a charm is 975 RP.

In the new model, Sivana appears before the player as a snow sorceress in a revealing outfit without proper armor, which makes her seemingly defenseless, but not powerless. In fact, the clothes may not be very military, but it gives supernatural talents to the champion.

not a bone dragon of Sivan

And if you change the human form, then the Ice Wyvern will appear in front of us. Suppose that at first glance she will not impress with her appearance as a player, but at least she looks regal thanks to the gold-decorated dress and mane.

If we compare the previous models with the Sivan Guide (season 5), then there are no changes.

Abilities of Sivana

A Sivan guide would not be complete without a description of abilities. Let's see what this champion can do. So, a description of the abilities.

The origin of the dragon is a passive skill given to the dragonborn. A warrior with this skill gains additional armor of five, ten, fifteen and twenty units.

Double bite (if you want, then double the serving) - this skill is divided into two categories: the first in human form, the second in dragon form.

For the human form, each subsequent attack (auto) will be accompanied by an additional blow to the enemy in one rapid movement. In this case, the second will cause physical damage equal to a percentage of the total attack on the enemy. The cooldown time during an auto-attack is reduced by half a second, but does not work when attacking a structure.

description of abilities

In dragon form, a double bite will hit the entire area immediately in front of Sivana, and not just at a specific target. Thus, any enemy in the direction of auto-attack takes damage.

Burnout - this skill, when applied in an active form (human), will cause Sivan to inflict magic damage to each of the nearby enemies within three seconds, and the speed of his own movement will increase significantly. Each auto-attack will extend the time by a second, but to extend this way, only four units will burn.

Turning into a dragon, Sivana leaves a fire trail for five seconds, while he will deal magic damage to enemies along the way. At the same time, there is a small cooldown for a little over ten seconds. The area of ​​attack is 325.

Unique skills

Dragon Breath is a fireball released that deals magic damage to an enemy and marks enemies for five seconds. An attack can remove the marking. At the target under the effect of this effect, two and a half percent of health disappears. The dragon deals conical damage in front of Sivana. Range - 925.

Summon Dragon Form - Sivan turns into a dragon, and it takes a hundred points of rage. Remember that in this guise, the champion will continue to consume rage.

When attacking, the form is extended, but when the fierce supply is depleted, the character will take on a human appearance. The range is 1000.

There are many champions in the game, but the Sivan guide deserves a separate article.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F741/

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