Biography of Khachaturian Aram Ilyich. Details A photo

Personality never fits into the proposed framework. A great example of this is the biography of Aram Ilyich Khachaturian. Khachaturian wanted to know the whole world. Queen Elizabeth of Belgium accepted the son of the bookbinder, he was greeted by the revolutionary Che Guevara, the idol of intellectuals Ernest Hemingway met him - and this was all due to his extraordinary gift of the composer, whose music conquers from the first measures.

Khachaturian biography


Aram Khachaturian was born in a village near Tiflis in 1903, and grew up in this noisy and cheerful city, filled with folk music of Armenian, Georgian and Russian musicians. From childhood, he spoke three languages. At home - in Armenian, in the yard - in Georgian, at school - in Russian. And it was normal, completely natural. No one was confined to the narrow confines of nationality, and Aram was open to all trends. He listened to my mother singing Armenian folk songs, Georgian polyphony sounded on the street, the sounds of Russian romances came from the parks. In such an atmosphere, the child wanted to sing and play himself.

Khachaturian biography for children
What happiness was when, on occasion, they bought him a piano with falling keys! Aram on it quickly learned to select all the melodies by ear, and also to improvise a little. So began the creative biography of Khachaturian.

In Moscow

At home, he did not approve of his craving for music and was sent to his brother Suren at the age of nineteen in the capital. There Aram entered Moscow University at the Faculty of Biology. But the very atmosphere of the capital - a musical and cultural center where one could attend symphony concerts, listen to operas, attend V. Mayakovsky's performances, did not have Aram to engage in biology classes. He was irresistibly drawn to music. And his brother's friends advised him to pay serious attention to her. Therefore, not knowing the musical notation, the brave young man went to audition at the Gnesinsky school. Teachers were struck by hearing, musical memory, a sense of rhythm and inability to play any of the musical instruments. But Aram still accepted, not deciding to start, which faculty. It was the talent that determined how the biography of Khachaturian will develop.

Study in two places

Aram was torn to pieces.

biography of Khachaturian Aram Ilyich Khachaturian
He wanted to please his father and mother, and he did not leave the university, and he was sent to school to study in the cello class - a completely new thing, and in all theoretical disciplines it was urgent to catch up with fellow students who studied them since childhood.

He didn’t have enough money, he earned money by unloading, then tutoring, he taught music in kindergarten. Communication with young children brought Aram great pleasure. At the same time, he began to compose, so vividly, that his plays could be allowed to be played by professionals.


From 1929 to 1934, Aram Ilyich studied composition under the direction of M.F. Gnesin, and then - N. Ya. Myaskovsky. The path in life for him was determined - the composition of musical works: in his student days there were suites, toccats, concerts. The trio for clarinet and violin was highly praised by S. Prokofiev and took him to France. It was first performed in Paris. This is how the biography of Khachaturian developed in his student years.

Marriage and personal life

In 1933, the wedding of Aram and his classmate, the future composer Nina Vladimirovna Makarova, took place. It was a happy union in which the son of Karen was born. A complete understanding of each other and absolute harmony reigned in the family.

Khachaturian biography briefly for children
In the same thirty-third year, a festive and colorful “Dance Suite” was performed for the symphony orchestra. The end of the conservatory was marked by the composition of the First Symphony, which sounded under its arches. It was the creative maturity of the composer who turned 32 years old.

Years of war

Before the war, Aram Khachaturian wrote the ballet Happiness. The libretto was not very successful, so later in the cold Perm he created a new work, “Gayane.” By this time, Aram Khachaturian was a recognized composer. For his music for the drama Masquerade and the comedy Valencian Widow, he was awarded the Order of Lenin. The ballet "Gayane" was staged by the Kirov Theater in 1942.

Khachaturian biography photo
In the 42nd year, Aram Ilyich composed the Second, “Military” symphony, and also completed the violin concert, the first performer of which was David Oistrakh. In 1944, he created the national anthem of Armenia. He came to Yerevan in the summer, the windows in the apartment were open, and people gathered under the windows to sing along to the melody they heard under the sounds of the anthem.

In 1945, the composer, in the wake of popular joy and enthusiasm, created the Third Excited “Victory” Symphony. He recalled how hungry musicians - he, Shostakovich and Oistrakh - gave a concert, for which they were treated to lunch. And such a moment was absorbed by the biography of Khachaturian.

The fight against formalism in music

After the war, Stalin began to fight cosmopolitanism. All genres of art got it hard. Aram Ilyich, who defended S. Prokofiev, was accused of formalism. The accusation was absurd, as the maestro's music was based on folk tunes that evoked the composer's imagination. But he was removed from his post in the Union of Composers, and then Aram Ilyich enthusiastically began a great creative activity. By 1954, he completed work on the ballet Spartak, and its premiere took place two years later in Leningrad. But full-scale ballet was staged only in 1968 on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.

biography of the great composer Khachaturian Aram
With him went on tour abroad, as with "Gayane", and "Saber Dance" turned into an independent number.

Work with theater and cinema

For theatrical productions, as mentioned, Aram Ilyich wrote music. On his account twenty dramatic productions and twenty-five films. He later reworked some of the pieces into suites. These are “Masquerade”, “Lermontov”, “Macbeth”, “King Lear”, “Spartak”, “Gayane” and many others that are very popular.

Teaching and social activities

In the 60s, along with creative work, Aram Ilyich taught at the Moscow Conservatory and at the Institute named after Gnesins. He created new, developed by himself principles of composition. He studied with Andrey Eshpay, Alexei Rybnikov, Mikael Tariverdiev. And the list goes on. His extensive representative activity dates back to the same time, with which Khachaturian’s biography is closely connected. The photo below shows him with Queen Elizabeth of Belgium.

With the queen of belgium
He did not refuse foreign business trips and met with Charlie Chaplin, with Herbert von Karayan, even with the Pope. But he was upset that widespread social activity did not give him the opportunity to write an opera. The title of Hero of Socialist Labor was awarded to him for his services to the 70th anniversary in 1973. Aram Ilyich was an honorary member of the Italian Academy of Music, professor at the Mexican Conservatory, a corresponding member of the Academy of Arts of the GDR.

Such a stressful life affected the composer's health, and he began to get sick often. The illness and death of his beloved wife in 1976 exacerbated his condition. And indeed, Aram Ilyich could not bear life without her. Two years later, in 1978, at 75, he was gone. The biography of the great composer Khachaturian Aram Ilyich in our presentation is over. His life is continued in music and in the works of his students.

Khachaturian biography briefly for children

At the beginning of the 20th century, in the noisy and hot Tiflis (now called Tbilisi), the fourth son, who was named Aram, was born into the family of the printer. No one knew that, since childhood, having heard folk songs that poured from all sides from all yards and streets, a little boy will learn to pick up any melody on a half-broken piano by ear and add something to it, and then he will go to Moscow and will study both as a biologist and as a musician. Those who study at a music school know how much time and effort must be applied to get a good mark, and only after a music school and school can you go, if possible, to the conservatory. But a very gifted young man was admitted to the Gnesinsky School, despite the fact that he did not know musical notation, and his hands were not set, and he could not play any musical instrument.

Aram Ilyich Khachaturian
A lot of Aram Ilyich Khachaturian had to comprehend. But he studied hard and composed music all the time. And when he graduated from the conservatory, his best composition was a waltz to Lermontov’s drama “Masquerade”. In the classroom at the music school, this, as they say, smash hit sounds, like "Saber Dance" from the ballet "Gayane".

The works of Aram Ilyich were played by our best performers who toured around the world. So his works were recognized not only at home, but also abroad. He was a welcome guest with the Queen of Belgium, Charlie Chaplin, Stravinsky, Sibelius, the Pope. This is how the biography of Khachaturian for children looks like.


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