Large-flowered flax: seed cultivation. How to care for flax in the garden?

For alpine hills, large flowerbeds, mixborders and individual group landings, for cutting and arranging bouquets, large-flowered flax will be an amazing bright discovery for you. Growing from seeds is simple and has a high percentage of success.

Large-flowered flax: description

flax red large-flowered seedling cultivation

This is an annual plant with decorative flowers belonging to the genus Flax from the family Flax. It reaches a height of up to 110 cm, but most often the growth is limited to 30-60 cm. The stalk of the flax is erect, branched. Leaves are sessile, another arrangement, lanceolate shape with pointed tips. Bright flowers form an inflorescence flap, which has a fairly loose structure. The natural habitat is the northwestern part of the African continent (Algeria). Flax was introduced into the culture in 1820, and since then it has been actively cultivated as an annual.

Large-flowered flax: cultivation

From seeds of small size, if desired, you can grow a beautiful perennial plant. Flax has an unpretentious nature, is resistant to cold, tolerates even slight frosts. It is preferable to choose sunny, well-lit areas for it. It will grow on any poor garden soil, but preferably without moisture stagnation. In Russia with cold climatic conditions, we recommend choosing flax large-flowered. Growing from seeds is very simple. Germination is almost 100%, and the plant spreads up to the taiga zone.

Flax large-flowered seed cultivation photo.

Before planting, the site must be dug up, it is recommended to make humus or compost (per 1 square meter 3-4 kg). And also a tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Then mix everything thoroughly and smooth with a rake. It is best to shed the soil well and leave it for a couple of days, and only then proceed with planting. This can be done in two ways: seedlings or directly into the ground. Choose the one that suits you best.

Flax (red) large-flowered seedling cultivation

flax large-flowered rubrum seed cultivation

Sowing is recommended in mid-April, as the plant develops quite quickly. Use light soil, permeable to air and moisture. Pour it into small boxes in an even layer of 5-8 cm and moisten with a spray bottle. Do not deepen the seeds, but gently scatter them on the surface, sprinkle 1 cm of soil on top. It is best to make a small greenhouse and close the box with polyethylene. Be careful with waterlogging - this is why large-flowered flax does not like. Growing from seeds (photo) is a fairly quick process, seedlings will appear in 7-10 days. As soon as the first pair of real leaves appears in the seedlings, they should be dived into separate pots, about 7 cm in diameter and of the same depth. Flax has a strong root system of the rod type, so we recommend that you do not tighten with seating. The farther, the more difficult it will be to separate the plants from each other without damaging them.

Sowing seeds in the ground

This method also has a right to exist and is simple. You can sow seeds in early spring (April-May) or in late autumn, which is called before winter. Prepare the soil in advance, in the manner already mentioned above. Then make accurate grooves at a distance of 10-15 cm, a depth of 4-5 cm. Spill them properly with water. Do not press the seeds in, just spread them out in an even layer and sprinkle a small amount of soil on top. When shoots appear, they must be thinned out, leave a distance between plants of 5-8 cm.

Basic Flax Care

If you want what is called a plant to plant and forget, then choose large-flowered flax (Rubrum). Growing seeds from seedlings or immediately in the soil will not cause difficulties, and care is even easier.

  • Choose light soils without stagnation of moisture and cold drafts.
  • The plant is resistant to heat, so additional watering is required only in the case of extremely dry summers.
  • During the season, do 2-3 dressings with complex mineral fertilizers, and the plant will delight you with magnificent flowering.
  • The flower beds where flax grows need to be weeded, like any others.
  • After rain and watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil so that a crust does not form, especially on heavy soils.

What other plants for the "lazy" can be planted in the garden?

flax large-flowered seed cultivation at home

There is not always time to care for the garden and flower beds, but everyone wants to have their own fragrant corner on the site. Someone will say that this does not happen, and any plant requires attention. Of course, this is so, but the degree of care and its thoroughness are different. If you rarely visit the country, then not only large-flowered flax will suit you. Growing from the seeds of some other species will also come in handy. Pay attention to openwork gypsophila. A perennial plant will cover the earth with an even carpet. You can also use the annual analogue - elegant gypsophila, it grows rapidly and blooms lushly.

Simple and charming at the same time, our traditional cornflower. Now many varieties are bred, not only with a blue color, but also white, pink, purple. In addition, the plant will delight you with a double wave of flowering - June and September.

flax large-flowered seed cultivation

We recommend choosing fragrant Iberis or Mattiola, flax flax, alissum, which weaves everything with an even cloth, calendula (not only nice, but also useful), nasturtium for both horizontal and vertical gardening, and morning glory for the plot.

If you need an easy-to-care, but effective and unusual plant, turn your eyes to the bright and cheerful flax large-flowered. Growing from seeds at home will help you get high-quality seedlings and plants that have grown stronger by the time of planting.


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