What is the difference between a boa constrictor and a python? The main differences

Those who are interested in wildlife in general and snakes in particular, it will certainly be interesting to find out how boa constrictor differs from python. These snakes are often confused, but not only a narrow specialist - a serpentologist - can learn to distinguish them from each other. Despite the large number of common features, there are many well-defined differences.

Who is who

To begin with, we will deal with the classification. The boa constrictor and the python are relatives, but not so close. Both snakes belong to the squamous squad. The boa constrictor belongs to the Pseudopod family, and the python belongs to the Python family.

So, this is the first answer to the question of how python differs from boa constrictor: snakes belong to different families. The species diversity in both cases is quite large. Modern scientists have about 40 species of pythons and at least 60 species of boas, among which one of the largest snakes on the planet - anaconda.

boa description


In nature, these snakes do not occur. Pythons live mainly in the Old World: in Africa, in Indochina, on the Philippine Islands, in Australia and Indonesia. Boas mainly live in the New World - in Latin America. But there are exceptions: some species inhabit the islands of New Guinea, Madagascar and Fiji.

Habitat - answer No. 2 to the question of how the boa differs from the python. But here it should be remembered that, despite the different geography, the habitat of these snakes is similar. Both boas and pythons love to hide from human eyes in thickets and thickets; There are woody species (usually colored green) and earthy (brown, brown, pockmarked).

Eyes and teeth

The most obvious and noticeable difference between boa constrictor and python is the structure of the skull. The python has an under-eye bone, and its Latin American relative does not.

python eyes

Of course, not everyone who dares to look at the question of how a boa constitutes a python differs from looking into the mouth of a living snake. But one of the differences lies precisely there. If you find that the studied toothless snake, you can confidently say that you have a boa constrictor. All pythons have teeth on the maxillary bones, with which they can cling to the flesh. Among the family of pseudopods there are many species completely devoid of teeth, but there are also toothy ones.

Note that neither pythons nor boas can chew. Their teeth are just hooks with which they are held on the carcass of a captured animal. Representatives of both families do not chop food before swallowing, as a person does. Snakes simply open their mouth wider and put on an unfortunate victim.

Neither boas nor pythons have poisonous glands. Accordingly, poisonous teeth equipped with tubules for introducing a secret into the flesh are also missing.


Few people know, but some snakes in the process of evolution for some reason preserved the rudiments of the bones of the lower extremity belt. Boas and pythons are an example. But the similarities end on this fact, the structure of rudiments varies.

Male pythons retained the rudiments of the pelvic bones and tiny hook-like legs located on the sides of the anus. Of course, the limbs are not functional, even when climbing trees they are not used. Another sign that distinguishes a python from a boa constrictor is the preserved rudimentary bones in the hemipenis. With these processes, the male rubs the female during mating games.

reduced limbs python

The boa constrictor also has small rudimentary processes with bone remains located near the anus. They no longer look like claws like a python, but like dried paws. Attached to the beginnings of the pelvic bones. Unlike python, this symptom is found in boas of both sexes.


All pythons lay eggs covered with a non-rigid leathery shell. Cubs are born from eggs. Boas constrict eggs in the womb; during childbirth, females leave the fully formed living babies.

python differences

To summarize

So, we determined that the boa constrictor and the python have almost more similar features than differences: they can live on trees or on the ground, cannot chew, and have pelvic bone rudiments. But there are a number of differences.

Now you know the answer to the question of how python differs from boa constrictor, anaconda and other pseudopods.




The presence of eye bones



Presence of teeth on the maxillary bones




Egg laying

Live birth

Reduced bones of the lower limb belt

Pelvic bones, hook-shaped limbs on the sides of the anus, hemipenis bones

Pelvic bones, paws on the sides of the anus


Eastern Hemisphere

Western hemisphere

It should be noted that representatives of both types are protected by international funds. Many peoples use the meat of these snakes for food; the skin is of interest to the leather goods industry (python skin is to a greater extent). Due to the threat of extermination, measures are being taken to conserve the population in the wild.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F7427/

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